Mar 25, 2010 0:52:44 GMT -5
Post by Alex Coladonato on Mar 25, 2010 0:52:44 GMT -5
I am SOSOSO proud of both of you for making F2. If I could have chosen any F2, it would have been this one so I don't feel nearly as bad about getting completely screwed over now. I'll post a question by tomorrow, I don't have a good enough one yet.
Mar 25, 2010 18:13:27 GMT -5
Post by Alex Coladonato on Mar 25, 2010 18:13:27 GMT -5
Ok I didn't read any of the other questions but... Here's mine. For each round of the game, please explain A) Who you voted to evict B) Why you voted this way C) What you did (who you convinced / what arguments you used / etc) to ensure this person received the majority of the votes If you were HoH or a nominee in any given round, you can obviously just answer C
Mar 25, 2010 18:14:04 GMT -5
Post by Alex Coladonato on Mar 25, 2010 18:14:04 GMT -5
I'm basically asking this because obviously I was playing a different game for the first however many rounds and then I was on the block every week... so I probably don't know A LOT of what was really going on.
Mar 25, 2010 20:29:58 GMT -5
Post by Jason Guy on Mar 25, 2010 20:29:58 GMT -5
And THAT is why you don't deserve jury, ALEX. You were playing a DIFFERENT GAME. FIRST AND SECOND BOOTS HAVE NO PLACE IN THIS GAME!!!1
Mar 25, 2010 20:37:23 GMT -5
Post by Sarah Hrejsa on Mar 25, 2010 20:37:23 GMT -5
And THAT is why you don't deserve jury, ALEX. You were playing a DIFFERENT GAME. FIRST AND SECOND BOOTS HAVE NO PLACE IN THIS GAME!!!1 X
Mar 25, 2010 20:50:32 GMT -5
Post by Jun Song on Mar 25, 2010 20:50:32 GMT -5
I would X, but Sarah ruined red X's for me for life. They now have diseases on them.
Mar 26, 2010 18:22:04 GMT -5
Post by Alex Coladonato on Mar 26, 2010 18:22:04 GMT -5
Um I don't care if you think I deserve jury. I still have to vote for someone.
Mar 26, 2010 22:40:07 GMT -5
Post by Sarah Hrejsa on Mar 26, 2010 22:40:07 GMT -5
I think you should chill out. I was just being sarcastic back to Jason.
Mar 27, 2010 0:44:08 GMT -5
Post by Alex Coladonato on Mar 27, 2010 0:44:08 GMT -5
Sorry but your huge red X didn't have sarcasm on it. And I really don't know why you think I wasn't "chilled out".
Mar 28, 2010 0:20:32 GMT -5
Post by Eddie McGee on Mar 28, 2010 0:20:32 GMT -5
Ok I didn't read any of the other questions but... Here's mine. For each round of the game, please explain A) Who you voted to evict B) Why you voted this way C) What you did (who you convinced / what arguments you used / etc) to ensure this person received the majority of the votes If you were HoH or a nominee in any given round, you can obviously just answer C Round 1 A) Nathan B) Though I still had no beef with Nathan at that point, I was much closer to Jessica C) I tried to make sure everyone was on the same page about the "Season 1 alliance" in our "Season 1 alliance" Round 2 A) Chelsia B) I thought Rachel, who Chelsia was up against, would be much better in competitions and I knew I could benefit from either one of them winning a few. C) I explained to anyone that I felt was definitely against Sheila that Rachel is our best line of defense against Sheila. Round 3 DAVE QUIT Round 4 C) Was nominated against Natalie. Just made sure that I had all my votes were in order. I had Rachel as a given, Jason since Natalie was like his arch nemesis, Roddy and Lydia, and had a pretty good relationship with everyone else at that point still except Sheila who was HOH. Round 5 (1st Double Eviction Week) A) Rachel and James B) I voted out Rachel over Jun because Rachel was a big hassle to protect and the only reason I was bothering was because I thought she'd be good at competitions and she just wasn't pulling through. I voted out James because I knew I could trust Will a lot more. My main priority was getting rid of Sheila and that was going to get done with Will, not James. C) Talked to my allies and friends about the vote...pretty much just knew it'd go down the way I was expecting it to. Round 6 A) Sheila B) Sheila just blazed through Season 2 and made it to the end. I was only ever going to pull through with my social game if I sent her out. C) Reminded everyone that they are mentally deranged if they keep Sheila in this game. Round 7 (2nd Double Eviction Week) A) Jason and Josh B) Jason because he was up next to a Hell's Angel (Lydia). Josh had to go because for very many reasons I wanted to keep you. C) The Jason vote didn't even need pushing, he was just fucked. For the Josh vote I pulled in Hell's Angels and convinced them to keep you. With Jun handcuffed to you it was going to be enough. Round 8 C) Was dethroned HOH. Didn't really want to see you stay because I was more loyal to Lydia. Basically the votes were against you to start out with and that's it. Round 9 C) Was nominated against Jun. I knew since at least the round before that people were perceiving Jun and I as being a pair...it was only a matter of time before we were nominated. I threw Jun under the bus the round before to Will and Sarah. When the inevitable happened, I reminded Will and Sarah how full of shit Jun is and they kept me. Roddy and Lydia were obviously voting for me to stay so I had four votes against Jun's one. Round 10 A) Nathan B) Nathan was a bigger antagonizing competition threat than Renny for me and my alliance. C) Reminded Roddy and Lydia that we might not get another chance to vote out Nathan. Round 11 A) Renny B) Voting out Renny was the only possible way I could have NOT voted out Roddy without looking suspicious in front of the people outside my alliance. That and I perceived Renny as better in certain types of competitions than Will. C) I didn't need to convince anyone. Sarah was going to vote out Roddy and I could make it a tie against Will or Renny that Lydia would have to break. Round 12 A) Will B) I viewed Will as a much bigger threat than Sarah (who I used the veto on) and I wasn't going to backstab Lydia. C) Again convincing time was over. Sarah was going to vote out Lydia, I was going to break it, and Roddy was going to send Will home. Round 13 A) Lydia B) On both a personal and strategic level I wanted Roddy to stay in the game. I had no choice but to vote out Lydia. C) I was the only vote. Round 14 C) Roddy won the final HOH. How did I get him to keep me? I was loyal to him all game.
Mar 28, 2010 15:08:06 GMT -5
Post by Roddy Mancuso on Mar 28, 2010 15:08:06 GMT -5
Round 1 A) Nathan B) Jessica and I hit it off right off the bat, and I would have voted to keep her over most of the house. Nathan and I got along decently, but he seemed like a bigger threat and we were nowhere as close as Jess and I were. C) Wasn't really willing to stick my neck out TOO far on this one because I felt like an outsider, but I did my best to convince Jason that Nathan was more of a long term threat to his game and that I would be able to control Jess if necessry. I think failed in getting Jason’s vote because it was a lost cause from the start and I just didn’t realize him and Nathan were that close.
Round 2 A) Chelsia B) I got along very well with Rachel, but had literally nothing at all with Chelsia. Again, an easy decision for me. C) Tried to emphasize Rachel's abilities to win challenges (i.e. immunity) to the other sinners. Tried to emphasize that she might be able to take down Big She.
Round 3 No vote this round.
Round 4 A) Natalie B) Eddie and I were tight by this point and he was a member of Hell’s Angels. I knew that Natalie would repeat shit I told her without batting an eye and that I could not trust her. This is the first of many instances in which a Hell’s Angels member was placed against someone else and my decision became very easy that week. C) There really wasn't much risk of Eddie leaving this week. By the time that Eddie was on the block, Natalie's fate was basically sealed because Jun had taken the time to lock down the votes before she used the veto on Rachel. But I did make a point to bitch about Natalie’s untrustworthy actions whenever I got the chance.
Round 5 A) James and Rachel B) James had already nominated me once, and I fully expected him to fuck me over at every chance he got down the line. Will was someone I was considering working with down the line, and I did not realize yet that he was much of a threat. Rachel is someone who I got along with on a personal level, but couldn't afford to bring any further into the game. She just wasn't pulling through as an ally, and after Jun won veto I had a false hope that maybe Jun would start winning stuff. C) I was kind of unconcerned about the Rachel/Jun vote – I focused my attention on the James vote. At this point, I thought that Jun, Rachel and Will were together, so I figured he had 2 votes for sure. Since Hell’s Angels was keeping Will, we needed one more. I approached Jason with a deal that I would evict Rachel if he was willing to evict James. He agreed, and ended up following through this time. At that point, the votes were locked up, but it ended up being kind of inconsequential because it was a 10-1 vote anyways.
Round 6 A) Sheila B) Sheila was a huge threat in this game, and we basically had no line of communication. She had already nominated me once in this game, and I didn't want to give her the opportunity to do it again. C) The votes for this decision were locked up by the time that Sheila was on the block - I had already promised Will that I would vote out Sheila in order to make sure he felt confident enough to go through with the move. I also made sure to win the double vote at the auction veto to ensure it didn't fall into the hands of someone who would keep her. I was not that nervous about this vote because people would have been crazy not to take this opportunity.
Round 7 A) Jason and Josh B) Jason was up against Lydia, so it was a pretty easy decision for me. I voted to evict Josh because he was someone I could see sliding through the next few round unnoticed - Alex was the in the crosshairs of most of the house. C) Jason's game was pretty much expired by this point - Lydia was never in danger. And if she was, people would never be willing to talk to me about it, so there wasn't much for me to do here. Alex already had Jun's vote locked up from the handcuffs, and Josh had a penalty vote, so the deal was sealed by the time that Hell Angel’s decided we were keeping him. I basically just tried to voice my support for keeping Alex to Lydia and Eddie whenever it came up.
Round 8 A) Alex B) Voting to keep you over Lydia would have been a very stupid decision for me. C) First off, I don’t think you were very likely to stay this round no matter what happened. But even if people were wavering, this was another instance where they would be unwilling to speak to me about it. I just had to hope that at least 1 of the three votes we needed in addition to mind and Eddie’s would pull through.
Round 9 A) Jun B) A Hell’s Angel member was on the block against Jun, someone who was loyal to no one. C) Made sure to let Sarah and Will know that I would be voting to evict Jun, and that the three of us were enough to get the job done. That said, I think they were on board anyways.
Round 10 A) Nathan B) Nathan had won three competitions in a row, and was someone I thought was far more likely to win it all than Renny. Also, the votes would not have been there to evict Renny because I don’t think I could have got Eddie to flip, so the votes never would have been there to keep Renny. C) Honestly, the Nathan vote was 100% locked in place by the time that Will won HoH this round. I just went with the flow.
Round 11 C) This was the week I was ambushed. Thanks to Nathan, I knew about the ambush in advance and was able to plan accordingly. Up until this point, Hell’s Angels had kind of just been a final 3 pact. On an unofficial level, I was pretty sure that Eddie and I would take each other to the end, but there was no proof of that. I knew Eddie was a smart player and was worried he probably wouldn’t want to just walk into a f3 with Lydia and I unless I gave him a reason to, so I decided to solidify the final 2 with Eddie at this point. This week would be an easy week to drop me if he was ever going to turn on Hells Angels, but having both Lydia and Eddie 100% on my side ensured that I was safe this week.
I also tried to push for Will to leave this week over Renny, by talking to Eddie for a very long time about how Will was more likely to win the end challenges, and how his game was respected by the jury. But it wasn't gonna happen, and it wasn't THAT big a deal to me.
Round 12 A) Will B) Will was the person I thought to be the most threatening in the game – I really thought he might be able to sneak into the finals with an HoH streak or something, and I thought his gameplay was very impressive. C) At this point, there wasn't much convincing to be had. Eddie was a vote securely against Will and I was the tiebreaker.
Round 13 C) Once Sarah made became the HoH and it was clear she would not be the deciding vote, there was very little I had to do to survive. Both Lydia and Eddie would have voted to take me to the final 3, so this week was kind of a freeby. But I still did try my hardest at both challenges to show Eddie my head was still in the game.
Round 14 A) Sarah B) I feel like I have explained this decision a million times lol, but I kept Eddie because of the fact that we had played this game the whole way through, and that is important to me as a player. Not to mention, after saving me the last two times I was on the block, I would have had a VERY bitter juror in Eddie if I was the one who sent him there. C) I was the only vote.
Mar 28, 2010 23:55:13 GMT -5
Post by Alex Coladonato on Mar 28, 2010 23:55:13 GMT -5
Ok thanks guys.