I think for me it would have to be how I pulled in Nathan in the f9 and f8 weeks.
Up until around final 9 or so, Nathan and I were pretty distant. I mean, we got along well, and we knew that we weren’t really gunning from each other (every now and then we would kind of ‘check in’ with each other about that lol) but there was nothing significant there. We were peripheral but I believe there was a mutual understanding that we could work with each other down the line.
But when final 9 came around, I was realizing something had to change. I didn’t feel that I had enough going with him for him to seriously consider taking me into his endgame, and I was really concerned about how much he knew - I was pretty sure that he was on to Hell’s Angels. In the mini-bb he was the only person who voted for Lydia to win the HoH, so I was sure it would have stuck out to him as odd that I had voted for Eddie to win. Combine that with the fact that I am a paranoid player, and that Nathan is clearly a smart guy, and you had me panicking.
That week was the week where Eddie put Lydia up as a smokescreen. When she went up, I made up a lie. The lie was that Eddie had guaranteed Lydia and I safety in exchange my mini-jury vote, and that I was pissed off about Lydia's nomination – not a huge lie, but it plausibly explains the vote, and small lies are the easiest to sell. I think I was I successful at selling it to Nathan and Renny (although it would not surprise me at all to find out they had their doubts).
Anyways, it paid off – it kind of gave me a reason to start talking with Nathan more, and throughout that week I did my best to start working him over. I did this by bringing up how we had mutual evicted allies that had recommended to me that we team up (this was true), engaging in a little Eddie bashing (I was lying through my teeth here), and trying not to miss any opportunity provided to mention the threat posed to both of us by the Pandora’s powers (my biggest priority of the game at the time).
In the final 8 week, I pushed for a final 4 deal with him/Renny/Lydia/myself – I am not really clear if Renny was ever on board, but Nathan agreed to keeping me and Lydia safe. It was not a deal I intended on keeping until the end (Hell’s Angels was still top priority), but made I it for a few reasons. First, I was trying to secure safety for both myself and Lyd. Second, I did actually want to work with Nathan somewhat, and would have worked with him for at least a little while. Third, I was hoping that it would lay any of his suspicions about Eddie and us being together to rest. And finally, I was concerned about the possibility of Eddie leaving that week - I needed something to fall back on if that happened.
I think there was a very good chance Hell’s Angels would have been nominated together had I not made this play – Lydia’s nickname at the time was ‘the Perfect Pawn’. And had I not indicated that I wanted to work with him, I think that Nathan might have considered flushing out Will’s power (resulting in Lydia or myself seeing the block alongside Eddie).
It also paid off as Nathan was leaving the game. On his way out, Nathan informed me of exactly what Will’s power was, and the mechanics of the ambush. This was the first time that Hell’s Angel had any inkling as to what Will’s power actually did. As a result, we were able to plan accordingly.
I know this isn't the flashiest of moves, but I think flashy moves are overrated in BB. I picked this one because it not only kept me safe, but also left me an escape route should Eddie have left that week. I think it also shows that I wasn't solely dependent on Hell's Angels to get by, even though I ended up sticking with them from beginning to end.
Sarah – Keesha (BB10)Keesha was a player who was loyal to her allies, and was able to win a competition. The biggest faults in her game is that she made emotional decisions and was manipulated by the men of the house. Not to mention, Keesha despised the other women in the house, and we all know Sarah’s thoughts about Lydia and Jessica…
Lydia – Lisa (BB3)I don’t really think there is a better fit. Lisa played a very solid UTRP game and ended up winning. She made her way to the end without stepping on too many toes, and most definitely had a good head on her shoulders. Lisa was also pretty damn loyal, and that is a huge characteristic of Lydia.
Will – Michele (BB11)Michele was a quiet and reserved player most of the time, but you could tell her head was always in the game. She won a decent amount of competitions, and was a player who could have won if she made her way to the finals. She also came across as very bitter in her jury questions. The similarities are obvious.
Renny – Amy (BB3)I hope you take this as a compliment because Amy is seriously my second fav houseguest of all time. She was a cougar of the most epic magnitude, and she knew how to appreciate a stiff drink. She also kept things light for the most part, but could summon her inner diva when necessary.
Nathan – Memphis (BB10)LOL @ Eddie and I picking the same player. I picked Memphis because he is a calm and rational player that had a keen understanding of the game. Oh, and he could be the posterboy for the MOR edgic rating, lol.
Jun – Michelle (BB10)If there is one thing that sticks out to me about Michelle, it is her hair. l am pretty sure it had a life of its own. Much like Jun’s weave. Michelle was also very overconfident about her own game play. After she was evicted, she went on and on about how stupid of a move it was for Dan to get rid of her while at the same time spouting out what a threat she was and how if she made it through the round she would have been a lock for f2. Blah Blah. Blah. Sounds a lot like Jun to me.
Alex – Jen Johnson (BB8)Alex may not have been the comp.goddess that Jen Johnson was, but he was a survivor. Jen was someone who was targeted by the entire house for basically no reason time and time again, but was able to slide by week after week. Alex was basically in the same situation. He never got a week off from Warzone, starting from his stay in the WZ3 house, and ending with Renny’s poor decision to nominate him with her coup.
Josh – Josh (BB9)So I was thinking of who you could possibly be, but I realized that you already are the character that you best fit. Josh was a decent social player with a good head on his shoulders. After getting to know you, I think this is true of you as well. But like Josh, you had a bit of a temper that could cause you to lose sight of things – I wont lie, I never saw it reveal itself in this game, but it definitely did present itself in WZ1.
Jason - Natalie (BB5)Natalie was the slightly less prominent twin from BB5’s twist. Here are a few characteristics about her. She was able to win a comp. She was part of the most obvious pairing in the show’s history. She left early jury. But most importantly, she was one of the most vocal Christians that the show has ever had.
18. Dave
Can’t fairly rank him. He had to leave for personal reasons.
17. Chelsia
The season’s most inactive member despite being a huge personality.
16. Jessica
Yes she may have been evicted first, but she almost squeaked through and was able to bring the vote to a tie. Not an easy task.
15. Rachel
An all star with amazing potential but not enough drive – her heart just wasn’t in it this time. She did accomplish a decent amount by surviving the block twice though.
14. Sheila
If you are gonna play a comp-oriented game, you need to realize that your ass is always on the line. She did win a fair amount of comps during her stay here, but going for the prizes in that auction veto was a big mistake. Plus I think the social/strategic gameplay was lacking, but that could have just been because we were distant.
13. Natalie
I don’t think Natalie’s gameplay was exceptional, but it was better than warranting the position she ended up with in the game. We will never know exactly how well she would have done if Dave didn’t have to leave for personal reasons, keeping her target safe, but I think she was spread a bit too thin to really go far.
12. James
Although we had our differences, I actually don’t think James’ game was that bad. He was screwed over by relationships that were established in a separate game (MGAS) – in other words, he was the victim of an emotional decision. I now kinda consider evicting James to possibly have been a mistake on my part because of the threat that Will turned out to be down the line. But I can’t give him too much credit because if he hadn’t declared his vendetta towards me, I really would not have been gunning for him at all.
11. Josh
I feel like Never really got to see you play. I like you, and think you had potential to do well, but I don't have very much to go on here.
10. Renny
Won a lot of comps, earned herself a power, and was a much bigger character than last time. But missing a week loses her some points, and I also feel like she made a lot of mistakes when she was in a position of power (especially with the coup).
9. Jun – I am sure that she thinks she deserves #1 on this list, but everything she has spoken to me about post game has indicated she didn’t really have the best idea of what was really going on in the house. I also disagree with her assertion that she was guaranteed final 3 if she broke final 7, although I can admit that she had a decent chance of making it far. Ultimately, I think she self destructed though so I can't rank her any higher.
8. Will
I would have ranked him higher if we were only looking at F6 and earlier – in fact he prolly would have been top 6 if I ignored his eviction. But I think his blunder at final 5 is simply too significant. He threw veto that he definitely could have won to a person that never had any intention of keeping him.
7. Alex – Truly a victim of a raw deal – I think he might be victim of a WZ curse or something. The only week where I have seen him NOT be on the block (in both seasons) is when he literally put together a Whitney Houston music video in order to stay off. Yet he was able to slide by time and again, and that is impressive to me. Can't put him higher though because I never really got to see him step it up.
6. Jason – I have mixed opinions on Jason's game play. On the plus side, he was able to win competitions, and he had strong connections to powerful players. He knew how to lie, and was able to pull off a blindside the first week. But he tied himself too closely to Sheila for his own good.
5. Sarah – Sarah was probably the season’s biggest underdog. She got herself into a hot pickle at f4 and was able to pull through - she came very close to making the finals. However, I think that she made a poor decision with the use of her power by eliminating Nathan who was not after her, instead of me or Lydia who wanted her gone by that point.
4. Lydia – I think Lydia played a great UTR game - she was the winner of a season, but she was able to survive the nomination block 4 times before she was finally evicted at final 4. The main thing that I would fault Lydia for is that I think she was a little too passive this time around.
3. Nathan – Like I said in Will's question, I truly feel like Nathan’s eviction resulted solely from poor judgement on Sarah’s part. Other than that, I feel like he was well on his way to win this thing, or at least make final 4. Probably the most well rounded player this season.
2. Eddie – Eddie played a very strong game, I mean, he is sitting in final 2 beside me. IMO Making the final 2 is enough reason to be the top two in this kind of thing - it means that neither of us ever made a big enough blunder to get ourselves evicted. He is number 2 basically because I feel I played better...
1. Roddy- Surprise… I ranked myself first! I do feel I deserve it though. I had a good feel for house dynamics, was able to form strong relationships with people, and was the best player at keeping myself out of danger.
Jason – Angel/ArchangelThis guy exemplifies Jason for 3 reasons.
1. The obvious Christian undrtones of the character.
2. He was one of the original 5 Xmen – this seems fitting for the series’ first runner up.
3. In the story, Angel is transformed by an omnipotent force of evil called Apocalypse into an Angel of Death. This fits perfectly with his shift from sainthood to sinnership.
Josh - IcemanIceman was an original X Men, which is fitting for WZ’s first ever evictee. He was known for being a bit of a jokester/prankster, and definitely didn't take things too seriously. From what I saw of you in Warzone Allstars, this appears to be a good fit.
Alex - GambitGambit was a suave X-Men with a shady past. This fits perfectly for Alex, because for some unknown reason, Alex was constantly targeted throughout both his stays in Warzone. Gambit also had a romance with Rogue, but when it became clear that banging would send Gambit into a coma, things kinda hit the rocks – this also seems to fit pretty nicely with the Warzone story, because at the beginning of WZ3, Renny and Alex were originally thought to be a pair. But by the end of WZAS, it was Renny who ended Alex’s stay in the house.
Jun – MystiqueMystique’s ability to shape change allowed her be a force of chaos with the X Men. She constantly lied and manipulated, instead of launching direct attacks. Unfortunately, despite getting away with a lot, she often overplayed her hand causing her to get caught. Jun tried to work every angle of this game, so it seems like it fits.
Nathan - CyclopsX-Men’s straight shooter (in a literal and figurative sense). I compared Nathan to Cyclops because I think Nathan was a pretty straightup guy, and clearly I was not the only one because he was voted 'Most Trustworthy'. And it just fits too perfectly considering who Wolverine is on this list.
Renny - RogueRogue is probably the most impulsive of the X-Men, and I feel like out of everybody in the house, Renny was the one who most frequently made decisions with her gut. Rogues power is that she drains the life-force and powers of anyone she touches, which I think is fitting for Renny considering that a huge part of her game was eliminating anyone she had contact with in MGAS.
Will – NightcrawlerNightcrawler was the type of hero to lurk in the shadows and strike when the moment was right. Will was the same way – he maintained relationships with people right until the moment he backdoored them. Also, Nightcrawler's power is teleportation, which is great for setting up an ambush.
Lydia – Kitty Pryde Kitty Pryde is probably the sweetest XMen ever. I don’t remember tons about her except that basically all the XMen liked her and she was usually free of the drama. Her ability to walk through walls is similar to Lydia’s ability to slide through each time she was nominated until final 4.
Sarah – Jean Gray/PhoenixJean Gray was X Men’s token ‘nice girl’, but I always thought she was a bit of a bitch in the way she played Wolvie and Cyclops against each other. Sarah knows how to come off as a nice person, but also proved to me that she could channel her inner-bitch when she felt she needed to in this game. Also, Phoenix was one of the most powerful x-men in the series, and Sarah was definitely able to attain a lot of power in this game. She got 3 HoHs, 2 Vetoes, a PoW power and a love potion.
Eddie – WolverineWolverine had a pretty gruff personality and was usually the center of attention of the X-Men, so who better to pick for Eddie? Wolverine is known as the lone wolf and is renowned for his fighting abilities. We got to see Eddie get into fights on the boards a few times. Oh, and most importantly, Wolverine is also known for his fucked up love triangle with Cyclops and Phoenix.
Roddy – BeastI picked Beast for myself because he is a rational thinker and stayed relatively out of the X Men drama (I mean seriously, how could there really be any type of love story surrounding a giant blue hairy creature?). Beast’s agility made him good at getting out of tight squeezes, which I think relates to my ability to keep myself out of danger throughout the vast majority of this game.
Sarah – Using her POW power to take out Nathan instead of me.
Lydia – Getting complacent about things towards the end.
Will – Throwing veto to Eddie when he desperately needed to win.
Renny - Drunkenly using her coup in a way that didn't benefit her.
Nathan – Trusting Sarah enough to help her get the power she would eventually use against him.
Jun – Being too blatant about how she was playing all sides.
Alex – No major blunders come to mind, I think he was the victim of illogical nominations. But, if I had to pick something, it would be that he didn't win when he needed to keep himself out of danger.
Josh – See Alex. Basically the two of you needed to play a bit more aggressive upon entering the house because the original 16 were unwilling to let you guys just slide by.
Jason – Tying himself too closely to Sheila.
Sheila – Assuming that she was safe during Will’s HoH and as a result, not going all out for the veto.
Rachel – Missing weekends at a time - some of which were when she was nominated. Made her seem like an undependable ally.
James – Being too obvious when he was being fake with people - everyone knew they couldn't trust him.
Natalie – Too all over the map, I could never trust her because I was afraid she was gonna run around the house spouting out everything I said to her.
Dave – Ummm, real life stuff? I dunno he doesn’t really count I don’t think because he left cuz of out of game stuff.
Chelsia – Inactivity. I never got to see her game.
Jessica - Her interactions with Will - I am not exactly clear on the specifics of them because it was the first eviction, but I don't think Jessica really tried to get Will's support - which she needed for a tiebreaking scenario.