Convo with Eddie and Roddy after VetoKatylady3209: congrats eddie! i hope you can do the same in hoh next week and beat Sarah, lol.
"Eddie": thanks Lydia
"Eddie": I have to evict a Hell's Angel
"Eddie": this sucks so bad
Katylady3209: i know. we were one point away from making our goal
Katylady3209: after a near perfect game
Katylady3209: 1 point
Katylady3209: lol
Katylady3209: its alright. if i am the one to go, i do not hold any grudges. you have a tough decision ahead of you. but you deserve F3. so be happy
"Eddie" is available (10:12:40 PM)
Katylady3209: sorry my internet went down. did you say anything?
"Eddie": not really
"Eddie": I'm just feeling weird about being in this situation
"Eddie": I'm not going to BS you
"Eddie": I'm pretty sure I'm going to keep Roddy
Katylady3209: thats fine - i told Roddy you would keep him - i was gone so i have been alittle out of the loop. i honestly never expected it anyways, so if you evict me, there is no hard feelings
"Eddie": he's better at the comps a bit and I need the firepower against Sarah
"Eddie": I still LOVE YOU Lyd
"Eddie": I really wish Sarah was out now
Katylady3209: whatev! i could kick roddys butt anyday
Katylady3209: dont underestimate a girl
Katylady3209: sarah pulled through lol
"Eddie": hahaha yeah
"Eddie": regretably
"Eddie": but she only gets one lucky break
Katylady3209: it kinda makes me sick that she will get farther than me, but if there was anybody i would go out against, it would be you or roddy, so i am ok with that. it sucks, but what can you do?
"Eddie": I know
"Eddie": you would have evicted me for sure right?
"Eddie": it was just a mess, but I'm so glad we could work togather far enough to get into this mess togather
Katylady3209: oh yeah for sure....
Katylady3209: this just sucks
Katylady3209: Post the decision now - i want to get this over with
Katylady3209: im ready for my excecution
"Eddie": I need to leave soon
Katylady3209: UGH
"Eddie": but I can post
"Eddie": I just can't make a big speech out of it
"Eddie": and idk what I want to do
"Eddie": on one hand I want to give you a proper Hell's Angel sendoff
"Eddie": on the other hand
"Eddie": I'm wondering If Roddy
"Eddie": can convince Sarah he'd take her to f2
"Eddie": and we can weaken her somewhat in f3
"Eddie": idk what to do about the speech
Katylady3209: I guess i do want a Hells Angels sendoff, and TO MAKE SURE THAT SARAH KNOWS THAT ITS 2 vs 1
Katylady3209: that bitch needs to go down
Katylady3209: I want to reveal it ALL at my eviction
"Eddie": k
"Eddie": then I'll have to wait until tomorrow
Katylady3209: ok thats fine
Katylady3209: it will give me time to do my DR
Katylady3209: for the week
Katylady3209: but honestly if i am evicted, I STILL LOVE YOU
Katylady3209: HELLS ANGELS FTW!!!!!!!!!!!1
"Eddie": AWWWWW
"Eddie": <3 YOU
"Eddie": don't tell Sarah anything by the way
"Eddie": not that I think you're talking to Sarah
"Eddie": lol!
Katylady3209: she is just started speaking to me
"Eddie": she thinks Roddy is leaving
Katylady3209: arent you revealing everything at the veto?
Katylady3209: oh ok
"Eddie": because "we agreed to take out the bigger threat"
"Eddie": (in comps)
Katylady3209: Whatever, i still rock at comps. ask Dave, lol
Katylady3209: but thats funny now she is kissing my ass
"Eddie": she wants f2 with you
"Eddie": you don't have to waste your time with her if you don't want to
Katylady3209: she told you that?
"Eddie": no she didn't tell me she wants f2
"Eddie": but she has an f2 with me
"Eddie": so she probably thinks she needs one with you
"Eddie": and just cover all her bases
Katylady3209: OMG
"Eddie": what?
"Eddie" is available (2:45:50 AM)
"Eddie": or did you just hear something
Katylady3209: me and her are fighting
"Eddie": LMAO
Katylady3209: she is claiming that i was serious
Katylady3209: in calling her a bitch'
Katylady3209: in the nom thread
Katylady3209: and i am like "umm i was joking"
"Eddie": LMAO!!!!
Katylady3209: you knew i was joking right?
"Eddie": Sarah got pissed because I told her that if she backstabbed me I'd "be bitter"
"Eddie": as a complete joke
"Eddie": like I even said it in all fake caps as a joke
"Eddie": and overdramatic
"Eddie": and she BITCHED at me for a day
"Eddie": well thirty minutes
"Eddie": like "don't threaten me with jury votes" blah de blah
"Eddie": its in my DR you'll see
"Eddie": don't tell her that
"Eddie": (tonight)
"Eddie" is available (2:15:23 AM)
Katylady3209: heyyy
"Eddie": hey what's up!
Katylady3209: umm thinking about doing a DR before i head to bed
Katylady3209: whats up with you?
"Eddie": napping soon
"Eddie": it's 4AM
"Eddie": lol!
Katylady3209: LOL
Katylady3209: nice. hows your speech going?
"Eddie": didn't write it yet
"Eddie": will write it tomorrow
"Eddie": idk how to do this speech
"Eddie": I'm thinking
Katylady3209: is it because i am that awesome?
"Eddie": but yeah
"Eddie": yes
"Eddie": and idk how much I want Sarah to know
Katylady3209: Thats true
"Eddie": I feel like she's going to sit there
"Eddie": and think of how to downplay
"Eddie": everything we did
Katylady3209: she would actually do that, she is psychotic like that
Katylady3209: she prob thinks she has a chance at winning
"Eddie": she says she doesn't
"Eddie": but she acts like she does
Katylady3209: me and her didnt end our convo in good terms
Katylady3209: she basically called me rude, and that i am full of myself? then she said congrats and good luck at HoH lol
Katylady3209: she freaks out, then she says she has no time for "this shit" and she shouldnt be wasting her time
Katylady3209: and i am like ummm, you are the one who BROUGHT IT UP AND CAME TO TALK TO ME
"Eddie": hahaha
"Eddie": yeah she's...
"Eddie": sigh
Katylady3209: has she been chatting it up with you?
"Eddie": yeah
"Eddie": not about your fight too much
Katylady3209: what did she say?
Katylady3209: i wont repeat anything
Katylady3209: i am done talking to her
"Eddie": that she's going to win
"Eddie": final HOH
"Eddie": like she's super cocky now
Katylady3209: she still thinks your getting rid of Roddy?
"Eddie": its more in the middle now
"Eddie": because she stopped caring
"Eddie": she says I should consider both options
"Eddie": whatever
"Eddie": lol
"Eddie": I hope she gets 3rd
"Eddie": again
Katylady3209: i really think you should make a good Hells Angels speech, because honestly, its wayyy overdue.
Katylady3209: Even if she wins, she wil lstill take you, so idk what your afraid about, if you might think she will take Roddy.
Katylady3209: But that better not happen
"Eddie": I'm worried about her freaking out
"Eddie": and prepping intensely for HOH
Katylady3209: ummm. she probably already has done that.
Katylady3209: she is psychotic
Katylady3209: maybe if you do that, it will put her out of her comfront zone
Katylady3209: and she will panic
"Eddie": she'll have a day to calm down though
"Eddie": idk
"Eddie": it could have been tomorrow
"Eddie": but she wanted it moved
"Eddie": and I guess I did too
"Eddie": since I can do endurance Monday
"Eddie": but not Sunday
"Eddie": and part 2 might be endurance for a change?
"Eddie": since part 1 and 2 are togather
"Eddie": so now I'm just paranoid
Katylady3209: its live... i doubt its endurance
"Eddie": I mean I played stealth all the way through
"Eddie": If I now stop giving a fuck
"Eddie": and it bites me in the ass
"Eddie": that'll be retarded
Katylady3209: what will bite you in the ass?
"Eddie": I think it probably doesn't matter
"Eddie": but if it does
Katylady3209: its the end of the game - no more noms
Katylady3209: no more veto
Katylady3209: just one big comp
Katylady3209: you better mention Hells Angels in my send off lol. I dont want to take the walk of shame without a proper send off.
Katylady3209: it would be a disgrace to my memory
Katylady3209: lol
"Eddie": oh yes I will
Katylady3209: so what do you think the first part will be if its live?
"Eddie": I have no idea
"Eddie": this is just all a change
Katylady3209: well i think you are in a good spot right now
Katylady3209: Roddy will take you - and i would assume Sarah will take you
Katylady3209: so you might not even need the win
Katylady3209: tho its nice to have security
"Eddie": yeah
"Roddy": shit I think Eddie won
"Roddy": I STILL have no clue where the last few pics are
Katylady3209: i am having that problem too
"Roddy": comps over
Katylady3209: this really blows.
"Roddy": yeah it does
"Roddy": we were on such a run...
Katylady3209: I just hope that Sarah doesnt make F2.
Katylady3209: if you stay, you and Eddie need to beat her in the final hoh
Katylady3209: We need amazing
Katylady3209: We made F4
Katylady3209: out of 18
Katylady3209: ALL STARS
Katylady3209: did amazing*
"Roddy": yeah
"Roddy": and only lost by 1 damn point on the HoH we needed to secure ourselves f3
Katylady3209: figures huh? lol. this whole thing blows. 1 point away from reaching our goal
Katylady3209: out of the whole game
Katylady3209: 1 freaking point
"Roddy": I know right? ugh :/
"Roddy" is available (10:12:40 PM)
Katylady3209: do u know what eddie will do? i would assume he would keep you - which you are the only person i would be happy to leave over LOL.
"Roddy": ummm, I think he is keeping me
Katylady3209: he told me
"Roddy": I mean, I dunno
Katylady3209: he told me he will not BS me
"Roddy": oh ok, then I guess its confirmed
Katylady3209: we had a heart to heart
Katylady3209: i told him i understand, and i am fine going out and you staying. because honestly - you deserve this win more than me, i have already won
Katylady3209: i dont want you to get robbed again
"Roddy": <3<3
Katylady3209: I WANT YOU TO WIN
"Roddy": thanks
Katylady3209: AND YOU BETTER
"Roddy": lol I plan on it
"Roddy": just one bitch standing in the way
Katylady3209: I hate that she made it farther than me
"Roddy": I will avenge you
"Roddy": and kick the bitch out
"Roddy": seriously she is SO two faced
Katylady3209: now she has the nerve to speak to me
Katylady3209: kidding.
"Roddy": lol yeah she just started talking to me too
"Roddy": *eyeroll*
Katylady3209: Sarah thinks i am staying, so she is KISSING MY ASS
Katylady3209: FAKE BITCH
"Roddy": She is the worst
"Roddy": ever
Katylady3209: me and sarah are fighting again
Katylady3209: she wonders why i called her a bitch in the noms thread
Katylady3209: and i am like "umm i was joking""
"Roddy": lol Sarah is seriously stupid
"Roddy": she has been a mess since Will left
"Roddy": alright, I gotta head out for a bit, talk to you later
"Roddy" is available (2:15:23 AM)
Katylady3209: hey!
"Roddy": hey!
"Roddy": hows it goin?
Katylady3209: pretty good, about to do a DR soon, then off to bed.
"Roddy": yeah I am heading to bed real soon as well
"Roddy": so, you are on the same team as Kenya?
Katylady3209: yes
Katylady3209: you didnt think you had time to play?
"Roddy": should be a very interesting season... I didnt recognize many of the screen names
"Roddy": I need a break
"Roddy": ORGs are fun... but very time consuming and I know I will never be able NOT to put my all in
Katylady3209: well me and Sarah didnt end our convo on a good note
Katylady3209: She called me rude about the comment i said in the nom thread - thinking it wasnt a joke
Katylady3209: then she said i was full of myself lol
Katylady3209: and then she was like " I dont have time for this shit, i am wasting my time"
Katylady3209: and i am like... umm you are the person who confronted me and BROUGHT IT UP
"Roddy": omg she is so delusional
"Roddy": like Jun
"Roddy": she just likes talking shit, really
Katylady3209: Eddie told me she is getting really cocky
"Roddy": but the second you bring up a realtive point
"Roddy": I just wanna see her fail lol
Katylady3209: hehe i know.
"Roddy": the thing is... like the ONLY reason she is still here
"Roddy": is because she was less threatening than other people
Katylady3209: we could have taken her out a long time ago
Katylady3209: I also told her that "I didnt know she didnt have the capacity to not tell i was joking"
Katylady3209: and then she freaked and went on for 20 minutes about how i used the word capacity
Katylady3209: and that i was degrading her or something
Katylady3209: making myself sound like i am all high and mighty
Katylady3209: i am like WTF? i can say words if i want to bitch.
"Roddy": It is a serious concern of mine in rl. that she has given birth to and RAISED children... I would literally be insane if she was the one who raised me...
"Roddy": I feel sorry for whoever becomes her daughter/son in law
"Roddy": I can just picture her asking
"Roddy": 'did you marry my daughter so that you could cause tension in our relationship?"
Katylady3209: I was talking to David - the one playing global, and he mentioned playing with her a few times, and he said she was literally bi-polar
Katylady3209: I WANT SARAH GONE NEXT - please send her to the LL immediatly
"Roddy": OMG you have no idea how much I want that... it kinda grosses me out to think she is f3 lol
Katylady3209: i know - and she is thinking she has F2 in the bag, and that she prob thinks she will get enough votes
Katylady3209: *VOMITS*
Katylady3209: i thought she was a nice person - but that all changed when she showed her true colors
"Roddy": lol, its funny... I remember that early on
"Roddy": because I had barely any interaction with her
"Roddy": so I was going off what other people said
"Roddy": and basically, you said you liked her, and Kenya said she hated her
Katylady3209: well i should have listend to Kenya
Katylady3209: she was just being fake to me
Katylady3209: which i should have caught on sooner
Katylady3209: i just didnt really care about her at that point in the early stages
"Roddy": well tbh
"Roddy": even though it SUCKS that she is here
"Roddy": she is still less threatening than most of this cast
Katylady3209: Eddie is going to reveal Hells Angels... not EVERYTHING, but the fact that we existed, i am excited LOL
Katylady3209: its going to be epic
Katylady3209: i am off to bed
Katylady3209: talk to you tomorrow
"Roddy": alright, talk to you tomorrow
Katylady3209: our last moment together in the game
Katylady3209: *cries*
"Roddy": ugh I know right
Katylady3209: WIN!!!!!
"Roddy": I plan on it
"Roddy": thanks for the support!
Katylady3209: always