Sarah and I's convo after Nominations/Veto ~ Us kinda getting into it, then I pretend to give a crap, while her and I fed eachother BS ~ though she believes me* Katylady3209: hey
"Sarah": Hola
Katylady3209: uh, i wanted to talk to you before veto so this didnt seem fake, lol.
"Sarah": ok
Katylady3209: but i just wanted to say i didnt mean to be "hurtful" in my speech
"Sarah": oh, well, thanks but I was kind of surprised by the comment I guess. I mean I figured that wasn't the real reason so I didn't see the reason for saying it. I mean yes I get what you are saying but after I just helped you I guess it felt a little mean, lol. And, you have no idea about the relationship or non-relationship between Nathan and I or what really went on.
"Sarah": I wasn't super close with him at all.
"Sarah": And I always planned on trying to get him out of the game because he would definitely get to the end if we didn't stop him.
"Sarah": anyway, there is more to it than you think
Katylady3209: sorry - dogs were freaking out
Katylady3209: and yeah i totally did not fault you on the decision you made - it was the right choice of course
Katylady3209: i didnt nominate you just soley on that, but it was just on my mind at the time
"Sarah": LOL it sounds a bit like you did fault me
"Sarah": I mean it benefitted you but you wanted to point out how low it was i guess
Katylady3209: well i thought you guys were friends from what i heared and what pple heard
Katylady3209: i also heard he helped you get the power
Katylady3209: so i was thinking... if she did that to him, what will she do to me? because i thought you were closer to nathan than me
"Sarah": lol well that isn't completely accurate but I can't really explain it right now
Katylady3209: i just wanted to point out that you were a competitor... i didnt mean for it to be cold or make you look bad.
Katylady3209: what isnt accurate?
"Sarah": well yo uhave a jury watching so I guess you have to make sure they see me as a bitch lol
"Sarah": although I'm sure they do
"Sarah": the part about the friends and the part about how he helped me
"Sarah": it doesn't matter though
"Sarah": I mean I know him, yeah, but we don't hang out and chat or antthing
"Sarah": I also remember quite clearly how he manipulated and guilt-tripped me season 2 and then after I was gone he just laughed about it. I guess that memory was still with me and I mad my reasons.
"Sarah": *had
"Sarah": anyway
Katylady3209: so why cant you explain it right now?
Katylady3209: because clearly i guess i got the wrong impression.
"Sarah": explain what? lol
Katylady3209: you said i wasnt completely accurate and you cant really explain right now
"Sarah": well is there a reason you want to know? I mean would it make a difference in anything?
"Sarah": you would have still put me up
"Sarah": are you typing?
Katylady3209: yeah - i am trying to understand you alittle, because like i said i dont know where you stand, so i kinda what to know where you are coming from you know?
"Sarah": well, let's just say for now I had my reasons and I did what I felt I had to do
Katylady3209: alright, well fair enough. i tried atleast.
"Sarah": well what do you mean by "where I stand?"
Katylady3209: i meant with ME, not just in the game.
"Sarah": ah
Katylady3209: i should have clarified that
"Sarah": are you offering me a f2?
Katylady3209: sorry for the confusion
"Sarah": what will roddy say?
Katylady3209: haha, very funny. i know you wouldnt be serious anyways. im sure you have closer pple than me.
"Sarah": you're right
"Sarah": I have a secret F2 with roddy
"Sarah": sorry
"Sarah": but tbh I thought we were supposed to be cool with each other
"Sarah": like we have said we "had each other's backs" a few times now
"Sarah": and first chance you get you nominate me lol
"Sarah": after I basically handed you F6
"Sarah": so idk it's cool I guess
"Sarah": you have your F2 with roddy and i'm sure you have your reasons for nominating me
"Sarah": I guess I should have asked for something in return haha
Katylady3209: its obviously not cool
Katylady3209: you are upset
Katylady3209: its obvious
Katylady3209: but i didnt expect you to take it lightly
Katylady3209: thats why i wanted to talk before veto
"Sarah": why?
Katylady3209: but i never got the chance, cuz something went up
"Sarah": ohhh
"Sarah": you mean the veto comp
Katylady3209: last night - my intentions where to never nominate you really
"Sarah": okay
Katylady3209: but somebody convinced me otherwise
"Sarah": who was that?
Katylady3209: who is the only person i am with? lol
"Sarah": oh
"Sarah": well it could have been someone else
Katylady3209: he wants will out - and he thought that you would use the veto to save him
"Sarah": i see
Katylady3209: like i said - you were never our target
"Sarah": who do you want out?
"Sarah": will?
Katylady3209: Me? or Roddy?
"Sarah": you lol
"Sarah": you said roddy wants will out
Katylady3209: correct
Katylady3209: So if you won hoh this week, who would have you nominated?
"Sarah": you still didn't answer lol
Katylady3209: i said correct?
"Sarah": no i asked who you want out
"Sarah": you said roddy wanted will
"Sarah": but i asked who YOU want
"Sarah": or is it the same?
Katylady3209: and obviously i agreed, since i nominated you both, lol. i mean whatever will says, i dont think he is right - there may be some pre-jury that doesnt like him, but will has played a good game and I honestly think he could win over any of us.
Katylady3209: so i agreed with roddy
"Sarah": ok
Katylady3209: will is the biggest threat now that nathan is gone
Katylady3209: maybe bigger than me and roddy put together
Katylady3209: he could easily kick our butts
Katylady3209: he just wasnt here during hoh last nihgt
Katylady3209: night*
"Sarah": idk you did pretty well last night
"Sarah": and you two are always working together
"Sarah": I did the pov on my own
"Sarah": i see what you mean about will though
Katylady3209: it did help- because he sent in the wrong answers first
"Sarah": but I think eddie is closer to him anyway
Katylady3209: then i sent in the right ones
Katylady3209: we were wrong at first
"Sarah": ah
Katylady3209: They were close- but not anymore
"Sarah": how do you know?
Katylady3209: trust me, i would not want eddie here if i thought him and roddy where stil l close
"Sarah": no i meant will and eddie
Katylady3209: oh, i thought you meant eddie and roddy
"Sarah": no
"Sarah": i figured roddy was mad at him
"Sarah": and eddie expected to be up
Katylady3209: he still is, but yeah i dont know what eddie/will connections are
Katylady3209: i though he was closer to you
Katylady3209: than will
"Sarah": eddie?
Katylady3209: since he is "in love with you"
"Sarah": oh my god
"Sarah": lol
Katylady3209: when i say close
"Sarah": that was a joke
Katylady3209: i dont mean game wise
Katylady3209: im talking you chat and stuff
Katylady3209: obvisouly you two are joking around
"Sarah": I talk to everyone
"Sarah": i'd talk to you more if you were ever online lol
Katylady3209: I am, you just cant see me
"Sarah": i mean one thing about you and roddy
Katylady3209: i have pple who always get my SN and try to talk to me
Katylady3209: so i am always offline
Katylady3209: to avoid them
"Sarah": you have both played an isolated game
"Sarah": like the two of you are obviously together
"Sarah": but you kind of keep it that way
"Sarah": it's hard to get to know either of you when you are never around
"Sarah": and if you're invis I don't know that lol
Katylady3209: its true - at the begginning and all the choas. me and roddy where kinda isolated at time - like i wanted to get to know pple
"Sarah": so i honestly know you two the least
Katylady3209: but it really got annoying at times
Katylady3209: because pple wanted to get with us
"Sarah": lol
Katylady3209: thinking that we were a 2 for 1 deal
Katylady3209: and it got really annoying
Katylady3209: example: Natalie / Jun
"Sarah": yeah but it was true right?
"Sarah": you two will never turn on each other
"Sarah": everyone else has the potential to
Katylady3209: Nope lol. i trust him more than i trust myself
"Sarah": lol
"Sarah": that's good then
"Sarah": I wish I had a person like that too
Katylady3209: its nice when the game gets hectic
Katylady3209: but its such a disadvantage, because you are constantly being monitored
"Sarah": as far as eddie i have no idea what he'll do and what he's thinking most of the time
Katylady3209: who does though?
Katylady3209: lol
"Sarah": I find myself wondering who he is closest to
"Sarah": idk lol
"Sarah": yeah we chat
"Sarah": but he's such a jokester
Katylady3209: he was close to jun
"Sarah": it never really gets serious
"Sarah": yeah i figured
"Sarah": and i thought will was close to them both
Katylady3209: now he is a loner i think - probably hoping someobody will take him to the F2 thinking that they will beat him
"Sarah": but i think jun just pushed people too far
Katylady3209: and you may be right - eddie and will might have something goign
"Sarah": idk I think there's more to him than we know
Katylady3209: eddie?
"Sarah": yeah
Katylady3209: oh for sure, he is very intelligent
"Sarah": mhm
Katylady3209: you can tell he tries to hide it
"Sarah": yep
"Sarah": exactly
"Sarah": and the way he owned that hoh comp
"Sarah": i was like
Katylady3209: he wants pple to think he is this loud mouth guy who doesnt give a shit
Katylady3209: but he does
"Sarah": where did this guy come from?
"Sarah": like i am always guessing with him
"Sarah": I guess he puts on a facade
"Sarah": that hides whateveris really going on
Katylady3209: yep
"Sarah": so if you didn't initially want to nominate me who were you going to put up?
"Sarah": I guess I see it this way
"Sarah": we all make alliances in this game, whether they are F2 or just let's work together, have each other's backs, etc and you can't keep all those promises. maybe the word "promise" isn't said but it is essentially believed between two people when you say it. but things change, you have to make choices, whether it's to protect your closer allies or make strategic moves. I guess that's why I wasn't really pissed that you were nominating me. I wasn't that tight with you and it's a game. I don't like to take things personally. But then when I saw the comment I kind of did, lol.
"Sarah": like i just thought it was unnecessary to add
"Sarah": like adding salt to the wound idk
"Sarah": but if that's how you feel that's how you feel
Katylady3209: well like it wasnt a secret - you clearly used the power and we all got rid of him
Katylady3209: i thought it was already public knowledge
"Sarah": yes we all did
Katylady3209: like i wasnt trying to call you out or anything
"Sarah": all of us agreed and we were all quite happy with the plan at the time
Katylady3209: and if it seemed like it- it wasnt my intentions
"Sarah": okay
Katylady3209: oh yeah of course
Katylady3209: i didnt deny that
"Sarah": I am good with that
Katylady3209: Because honestly - i was like ok i have to nomiante sarah - shit i dont really have a good reason, and then i just wanted to point out you were a competitor, like i was saying about will
Katylady3209: i didnt mean for it to be like SARAH IS A BITCH
"Sarah": lol
Katylady3209: wasnt my intentions at all
"Sarah": OMG I wish you would have said that !
"Sarah": lol
Katylady3209: haha
"Sarah": then I could have been like - well, thanks for ruining my perfect no-nom record, bitch!
Katylady3209: HEY! you made it to F6 with not being nominated
Katylady3209: i have been nominated three times
Katylady3209: so suck it
"Sarah": lol i was going for the whole game!
"Sarah": I had a record of being nom'd the most times in my season
"Sarah": 4 times!
Katylady3209: i am going for the record this season!
"Sarah": I wanted it to be 0 this time!
Katylady3209: lol
Katylady3209: two more times and i beat your record!
"Sarah": oh
"Sarah": now it's on!
Katylady3209: you have some catching up to do
"Sarah": I am definitely not nominating you now!
Katylady3209: NOOOOOOO
"Sarah": lol
Katylady3209: but on a serious note
"Sarah": geez
"Sarah": you always have to get serious
Katylady3209: i know - i am dramatic
Katylady3209: but i just feel that the house is against me/roddy, because we are an obvious pair
Katylady3209: and i know for a fact that we would have been both nominated if we hadnt got hoh
"Sarah": I don't know if that's true for everyone
"Sarah": yeah people look at pairs though
"Sarah": I would have probably looked at you/roddy
"Sarah": or Eddie/will
Katylady3209: we are 1/3 of the house
"Sarah": because I think they are together
Katylady3209: do you and will have something going on? just like a deal or something?
Katylady3209: do you think he is more closer to eddie?
"Sarah": nothing more than a working together thing - i have no F2 with him or anything
"Sarah": but I do think he is closer to eddie yeah
"Sarah": like he's a nice guy
"Sarah": but he's hard to read
"Sarah": and he's also not that talkative all the time
"Sarah": i will usualy chat with whoever's on lol
"Sarah": if i can
"Sarah": if i'mnot working
"Sarah": so we have a friendly rapport
Katylady3209: he is hard to talk to id admit
Katylady3209: i thought it was only me
"Sarah": lol
"Sarah": yeah i thought that too
"Sarah": but I guess not
Katylady3209: this game is getting draining
"Sarah": yes i know
Katylady3209: ims surprised we are not all at eachothers throats to be honest
"Sarah": I wonder if Renny will be back lol
"Sarah": I mean i always see her on aim
"Sarah": but she never answers
"Sarah": so idk what the deal is
Katylady3209: she is on with her IPOD i think
"Sarah": oh
Katylady3209: so i bet its hard to answer
"Sarah": did you talk to her?
Katylady3209: she left me a message while i was gone
Katylady3209: i responded when she was on, but she never replied back
"Sarah": oh like after you won hoh?
Katylady3209: yeah. she just said congrats
"Sarah": aw
Katylady3209: and taht was it
"Sarah": lol
"Sarah": sweet Renny
Katylady3209: So your not going to use the veto right? good choice.
Katylady3209: oh crap
Katylady3209: i never said congrats
Katylady3209: im rude
"Sarah": lol what?
Katylady3209: im joking about not using the veto
Katylady3209: lol
"Sarah": oh lol
Katylady3209: dont pull a marcellus
"Sarah": who is my replacement going to be?
Katylady3209: though i dont think you have anything to be worried about, but it would be stupid and you would look cocky
Katylady3209: i dont know - nobody is worthy to replace you
Katylady3209: they have big shoes to fill
"Sarah": looking cocky <333
Katylady3209: it should be interesting if will uses his power, which he probably will. MORE POWERS! <3
"Sarah": lol yeah probably
Katylady3209: atleast this is the last one
"Sarah": I'm sure he will use it
Katylady3209: yeah, why wouldnt he? lol
"Sarah": i know
Katylady3209: its hard to know what the jury is thinking
"Sarah": LOL not for me
Katylady3209: but awhile ago, i dont know why, i begged will to be one of the top contendors
Katylady3209: and i still think that
"Sarah": they are thinking Sarahis a bitch - I hope she comes here next!
Katylady3209: now that nathan is gone
"Sarah": begged him?
Katylady3209: well thats good for you, because pple will want to take you to the f2 then lol
Katylady3209: pegged*
Katylady3209: sorry
"Sarah": yay
"Sarah": take me!
"Sarah": oh well
"Sarah": in your case f3
"Sarah": lol
Katylady3209: i think you would win over me - because you played on your own - pple might say that me and roddy rode eachothers cocktails
"Sarah": then just in case i win final HOH whoever i take wins
"Sarah": lol
"Sarah": yes well
"Sarah": never overestimate the jury's ability not to be bitter lol
"Sarah": half the time they just vote for who they like
Katylady3209: VERY true
Katylady3209: Example - James coming into this season
Katylady3209: he was so bitter from last season
Katylady3209: he tried to get us out so bad
"Sarah": really?
"Sarah": i had no idea lol
"Sarah": i just know i wanted him out
"Sarah": well i saw the stuff against roddy
Katylady3209: ummm - yeah in the LL he has a roddy/lydia hate thread
"Sarah": but i didn't know it was also against you
"Sarah": oh lol
"Sarah": yeah he's so ott
"Sarah": and unpredictable
"Sarah": and kisses up
"Sarah": i just wanted him gone
"Sarah": all he was doing was kissing up to sheila/jason
Katylady3209: and they didnt do anything to protect him LOL
Katylady3209: which is funny
"Sarah": lol nope
Katylady3209: i was like, alright, if james makes it farther than me. i am just going to cry
Katylady3209: and give up on life
Katylady3209: because james is such a bad player
Katylady3209: the reason why he made it so far in WZ3 is because we had alot of lame pple, and he wasnt a threat to get out
Katylady3209: he sucked at comps
Katylady3209: i honestly thought he might make it far in this game, because pple could just use him cuz he sucks so bad
Katylady3209: but i guess he just annoyed too many pple
Katylady3209: that they couldnt take it anymore LOL
"Sarah": LOL he is a comp whore
"Sarah": he just played utr
"Sarah": i mean obviously there had to be some he tried at
Katylady3209: yeah he threw some to appear weak
Katylady3209: so pple wouldnt target him
"Sarah": but really - he has played some games on tib wehre he was HUGE in challenges
"Sarah": that's like his new strategy
"Sarah": that's what he did in mixed game all stars
"Sarah": and he won
Katylady3209: ugh TIB, thats all i hear about this entire game.
Katylady3209: he won mixed game all stars?
"Sarah": yes
Katylady3209: OMG
"Sarah": I didn't vote for him
Katylady3209: thank god, we have a sane person
"Sarah": he campaigned to me constantly
"Sarah": on AIM
"Sarah": and I kept telling him to stop
"Sarah": because it made me want him tolose more andmore
"Sarah": yeah sheila/jason/alex voted for him
"Sarah": that's another reason he sucked up to them in this game
"Sarah": he didn't care about this game as much
"Sarah": and he really cared about mgas
"Sarah": he also won a minor game over there called superiority
"Sarah": i co-hosted that mess
Katylady3209: why? chelsbots games are awesome lol
Katylady3209: and so FREAKING hard
Katylady3209: i hate comps
"Sarah": because tib is his community
"Sarah": he wanted his stats
Katylady3209: i should just join TIB to piss him off
"Sarah": he wasn't concentrating on this game
"Sarah": lol
"Sarah": ew
"Sarah": i just left tib
Katylady3209: and to feel cool because honesty me and roddy are like the only pple who arent members
"Sarah": mgas was my last game there
"Sarah": eddie isn't
Katylady3209: oh yeah your right
Katylady3209: i wonder why
"Sarah": idk
Katylady3209: since TIB is so cool
Katylady3209: *rolls eyes*
"Sarah": I like SEG better
"Sarah": the people are more mature
"Sarah": most of them
Katylady3209: So Sarah, can we talk alittle about this game before I retire to bed?
"Sarah": okay
Katylady3209: So I am sure after this week - me and roddy are going to be targeted, i know if we dont win all the HOHs, one of us will go home eventually.
Katylady3209: so if i survive, though its less likely, how about a backup F2 if i am still here and roddy is gone?
Katylady3209: i think Roddy has a backup F2 with Renny... he always talks highly of her
"Sarah": oh really?
"Sarah": so obviously she's not going up lol
Katylady3209: ummm, we shall see about that
Katylady3209: Roddy has some imput of course
Katylady3209: but its my decision
"Sarah": lol i know obviously
"Sarah": so it's kind of like you are married and she is his wife if you ever die
"Sarah": lol
Katylady3209: OMG - i know we are at F6, but we are SO CLOSE to the end
Katylady3209: like within a week, its F2
Katylady3209: LOL
Katylady3209: thats funny analogy
"Sarah": but yeah I don't thinkpeople would suspect that at all
"Sarah": since you just put me up lol
Katylady3209: haha exacly
Katylady3209: and it is true
Katylady3209: we are like married
Katylady3209: we are together untill one of us gets evicted
Katylady3209: LOL
Katylady3209: but honestly, i know its a long shot for me and roddy to be F2, unless we win
Katylady3209: like we dont have to commit now
Katylady3209: just something to think about if roddy and i get split up
Katylady3209: because anything can happen
"Sarah": yeah
"Sarah": i know
"Sarah": well lol you caught me by surprise
"Sarah": i never would have expect you to say that to me
Katylady3209: Like its hard to picture this game without him in it ~ but sometimes you have too
Katylady3209: really?
"Sarah": esp after you put me up lol
Katylady3209: who else would i say that too?
Katylady3209: EDDIE?
Katylady3209: LOL
Katylady3209: Eddie put me up
Katylady3209: Renny put me up
Katylady3209: Will put me up
"Sarah": LOL
"Sarah": yeah
Katylady3209: im popular i guess
Katylady3209: but yeah they wouldnt suspect it - and honestly, if you think that pple think your a bitch, and i think that pple will think me and roddy road eachothers cocktails
Katylady3209: then we both have a shot
Katylady3209: because THEY HAVE TO PICK ONE OF US
Katylady3209: Lol whether they like it or not
"Sarah": true
"Sarah": although i still think you are jury sweetheart lol
Katylady3209: Like i hate talking about this situation - because Roddy leaving would be heartbreaking for me.
Katylady3209: I just want a shoulder to cry on if i end up staying and he leaves
Katylady3209: but i think if one of us goes, it would be me
Katylady3209: Because like Roddy is closer to the other three than me.
"Sarah": yeah no i get it
"Sarah": but if he knows will he want meout more?
"Sarah": obv you won't tell him lol
Katylady3209: No i wouldnt
Katylady3209: We tell eachother alot - but if we do get togehter that means he is out of the game
"Sarah": ok
Katylady3209: and so that doesnt count
Katylady3209: lol
"Sarah": true
"Sarah": okay how about this
Katylady3209: im listening
"Sarah": Obviously you want to make it with Roddy
Katylady3209: Correct
Katylady3209: but i know that is almsot near impossible
Katylady3209: unless we win
"Sarah": and I want to make it to F2 period lol
Katylady3209: Alright
Katylady3209: of course, who doesnt? lol
"Sarah": lol i have to think about this - because like if i was f3 with you two and then i won then of course i would take you over roddy
"Sarah": i like you better
"Sarah": but if he has renny would he want her at your f3
"Sarah": like he can't know i guess
"Sarah": i'm confused
Katylady3209: if he did want a F3 with renny, he would have told me, i think she is only backup if i leave
Katylady3209: i dont know that for sure, its just an assumption
Katylady3209: because just like me, im sure he is thinking what he will do if i am evicted
Katylady3209: like in the back of his mind
Katylady3209: because of course pple are after us
Katylady3209: do you want me to try to talk to him tomorrow and try to get a feel what he thinks about renny?
Katylady3209: i know him well and can tell easily
"Sarah": okay can i think about it? because I don't want to just say yes to you with you not sure if i'm being honest
"Sarah": if i did say it i would mean it
Katylady3209: wait a minute - what are we thinking about?
Katylady3209: of course me too
Katylady3209: when i make a promise i mean it
Katylady3209: i was just saying we should have that in mind, incase roddy and i get split up
"Sarah": okay yeah talk to him tomorrow then
Katylady3209: i dont want to make it final until that happens
"Sarah": ok
Katylady3209: but if you want me to see what he is thinking about a F3 with somebody
Katylady3209: i can get what he thinks
"Sarah": okay
Katylady3209: without revealing any of this of course
"Sarah": yeah because i just don't want to be left out in the cold
"Sarah": exactly
Katylady3209: yeah i know what you mean
Katylady3209: So to summerize this up - we need to get a feel about roddy about F3 without revealing anything
Katylady3209: and we both agreed think about getting together if me and roddy are every split up
Katylady3209: and also assuming that roddy leaves and not me, because maybe he will stay over me, who knows
"Sarah": yeah sounds good
Katylady3209: do you think Renny could win over Roddy?
"Sarah": idk
"Sarah": she has some haters too
Katylady3209: yeah
"Sarah": alex for one
"Sarah": jason
Katylady3209: she would have nathans vote lol
"Sarah": idk like it's a toss up
Katylady3209: yeah
"Sarah": because she has also been semi inactive at times
"Sarah": although not that much
"Sarah": she would probably be someone that would be better to sit next to lol
"Sarah": oh so maybe she can be MY backup in case roddy and you don't need YOUR backups
"Sarah": lmao jk
"Sarah": oh man i'm too tired
Katylady3209: LOL it sounds so bad calling you a backup
"Sarah": lol this week wiped me out
"Sarah": yeah
Katylady3209: but honestly, i would never betray roddy over anybody, he is honestly like a brother.
Katylady3209: i wouldnt even betray him just to win the game
"Sarah": yeah i get it
"Sarah": but who would you put up
"Sarah": oh you said you don't know
"Sarah": see
"Sarah": i'm so tired
"Sarah": i can barely think
Katylady3209: umm yeah i still have to talk to roddy - but i think renny is the next challenge threat
Katylady3209: are you going to save yourself tomorrow?
"Sarah": no i think i like the block
Katylady3209: the chair is nice - comfy.
"Sarah": lol
Katylady3209: i have to still write a DR, about winning hoh, noms, and now POV, and now our chat, wow. i miss one evening, and im already THAT behind
"Sarah": you write them every night?
Katylady3209: no not every night - i try to keep up with them after some major events occur - so they are fresh in my mind
Katylady3209: to get what i what i was feeling at the time
Katylady3209: because my memory is not that good
"Sarah": yeah
Katylady3209: sometimes after i wait a day or two after something big happens, i kinda draw a blank
"Sarah": well i usually do it when i do the vote
"Sarah": but sometimes more often if i have more to say
"Sarah": like i have already posted twice this episode lol
"Sarah": since i was nom'd
"Sarah": and then won pov
Katylady3209: i try to tend to have 2 confessional per round
"Sarah": yay me!
Katylady3209: i usually write on after hoh, and before noms, then i write one when i vote about eviction and such
Katylady3209: or unless something major happens
Katylady3209: so when you wrote about noms, you were probably like LADY LDYIA IS A BITCH FOR NOMINATING ME
Katylady3209: lol
"Sarah": nooooo
"Sarah": I said
"Sarah": jk
"Sarah": i didn't
Katylady3209: lol its all good. hopefully now you will have something nice to say about me, since that wasnt my intentions
"Sarah": lol yes
"Sarah": okay so i'm going to go to bed lol
"Sarah": i'm fading
"Sarah": but i'll ttyt
"Sarah": and i'm glad we did talk
"Sarah": and clear the air
"Sarah": LOL?
"Sarah": okay i need to go to bed
"Sarah": have a good night
Katylady3209: ok
Katylady3209: i am off to bed too
Katylady3209: talk to you tomorrow
Katylady3209: and yeah im glad we did
My thoughts on this in alittle while~