I think you put me on the wrong team, Julie. I'm definitely a sinner this season.
I need to make sure that Roddy leaves this week. The best way to do that? Get Lydia to put Eddie up... so I devised an evil little plan.
jdeanut: hello
"WZ All Stars - Lydia Tavera": hello
jdeanut: how's it going?
"WZ All Stars - Lydia Tavera": alright - battling a cold. how are you?
jdeanut: battling a hangover
"WZ All Stars - Lydia Tavera": ew, i hate hangovers
"WZ All Stars - Lydia Tavera": i am always obsessed with drinking water while i drink
"WZ All Stars - Lydia Tavera" is available (12:54:15 PM)
jdeanut: you're smarter than me
jdeanut: so I wanted to talk to you
"WZ All Stars - Lydia Tavera": ok, about what?
jdeanut: well, I just don't want to piss you off
jdeanut: but I think I need to use my power
jdeanut: to put roddy up in my place
"WZ All Stars - Lydia Tavera": in your place? you power can remove yourself?
jdeanut: oh that's a good question, I should go read how it works
jdeanut: haha
jdeanut: but either way
jdeanut: I don't think he's leaving
"WZ All Stars - Lydia Tavera": well i knew you had the power - so its no suprise really
jdeanut: but I think he wants me out
"WZ All Stars - Lydia Tavera": how do you know that?
jdeanut: just the word on the street
"WZ All Stars - Lydia Tavera": hmmm thats interesting
"WZ All Stars - Lydia Tavera": not many pple on the street anymore
jdeanut: haha that's true
"WZ All Stars - Lydia Tavera": kinda diserting now a days
jdeanut: so I imagine you're putting renny up?
"WZ All Stars - Lydia Tavera": havnt decided yet
jdeanut: well that's kinda why I wanted to talk to you. I don't have to use my power against roddy. I can use it against anyone
jdeanut: I just need to decide what is going to keep me here
jdeanut: and I'm not sure what that is
"WZ All Stars - Lydia Tavera": So if I put up Renny, you wont use your power? is that what your saying?
jdeanut: well actually I was thinking of putting renny up if you didn't
jdeanut: cause I think I have the best chance against her
"WZ All Stars - Lydia Tavera": I know her and Eddie arent the best of friends
jdeanut: yeah I know
jdeanut: I don't know what to do
jdeanut: before jun left she said that roddy wants me out pretty bad
jdeanut: not that I really believe that source
"WZ All Stars - Lydia Tavera": Roddy would never tell Jun out of all pple that sort of info.
jdeanut: I know and Jun would have sold her mom into slavery to save herself that week
"WZ All Stars - Lydia Tavera": her whole family
jdeanut: anyway, I guess I'm just asking your opinion
jdeanut: I'd like to stay
jdeanut: and I feel like I've helped you on several occasions
jdeanut: so I guess I'm just...asking for your help now
"WZ All Stars - Lydia Tavera": So you think that if you dont use your power on Roddy- he might vote you out?
"WZ All Stars - Lydia Tavera": cause you heard he was after you?
jdeanut: yeah
"WZ All Stars - Lydia Tavera": Well I can tell you if its true not depedning on your sourse
jdeanut: I'm just trying to decide between using it on renny or roddy at this point
"WZ All Stars - Lydia Tavera": and your sourse is Jun?
"WZ All Stars - Lydia Tavera": source*
jdeanut: yeah Jun said that you and Roddy both were really trying to get Nathan to put me up when he was HOH
"WZ All Stars - Lydia Tavera": LOL
"WZ All Stars - Lydia Tavera": wow Jun was campaigning hard
jdeanut: haha I know
"WZ All Stars - Lydia Tavera": you need better sources
jdeanut: I mean, believe me... I'm aware that the source was Jun
jdeanut: and that's totally unreliable
jdeanut: but I like roddy. he and I have never really talked deals or alliances, but I know he's a good guy
"WZ All Stars - Lydia Tavera": well, he has always spoken highly of you whenever we talk
jdeanut: and I have hardly talked to renny
jdeanut: especially lately
jdeanut: so I'd rather put her up than roddy
jdeanut: but I want to know that roddy won't vote me out
jdeanut: hehe
"WZ All Stars - Lydia Tavera": So if you dont use the power - and I put renny up. You think that Eddie and Sarah would vote you out?
"WZ All Stars - Lydia Tavera": over Renny?
jdeanut: I think I'd probably leave if I don't use it
"WZ All Stars - Lydia Tavera": How? That would mean that eddie or sarah would keep renny.
"WZ All Stars - Lydia Tavera": I thought sarah was closer to you than renny
jdeanut: I think sarah is pretty close to renny, but I don't know
jdeanut: but if it were me and renny
jdeanut: I think roddy and eddie might vote me out
jdeanut: I can't put sarah up cause she's got veto
jdeanut: so I need to put either roddy, renny or eddie up
"WZ All Stars - Lydia Tavera": you honestly think that eddie would keep renny?
jdeanut: no you're probably right
jdeanut: they don't care for each other I guess
"WZ All Stars - Lydia Tavera": Like when he was HoH, all he spoke to me about was getting Nathan and Renny out of this game
"WZ All Stars - Lydia Tavera": thats all he talked about, when he talked to me lol
jdeanut: well what if I was up against eddie and renny? how would roddy vote then?
jdeanut: I guess you don't know
jdeanut: hehe
jdeanut: I'm just trying to figure out what to do cause I need to leave soon
jdeanut: it's my sister's birthday and I'm gonna go spend some time with her
jdeanut: so I need to message chels soon
"WZ All Stars - Lydia Tavera": i honestly am more confused than you - i still dont know what to do
"WZ All Stars - Lydia Tavera": i honestly just wanted to win hoh because i knew if i hadnt, roddy and i would have been targeted
jdeanut: yeah
"WZ All Stars - Lydia Tavera": im just trying to do whats best
jdeanut: well we all are
jdeanut: it's understandable
jdeanut: but like... I don't want to go home. I know you don't want roddy to go home
jdeanut: so it only makes sense that we try to figure out how to make both of those things happen
"WZ All Stars - Lydia Tavera": if you didnt use your power on Roddy, I guareentee you that Roddy would not vote you out, he isnt that cold hearted
"WZ All Stars - Lydia Tavera": if you do something good for him, he will return the favor
"WZ All Stars - Lydia Tavera": trust me - i know roddy
"WZ All Stars - Lydia Tavera": but i get what you have to do - you have to do whats best for you
jdeanut: yeah I tend to think so too
jdeanut: well here's what I'm thinking
jdeanut: tell me if this is stupid
jdeanut: cause I have to leave soon
"WZ All Stars - Lydia Tavera": nothing is stupid anymore
jdeanut: hehe
jdeanut: well I am going to send chels a message and say that I'm using my power
jdeanut: and make a list of who to use it on
jdeanut: cause it gets used after the veto ceremony
jdeanut: so I'll go renny first, then roddy, then eddie?
jdeanut: cause I don't want to use it on roddy cause you're right
jdeanut: he will return the favor
"WZ All Stars - Lydia Tavera": Wait, so if i nominate Renny - Roddy will go up right?
jdeanut: oh I guess so
jdeanut: so maybe I shouldn't do that? I mean do you know what you're doing yet?
jdeanut: you don't have to tell me what you're doing, it's none of my business
"WZ All Stars - Lydia Tavera": hold on
jdeanut: but I did tell eddie about my power a while ago and I promised him I wouldn't use it on him
"WZ All Stars - Lydia Tavera": somebody at the door
jdeanut: so that's the only promise I've made in regards to the power
"WZ All Stars - Lydia Tavera": Well i can guartentee you that if you dont use your power on Roddy - he will not vote you out,
"WZ All Stars - Lydia Tavera": I know he wouldnt do that
jdeanut: ok then I'll use it on renny
jdeanut: cause I've told eddie I wouldn't use it on him
"WZ All Stars - Lydia Tavera": Then how am i suppose to nominate?
"WZ All Stars - Lydia Tavera": lol
"WZ All Stars - Lydia Tavera": who*
jdeanut: oh well my power goes into play after you nominate
jdeanut: so you can still put up whoever you want
"WZ All Stars - Lydia Tavera": so if i nominate Renny - who goes up?
"WZ All Stars - Lydia Tavera": I really wish Roddy was here so you can talk to him.
jdeanut: I know me too
jdeanut: the thing is... it's the last week I can use my power
jdeanut: and I'm on the block.
jdeanut: so I would be stupid to not use it
jdeanut: so I think I have to do the list thing
jdeanut: cause I have to leave
"WZ All Stars - Lydia Tavera": so you ARE using your power correct?
"WZ All Stars - Lydia Tavera": so that means that you roddy and renny will be nominated?
jdeanut: or me renny and eddie
jdeanut: depending on what you do
jdeanut: I trust roddy to vote renny out I think
jdeanut: but I wish he were here
"WZ All Stars - Lydia Tavera": HE IS HERE
jdeanut: oh he is?
"WZ All Stars - Lydia Tavera": yeah he just signed on
jdeanut: ok I'll talk to him fast
jdeanut: I am late though
jdeanut: hehe
"WZ All Stars - Lydia Tavera": lol ok
And then I talked to Roddy...
jdeanut: hey
"WZ All stars - Roddy": hey Will
"WZ All stars - Roddy": hows it goin?
jdeanut: it's going well
jdeanut: I'm late for my sister's birthday
jdeanut: so I gotta hurry
"WZ All stars - Roddy": ok
"WZ All stars - Roddy": yeah, I am gonna have to go back to work pretty soon
"WZ All stars - Roddy": so I am a bit rushed as well
"WZ All stars - Roddy": so... I havent checked the website yet... amd I nominated?
jdeanut: no nothing has happened yet
jdeanut: but here's the thing
jdeanut: I have to use my power this week
jdeanut: it's the last time I can and I'm on the block
jdeanut: so I'd be stupid to not use it
"WZ All stars - Roddy": ... alright, I understand.
"WZ All stars - Roddy": I kinda expected it a bit to be honest
"WZ All stars - Roddy": when I lost that veto
jdeanut: well here's the thing
jdeanut: if I don't use it on you
jdeanut: will you promise to not vote me out?
"WZ All stars - Roddy": ummm YEAH lol
"WZ All stars - Roddy": I thought it was for sure gonna be used on me
"WZ All stars - Roddy": but if you have something else in mind
"WZ All stars - Roddy": Im all ears
jdeanut: well I think I have the best chance against renny quite frankly
"WZ All stars - Roddy": ahhh I see... yeah also it would kinda suck if Renny won after missing these last few rounds
"WZ All stars - Roddy": so, it would be Sarah and me voting then?
jdeanut: yeah
jdeanut: so no matter what sarah does, you vote however
jdeanut: and lydia breaks the tie
jdeanut: if it comes to that
"WZ All stars - Roddy": alright, I am down for that... I just really dont wanna end up on the block
jdeanut: well I don't want to go home
"WZ All stars - Roddy": so your power gets used after veto?
jdeanut: you don't want to go home
jdeanut: yeah
jdeanut: so we may as well just figure out a way to make it happen so we both...don't go home
"WZ All stars - Roddy": yeah I agree... we can control the votes
"WZ All stars - Roddy": because 1 is enough with a tie-breaker, and I know that Lyd wont pull shit
jdeanut: so here's what I'm going to do
jdeanut: I have to leave and since my power doesn't get used until after veto
jdeanut: I'm going to message chels now
jdeanut: and make a list of who to use it on in what order
jdeanut: since I don't know what lydia is doing yet
"WZ All stars - Roddy": alright, sounds good
jdeanut: the thing is though, I've only made one promise about this power
jdeanut: and that was to eddie
jdeanut: so I'm going to have to put you as number 2
"WZ All stars - Roddy": alright, I understand
jdeanut: ok thanks
"WZ All stars - Roddy": ok, I will talk to you later then
"WZ All stars - Roddy": glad we had this talk
jdeanut: me too
I feel HORRIBLE. I really do. But it's just the best move I can make right now. Can you fault me for that? Roddy is such a nice guy and doesn't deserve to be lied to like this, but... it's pretty clear that he and Lydia want me out. So fuck em, I guess. If we can get Roddy evicted during Lydia's HOH... I mean come on... how amazing will that be?