Post by Roddy Mancuso on Mar 10, 2010 16:45:56 GMT -5
Conversation with Eddie
Eddie": Jun is out
King Jamesth: thats good
"Eddie": Will winning might be best, I think nathan won't backstab you
King Jamesth: btw
King Jamesth: I kinda fed Jun the wrong answer there
King Jamesth: lol
"Eddie": haha awesome
King Jamesth:
"Jun": james/
King Jamesth: ummm, I dunno
King Jamesth: I think so?
"Eddie": Natalie right?
King Jamesth:
King Jamesth: I think so
King Jamesth: send Will taht
"Eddie": that's my last hope in this game
"Eddie": don't say ANYTHING about the power to him
King Jamesth: I am gonna do whatever I can buddy, I hope I can sway him, because I dont know if he is the type of person
King Jamesth: but I will do my best to see that he doesnt use it
"Eddie": k
"Eddie": I gave Will a pep talk about giving Nathan an incentive not to fuck him over
"Eddie": Nathan can end my game right now
"Eddie": I hope he doesn't know it
"Eddie": /
"Eddie": despite what he says I'm not his number 1 target
"Eddie": God this is terrible
"Eddie": well if he's conservative
"Eddie": he won't want to "piss two people off who are staying"
"Eddie": and that's why I hope he won't use it
"Eddie": plus he might not have the same guess as to Will's power as we do
"Eddie": or maybe doesn't know of Will's power
"Eddie": ahhhh
"Eddie": piss
King Jamesth: I think he does
"Eddie": this sucks
"Eddie": do you think he'll use it?
King Jamesth: I really have no clue, I kinda doubt it
"Eddie": I keep thinking he HAS to use it
"Eddie": that's what I would do
"Eddie": but everyone seems to think not
"Eddie": like Will was all like "i don't think I'm going up"
"Eddie": sarah doesn't think the veto will be used
"Eddie": am I just overfreaking out?
King Jamesth: I dunno, I would be nervous too in your position
King Jamesth: I dont think veto is being used
"Eddie": what makes you say that
King Jamesth: "Nathan": yeah i mean at least one is leaving so its def a good thing
"Eddie": well if Will is put on the block
"Eddie": he will survive
"Eddie": so that's true either way
King Jamesth: true
King Jamesth: well
King Jamesth: I am talking to Nathan
King Jamesth: and kinda making it seem like
King Jamesth: I see you as a threat, and jun as a bigger threat
"Eddie": ask him if he can put the veto away today because you want to vote tonight and get it over with
"Eddie": or maybe not
"Eddie": idk
"Eddie": I'm just freaking out
King Jamesth: no that would be the wrong call
King Jamesth: if you are gonna make it through this
King Jamesth: you gotta stay calm
"Eddie": yeah
"Eddie": make sure that despite what you're doing
"Eddie": tell him "but I'll vote how you want to"
King Jamesth: I did
"Eddie": because if I'm the target and he doesn't think I'll leave with Jun up
"Eddie": he might try a different approach
"Eddie": k
"Eddie": I think its best that I STFU, do something else for a couple hours
"Eddie": and then come back
"Eddie": because I'm only going to fuck something up
King Jamesth: yeah
King Jamesth: I mean
King Jamesth: if you want, you can go invis
King Jamesth: and talk only to me
King Jamesth: and I will kinda keep you updated
"Eddie": yeah no one is talking to me right now so it doesn't matter
"Eddie": (from the game)
"Eddie": but yeah
"Eddie": talking to Seb who is invisible LOL
"Eddie": called him an asshole for faking his death
King Jamesth: I hope Nathan bought it
King Jamesth: I told him that I would vote whatever way he wants, and that I am basically undecided because I see either of you leaving as a good thing
"Eddie": yeah
King Jamesth: there is a very decent possibility that Jun will self destruct
King Jamesth: I think
King Jamesth: hmmm
King Jamesth: I just thought of something
King Jamesth: if I continue to talk to Jun for a while tonight, I can say tomorrow that I think you are less of a threat because you seem to have already checked out
"Eddie": and what will that do?
"Eddie": calm Jun down?
"Eddie": I guess so
"Eddie": go for it
King Jamesth: no
King Jamesth: I mean
King Jamesth: I can say to Nathan tomorrow
King Jamesth: that Jun campaigned hardcore
King Jamesth: and that Eddie didn't
King Jamesth: I cant say outright
King Jamesth: that I want you to stay
"Eddie": yeah
King Jamesth: but if I am able to come up with kinda real sounding reasons that would lead him to the conclusion of keeping you]
King Jamesth: I think
King Jamesth: it will make a big differrnce to him if HE thinks he came up with this plan
"Eddie": yes
"Eddie": I wonder if he'll be quick to use this veto
"Eddie": well I mean I don't mean use this veto
"Eddie": but post his decision rather
"Eddie": or if he'll wait until tomorrow night
"Eddie": you were typing something?
King Jamesth: ummmm, yeah, nothing important
King Jamesth: just gonna be making fun of Seb lol
King Jamesth: k he said he is posting tomorrow
"Eddie": I hope he's not sleeping on anything
"Eddie": I wonder what he's waiting on
King Jamesth: umm
King Jamesth: It would be pretty fast to post veto by tonight
King Jamesth: wouldnt leave people much time
"Eddie": he did it when he won veto
King Jamesth: yeah I know
"Eddie": this might be the scariest situtation in the game for me
"Eddie": /
King Jamesth: But I dont think he is fully decided on the outcome he wants of this week
"Eddie": possibly the end
King Jamesth: it could be, but I think it is more likely to be Jun's
"Eddie": you think he's between using the veto on me
"Eddie": lol
"Eddie": and not using the veto at all?
King Jamesth: no
King Jamesth: I think that he is not sure who he would rather see leave
King Jamesth: and would like more time to decide
"Eddie": but suppose he decides me
King Jamesth: I think that its pretty unlikely the veto is being used
King Jamesth: I dunno
"Eddie": k
"Eddie": because Will would stay
"Eddie": and Will will be pissed
King Jamesth: also
"Eddie": and Will is good at these competitions
King Jamesth: I have been doing what I can to chip away at Jun's name
King Jamesth: like
King Jamesth: for instance
King Jamesth:
King Jamesth: btw
King Jamesth: Jun is pestering me for her vote right now. I am gonna say yes, but that doesn't mean anything
King Jamesth: is that cool?
"Nathan": totally
King Jamesth: wow I always forget how pushy she is lol
King Jamesth: ok, I am gonna appear offline
"Nathan": LOL
"Nathan": yep thats jun
King Jamesth: this would be way easier for me if I had more than one night, but I gotta deliver this shit in small doses
King Jamesth: if its gonna work on Nathan
"Eddie": yeah
King Jamesth: anyways, I guess we just gotta pray right now
King Jamesth: I have stopped talking to him
"Eddie": if Will does go on the block
"Eddie": I just need Sarah
"Eddie": but that's close to impossible
"Eddie": but still a tiny bit of hope to hold onto
King Jamesth: well, Sarah isnt afraid to backstab
King Jamesth: so hopefully that would work in your favour
"Eddie": yes
"Eddie": I worked her like hell
"Eddie": this last week
"Eddie": I need to figure out if there's anything else I can do to put me above Will
King Jamesth: yep
King Jamesth: but it cant be blatant
King Jamesth: btw, do you like how I 'checked with Nathan" on what I was gonna say to Jun?
"Eddie": yes that was good
"Eddie": I'm glad I at least don't have to worry about you and Lydia being on the block now
King Jamesth: I think I am actually getting in pretty good with him
"Eddie": that's excellent
King Jamesth: Im not sure though, he could just be playing me
King Jamesth: ugh I so feel I am about to be POWed
King Jamesth: (Prisoner of War)
"Eddie": by Sarah?
King Jamesth: yeah
King Jamesth: that or Lyd wil
King Jamesth: and it will be a vote againt me
"Eddie": you probably
"Eddie": but if we control HOH it doesn't matter
King Jamesth: yeah true
"Eddie": I mean she wants Nathan out
"Eddie": so the worst that can happen is you can guiltlessly put Nathan up
King Jamesth: wouldnt she be controling my nominations if I won?
"Eddie": yeah
King Jamesth: so then it would be a bad thing
"Eddie": people want Nathan out
"Eddie": if Nathan won veto
"Eddie" is available (4:14:36 PM)
"Eddie": if not
"Eddie": it'll still be scary because Lyd might be sitting next to him
King Jamesth: yep
"Eddie": but he'll leave
"Eddie": ideally I win HOH though
"Eddie": I got the most obvious noms to make
"Eddie": this is going to be the longest day ever
"Eddie": I keep imagining myself
"Eddie": going on the board tomorrow with a thread that has Nathan going
"Eddie": with the words "switch up" "sorry Will" "I've decided to use the power of veto on Jun"
King Jamesth: dude its possible, but I dont think its likely
King Jamesth: he told Jun the noms were staying the same
"Eddie": I think my thing is that
"Eddie": I always think that people will do
"Eddie": whatever is the best move for them to make
"Eddie": and putting up Will is the best move
"Eddie": so I'm in denial that Nathan will screw up
King Jamesth: who knows really?
King Jamesth: He never told me explicitly what he was doing
"Eddie": there is no way putting up Will is not his best move
"Eddie" is available (11:53:31 AM)
King Jamesth: like Jun is better to go, over you
"Eddie": yeah
King Jamesth: without being obvious about it
"Eddie": there is some chance I'll be saved
"Eddie": it'd be weird
"Eddie": but possible
King Jamesth: btw
King Jamesth: if that happens
"Eddie": honestly his best move not knowing about Hell's Angels is veto me
"Eddie": put up Will next to Jun
King Jamesth: I would be amazed with myself
King Jamesth: because I think I MIGHT have planted the seeds correctly tonight
King Jamesth: even though I dont think I will change his decision
"Eddie": and you still think his decision is leaving it the same?
King Jamesth: I dunno
"Eddie": that's your hunch at the moment still
"Eddie": what's your hunch
King Jamesth: I think so
"Eddie": k
King Jamesth: But, I also did notice that he never explicitly told me that
King Jamesth: Jun told me that, not him
King Jamesth: but I figure, either way, it is better that he sees Jun as more threatening
"Eddie": yes
"Eddie": and you know what
"Eddie": if Nathan was destined to win
"Eddie": I'm so glad I got out first
"Eddie": and Jun made it almost to the end
King Jamesth: ugh dont say that
King Jamesth: I dont want Nathan to win
King Jamesth: lol
"Eddie": no I mean the competition that we just did
"Eddie": I don't mean the whole game
King Jamesth: oh I see what you mean
King Jamesth: yeah I am annoyed with myself
"Eddie": just makes me so unthreatening
King Jamesth: but no way was I gonna win
"Eddie": because comps make your heart pound a bit
"Eddie": and that's where fears get made
"Eddie": and Jun got pretty far
"Eddie": so there were more rounds of "Omg I hope Jun doesn't win" then round of "Omg I hope Eddie doesn't win"
"Eddie": which I think helps me
King Jamesth: yeah true
King Jamesth: did I show you my description of you?
"Eddie": I think so
"Eddie": but can't recall it
King Jamesth:
yeah exactly
King Jamesth: well I am willing to go with the flow on this
King Jamesth: because the way I see it
King Jamesth: Eddie is irrational, which makes him hard to predict, and a bit of a lone wolf so he will be underestimated and might slid by
King Jamesth: and Jun is someone who seems all around this house, so her leaving also wouldnt be bad
King Jamesth: *seems to have ties all around the house
King Jamesth: I think yours makes you look way less threatening
"Eddie": yeah
King Jamesth: and on one account, entirely false
"Eddie": lol
King Jamesth: the irrational part
"Eddie": or lone wolf
King Jamesth: yeah
"Eddie": maybe hard to predict?
"Eddie": lol
"Eddie": maybe 1/3 is literally true
King Jamesth: Yeah, its all believable though
"Eddie": yes
King Jamesth: assuming that you dont show everyone what you show me lol
"Eddie": LOL
King Jamesth: in terms of personality
"Eddie": um I think Jun tried that
King Jamesth: what do you mean?
"Eddie": oh wait I see what you mena
"Eddie": *mean
"Eddie": me being just normal
King Jamesth: yeah
"Eddie": and not an OTT cussing character
"Eddie": yeah
"Eddie": definitely only you and Lydia
"Eddie": I mean I'm never always tossing around fuck
"Eddie": but I never sound like I'm playing with my head
"Eddie": all my reasons to other people are always emotional
King Jamesth: thats good
King Jamesth: I think I shoot myself in the foot
"Eddie": like this guy "diresepected me" "pisses me off" "being a douche"
"Eddie": so on and so forth
King Jamesth: yeah
King Jamesth: that is a smart way to be
King Jamesth: I think I am too obvious about being a thinker
"Eddie": er but there is a risk
"Eddie": because sometimes people want the smart guy
"Eddie": and not the crazy guy
King Jamesth: not at this point in the game
"Eddie": yeah not at this point
"Eddie": but James left for playing kind of like I did
"Eddie": without a lot of the specifics obviously
"Eddie": but in broad strokes
"Eddie": he kind of played like that
"Eddie": I think he also kind of is like that too though
King Jamesth: yeah he is somewhat smart
King Jamesth: but he isnt a believable liar
King Jamesth: thats his problem
"Eddie": and Jun is crazy and all over the place
"Eddie": but until the events of now
"Eddie": well actually rephrase that
"Eddie": I would have considered voting her out over Will or Sarah but I'm not sure
"Eddie": she's a mess
"Eddie": but yet I always wanted her in final four
"Eddie": so I guess that's right
"Eddie": insanity helps
"Eddie": unless the person you are taking it out on
"Eddie": is offended by your insanity
"Eddie": and irrationally wants you out
King Jamesth: Its funny
King Jamesth: my style of interaction is really different lol
King Jamesth: first of all I barely post on the forums
King Jamesth: And every time I have been in one of those quiz things where everyone labels eachother stuff, I get mentioned as a jury threat... very annoying
King Jamesth: except this game, where I was UTR because the challenge was about pregame observations and I barely knew anyone
King Jamesth: do you know the type of challenge I am refering to?
King Jamesth: like Survey Says?
"Eddie": yeah I know
"Eddie": Jun and Nat won all the bad ones
"Eddie": I did win most funny
"Eddie": but was otherwise absent
King Jamesth: I have been so rediculously UTR this game
"Eddie": haha
King Jamesth: since like week 4
King Jamesth: havent won anything, havent been nominated, barely been in a conflict
"Eddie": yeah I keep thinking I've been UTR
"Eddie": but now that I think about it
"Eddie": there's been some bullshit
"Eddie": every single round
"Eddie": except week 1
"Eddie": then Sheila called me out
"Eddie": round 3 doesn't count
"Eddie": round 4 I was up
"Eddie": round 5 I was a big "Anti-Sheila" douche
"Eddie": round 6 I used the veto
"Eddie": round 7 Hell's Angels blindsided Josh
"Eddie": the week Alex left...I don't even have to say anything
King Jamesth: lets see
King Jamesth: round 1, ummm, nothing really
King Jamesth: but I was still meeting people
King Jamesth: round 2. Hells Angels formed. Nominated. Vetoed by Saint
King Jamesth: round 3. nothing really
"Eddie": round 1 was all about Nat, Will, Sheila, Renny, Jason, and Nathan
"Eddie": oh and Jessica
King Jamesth: round 4. Nominated, lied about.Vetoed by saint.
King Jamesth: round 5. Ummmm, was not rally at any riskt at all
King Jamesth: week 6. Yeah still nothing happened to me, although I did do stuff this week
King Jamesth: like get the double vote to target She
King Jamesth: not that it wouldnt have happened anyway lol
King Jamesth: I dunno, usually I do a lot more in games
"Eddie": I mean you don't have to be almost going home to have done something
"Eddie": you did shit every week eventhough you weren't at risk
King Jamesth: Yeah, true enough
King Jamesth: I think Hells Angels has evaded a lot of tough situations by constant communication
"Eddie": if we survive this round all togather...
"Eddie": we are gods
"Eddie": but honestly becoming huge underdogs
"Eddie": with Jun gone
"Eddie": it's definitely not to our advantage
"Eddie": but our best shot now
"Eddie": we NEED HOH next week
King Jamesth: I know, trust me do I ever know that
"Eddie": best case scenerio Nathan leaves and Will uses his power
"Eddie": if Nathan didn't just win 3 comps in a row
"Eddie": I wouldn't want him out so bad
"Eddie": I was leaning on Renny more lately
"Eddie": but now I change my mind a bit
"Eddie": he is really New Sheila
"Eddie": Will wasn't kidding
King Jamesth: yeah I see what you mean
King Jamesth: I will do it
"Eddie": if Nathan is gone it's not that scary
"Eddie": Renny is like absentish a lot
"Eddie": Will is good but not that good
"Eddie": Sarah has been sucking a lot
"Eddie": we might start racking up wins soon hopefully
"Eddie": I'm starting to talk as though I'm staying
King Jamesth: I think its very possible. Just be careful
King Jamesth: dont get overconfident
King Jamesth: that is the worst slip up you can make right now
"Eddie": I'm not going to make a single move
"Eddie": until that veto is used
"Eddie": other than talk to Sarah
"Eddie": and keep working her
"Eddie": in general
"Eddie": should I be doing anything else?
King Jamesth: ummm, I dont think so really
King Jamesth: omg
"Eddie": ...
King Jamesth: wait nm
"Eddie": ....
King Jamesth: I just thought of something
King Jamesth: and realized it didnt make sense
King Jamesth: afterwards
"Eddie": you gave me a near heart attack I was waiting for
"Eddie": "omg"
"Eddie": "Nathan just said he's putting up Will"
King Jamesth: lol sorry
"Eddie": what was it?
"Eddie": lol
King Jamesth: it was about Sarah's Prisoner of War thing
"Eddie": hm?
King Jamesth: well, it wont really make sense, because I was not thinking clearly
King Jamesth: but
King Jamesth: what I thought would be hilarious
King Jamesth: would be if Nathan was on the block, and Sarah had my vote from her power, and used it against him
King Jamesth: Renny would have no reason to be pissed with me, and every reason to be pissed with Sarah
King Jamesth: and might kinda switch sides
King Jamesth: but then I realized
King Jamesth: that Renny would prolly be up against Nathan
King Jamesth: so Sarah would be voting t keep her
King Jamesth: so as you can see, it is not a very relevent thought
King Jamesth: I am getting tired evidently lol
"Eddie": haha
"Eddie": it still could happen
King Jamesth: I hate knowing that there is a power in this game that is almost 100% going to be used against me
King Jamesth: for basically no reason
King Jamesth: I mean, well there is a reason, we dont connect
"Eddie": yes
"Eddie": I hope I win HOH when it happens
"Eddie": it won't really matter
King Jamesth: Yeah or Lyd
"Eddie": yeah
King Jamesth: I wouldnt be upset with the idea
King Jamesth: of
King Jamesth: Lyd putting up Sarah and Will
King Jamesth: and having the noms stick
King Jamesth: that is, if Sarah uses that power on me
"Eddie": yeah
King Jamesth: I personally think
King Jamesth: Nathan and Will's poowers are the two biggest priorities in this game
King Jamesth: *powers
"Eddie": Sarah and Will's powers?
King Jamesth: sorry
King Jamesth: what I meant was
King Jamesth: Nathan/Will's power
King Jamesth: as two most threatening elements to this game
King Jamesth: like Nathan just in general, and Will because ending up beside him on the block is the kiss of death
"Eddie": yeah agreed
King Jamesth: k I think I gotta go to bed
"Eddie": goodnight man
King Jamesth: I wont be around too much tomorrow
"Eddie": Sarah just got online for a bit
"Eddie": we're talking about movies...
"Eddie": working on her
King Jamesth: k sounds good
"Eddie": goodnight man
King Jamesth: night
"Eddie" is offline (4:43:08 AM)
Your IM will be delivered when the buddy goes online.
King Jamesth: hey
King Jamesth: hows it goin?
"Eddie": better than yesterday
"Eddie": he didn't use the veto
"Eddie": I can have the votes
King Jamesth: yeah I saw
King Jamesth: how are Will and Sarah looking?
"Eddie": Sarah is talking like her vote is not even questionable, she's voting for me to stay
"Eddie": Will is being wishy washy
"Eddie": and he wants to talk to you
"Eddie": first
"Eddie": AKA "see how everyone is doing"
King Jamesth: he wants to talk to me?
"Eddie": well yeah
"Eddie": Renny is a vote for me out
"Eddie": if you and Lydia
"Eddie": vote me out
King Jamesth: gah
"Eddie": then he will just be pissing off Jun
King Jamesth: I didnt want to have to deal with these people
King Jamesth: tonight
King Jamesth: lol
"Eddie": I said I talked to you and you said that Jun is pissing you off and as a result
"Eddie": you'll vote her out
"Eddie": talk to Will for five minutes
"Eddie": at some point
King Jamesth: ugh then Jun will start messaging me, but no worries, I will do it
"Eddie": k sweet
King Jamesth: I guess I should also talk to Nathan
King Jamesth: if I am gonna try to keep this going
"Eddie": he told Sarah that he doesn't care about how people vote
"Eddie": eventhough he'd rather have me gone
"Eddie": by the way Nathan already threw you under the bus once
"Eddie": so be careful
King Jamesth: to?
"Eddie": Will
King Jamesth: fuck, I thought he might
King Jamesth: oh well
"Eddie": yeah whatever
King Jamesth: what did he say?
"Eddie": that you wanted him up
"Eddie": but you can't do anything about that I don't think
"Eddie": if you bring it up in any way he could guess that you brought it up
"Eddie": because he shared that with me
"Eddie": and then it'd be a mess
King Jamesth: tbh I thought Nathan was smarter than this
"Eddie": did you not see why I got pissed off at Nathan in the first place
"Eddie": lol
"Eddie": same kind of shit
King Jamesth: no, I mean
King Jamesth: I cant believe he DIDNT put up Will
King Jamesth: but I dont really cre
"Eddie": OH I KNOW!
"Eddie": but they have a final four and he's being a chicken
King Jamesth: if Will is pissed
"Eddie": eventhough they will all pounce on him given the chance
King Jamesth: I was gonna get nominated by him or Sarah regardless
"Eddie": by the way
"Eddie": Sarah said something
"Eddie": that sounds true
King Jamesth: ?
"Eddie": on the announcement
"Eddie": it says that we should all be there
"Eddie": like stresses it more than usual in an announcement
"Eddie": she thinks its a fast forward round
"Eddie": did you have that in your season?
"Eddie": or was it just in mine
King Jamesth: we didnt have one on our season
King Jamesth: but we had 3 quitters
"Eddie": we get in the chat
"Eddie": and by the end of the chat someone left
"Eddie": and someone is HOH after
"Eddie": so there might be HOH-POV-voting-HOH
"Eddie": all tomorrow night
Your next competition is LIVE tomorrow night, Wednesday March 10th, at 10 PM EST. I would like for everyone to be there, so if you have any time conflicts, please reply to this thread and let me know.
« Last Edit: Today at 9:13pm by Chelsbot »
"Eddie": she never adds the last sentence
"Eddie": so what Sarah says makes sense
"Eddie" is available (10:16:38 PM)
King Jamesth: ugh I am about to stop being invis
King Jamesth: lol, if you leave this round
King Jamesth: I will go crazy
"Eddie": hahahahaa
King Jamesth: you and Lyd are like the only 2 that dont annoy me
"Eddie": if I leave
"Eddie": and Chels makes an announcement about the fast forward round
"Eddie": I think you'll have a heart attack
"Eddie": one of us WILL LEAVE
"Eddie": IF WE DONT
"Eddie": like there was always a scenerio of maybe not
"Eddie": but this is just close to impossible
"Eddie": there is a scenerio that Sarah or Will will take out Nathan
"Eddie": but that's IT
King Jamesth: yeah I know
King Jamesth: We are basically on our last legs
"Eddie": Sarah is showing everything Jun is saying to her
"Eddie": and laughing about it
"Eddie": Jun talks exactly like I would
"Eddie": thank god
"Eddie": I worked Sarah
"Eddie": because I already biased Sarah against Jun now
"Eddie": and Jun looks like she's just chasing a last minute vote
King Jamesth: lol the more I think about it
King Jamesth: the more it pisses me off that Natahn directly told Will that
King Jamesth: how does that do him ANY good?
"Eddie": maybe get Will to leave him alone
"Eddie": SEE i told you
"Eddie": Nathan plays like a dumbass idiot
"Eddie": why tell Jason that I'm coming after Sheila in the exact way I told him
"Eddie": when I already publicly said I'm coming after Sheila
"Eddie": it can only get him in trouble
"Eddie": since Jason and Sheila have big mouths
King Jamesth: lol, if Will actually was stupid enough to leave him alone
King Jamesth: because of this
King Jamesth: I dont know who that would make dumber
King Jamesth: him, or Nathan
King Jamesth: btw, do you know what Jun thinks?
King Jamesth: is she acting like she is staying?
King Jamesth: to Sarah?
"Eddie": idk
"Eddie": but she told Will
"Eddie": that her votes could be
"Eddie": you, lyd, and him
"Eddie": so I think she knows she doesn't have Sarah
"Eddie": and yeah
"Eddie": she's running around acting like you are voting for her to stay
"Eddie": btw go visible soon and talk to Will for five minutes before he leaves
"Eddie" is available (10:31:25 PM)
King Jamesth: I am visible now right?
"Eddie": yes
King Jamesth: how do you think I should handle Jun?
King Jamesth: truth or lie?
"Eddie": you can go for truth
"Eddie": it doesn't really matter
"Eddie": truth might be better
"Eddie": if you lie Sarah and nathan might be on edge
"Eddie": with what is going to happen
"Eddie": but talk to Will before you talk to Jun though
"Eddie": talking to people?
King Jamesth: yes
King Jamesth: Will and Jun
"Eddie" is available (10:43:22 PM)
King Jamesth: k can you get sarah to message me or something
King Jamesth: Will is kinda indicating to me that he wants you out
King Jamesth: acutally
King Jamesth: nm
"Eddie": nm?
"Eddie": nvm?
King Jamesth: yeah
"Eddie": he wants me out or not?
King Jamesth: I think he is leaning against keeping you
King Jamesth: but his vote is irrelevent if you have Sarah
"Eddie": did you message Sarah
King Jamesth: no I didnt
"Eddie": I'll try to get her to IM you
Auto-response: King Jamesth is away (11:02:47 PM)
I am away from my computer right now.
"Eddie": WOW Will is so full of shit
King Jamesth: "Will": well I don't know if I feel one of them stepped it up, but I think one stepped it down maybe
King Jamesth: take from that what you will
"Eddie": that could be me or jun actually
King Jamesth: I think it means he is trying to get rid of you
"Eddie": MaorMx
: Hey are you back yet?
: yes
: can you IM Roddy?
: he promised me his vote
: but if he talks to you
: yeah i was going to
: and says he's voting to keep me
: its probably true
: lol we'll see what he says
: k
: thanks
"Eddie": SO GLAD I WORKED HARD ON SARAH, I was so going to let her go and say fuck it when she swore at me but she might save my life
"Eddie": I mean Will's thing is too vague
"Eddie": I was the one who won A COMP in the last two rounds
"Eddie": not Jun
"Eddie": Will didn't give you a direct answer?
King Jamesth: nah, but I am starting to think that he is leaning towards keeping you
"Eddie": and did Sarah IM you?
King Jamesth: yes
"Eddie": they seem to think that the vote to base their votes on is yours for some reason...or at least Will thought so
"Eddie": make sure they both understand they will be voting with the majority
"Eddie": and I need to stop paying attention to this game and chill out
"Eddie": at this point I probably did everything I could do
King Jamesth: I think your safe
"Eddie": this round has been stress since Nathan won HOH
"Eddie": I can't wait until it's over
"Eddie": if I lose on some fast forward thing at least it will be quick and painless
"Eddie": but that won't happen because we'll win the next HOH
King Jamesth: its done
King Jamesth: your safe
King Jamesth: just dont mess with things
"Eddie": yeah I'm terrified to open my mouth
King Jamesth: Jun is better than I thought
King Jamesth: at offering real reasons to keep her
"Eddie": I know
"Eddie": she failed at only one thing
"Eddie": waiting too long to get her ducks in a row
"Eddie": I started working on this scenerio much longer than her
"Eddie": well a couple days longer
King Jamesth: longer than that
King Jamesth: you have been working sarah for a long time
"Eddie": dude if I didn't put Lyd up that game would have been up right now
"Eddie": like not even a question
"Eddie": yeah I've been working Sarah for two full rounds now
"Eddie": and I had the pleasure of Jun saying to me that I should put up Sarah and me arguing that I need to put you up or Lydia
King Jamesth: k
King Jamesth: still here
"Eddie": and I pasted that to Sarah right away
"Eddie": so I think that moment was crucial
"Eddie": Sarah saw that she was thrown under the bus
"Eddie": and I was going out of my way to not put her up
King Jamesth: yeah, well Jun is gonna be pissed at me
King Jamesth: but whatever
King Jamesth: btw
King Jamesth: the ONE thing we REALLY did right
King Jamesth: was make sure no one has any clue about us
King Jamesth: because they dont
"Eddie": sigh
"Eddie": Sarah
: okay well
: just remember
: this doesn't mean you can stop the *seduce Sarah* plan
: I can still try to turn will back around
: lol
: I want to do a lot more than seduce Sarah
: lol
: okay well you may have to get me drunk
: I started you off - just poured a glass of wine
: lol
Conversation(s) with Jun
"Jun": well this sucks
"Jun": T_T
King Jamesth: yeah that blows
King Jamesth: sorry to see you nommed
"Jun": would i have your vote to stay
"Jun": if noms stayed the same?
"Jun": you can be honest
King Jamesth: Well, yeah. Eddie and I are still kinda on the rocks
King Jamesth: I mean, not in a big over the top way
"Jun": thanks
"Jun": and lydia owes me a vote and she promised she would pay me back
King Jamesth: but yeah, I'd vote to keep you
"Jun": i also gave her the spot in the semifinals of the HoH
King Jamesth: I think honestly its pretty unlikely you would leave
King Jamesth: Eddie has burned bridges with lotsa people
"Jun": unless a power eats me
King Jamesth: :/ yeah fuck the powers
"Jun": anyways thanks for your support
"Jun": you are gonna need me to help break up those alliances
"Jun": haha
"Jun" is available (10:17:52 PM)
"Jun": which veto
"Jun": was a numbers game
King Jamesth: ummm
King Jamesth: its osh
King Jamesth: Josh
"Jun" is available (10:24:25 PM)
"Jun": Saint
"Jun": not Sinner
"Jun": lol
King Jamesth: fuck
"Jun" is available (10:40:08 PM)
"Jun": james/
King Jamesth: ummm, I dunno
King Jamesth: I think so?
King Jamesth: shit they answered differently
"Jun" is available (10:48:19 PM)
"Jun": damnit
"Jun": i was so close
"Jun": ;o
King Jamesth: yeah that sucks. I honestly hate this challenge
King Jamesth: I am not very fast at challenges
King Jamesth: and I get all flustered and misread instructions lol
"Jun": hha
"Jun": me too
"Jun": i forgot it was chelsia not James
"Jun": ;o
"Jun": so, you will still vote to keep me? hahah
"Jun": i dont want to badger or annoy you
King Jamesth: yeah, I am planning on keeping you
"Jun": sweet
King Jamesth: You have a clear perspective on the game
"Jun": let me know if things change
King Jamesth: k I will
King Jamesth: but
King Jamesth: I really doubt they will be
"Jun": id only need you and lydia to stay
"Jun": cause
"Jun": renny will vote to keep me i think
"Jun": and you and lydia both know where I stand, and where I have stood all game
King Jamesth: just dont say anything to ppl yet, I dont want Nathan to get antsy with his veto
"Jun": i wont
King Jamesth: I really doubt he will
King Jamesth: but just to be cautious
"Jun": he has already said he isnt saving either of us
King Jamesth: k
"Jun": just saying you know I am pro you and Lydia
"Jun": i gave Lydia my spot in the hoh for crap sakes xD
King Jamesth: <3 thanks for that btw
King Jamesth: if only we had won round 2...
"Jun": i know
King Jamesth: I am still really annoyed by that HoH
"Jun": me too
King Jamesth: I didnt realize there was a time limit on taking your turn
King Jamesth: so it auto-dropped for me, at the worst possible time basically
"Jun": haha
King Jamesth: but whatevs :/
King Jamesth: seems to be consistent that I screw these up lmao
"Jun": well you keep me and its bound to be either yorus mine or lydias turn to be hoh
"Jun": and tomorrow is a critical week
King Jamesth: yep, so critical
King Jamesth: getting down to the wire
"Jun": besides id fight tooth and nail cause you and lydia are the only people who wouldnt have stabbed me
"Jun": haha
King Jamesth: thanks! yeah I dont get why people feel the need to be so fake in these games about everything
King Jamesth: like, yeah I know that you cant be honest all the time
King Jamesth: but seriously, some people seem to like get off on it lmao
"Jun": I KNO
"Jun": know*
King Jamesth: oh and as a compelte sidenote
King Jamesth: That is so rediculous that Seb faked his own death
"Jun": absoluely
"Jun": absolutely
King Jamesth: like dude wtf
"Jun": i was sad like all of last night
King Jamesth: if you want a new identity
King Jamesth: just make one
King Jamesth: you dont have to tell everyone that you died
"Jun": yea i agree
King Jamesth: also, its like
King Jamesth: his personality is distinct enough
King Jamesth: that people would know who he is in like 5 seconds flat, even if he was using a dif name
"Jun": hahaha yea
King Jamesth: ok, well I am heading to bed, I will talk to you tomorrow
King Jamesth: night
"Jun": aiight well
"Jun": depending when veto ceremony is posted
"Jun": votes might be due tomorrow night
King Jamesth: yeah, I kinda doubt it though but its possible
King Jamesth: I hope not though, because I have a busy day of work tomorrow
King Jamesth: and sometimes I dont get back til 10ish
"Jun": ah
King Jamesth: I think though, that the deadline would be midnight
King Jamesth: if it was tomorrow
King Jamesth: because I cant be the only person in that situation
King Jamesth: anyways, night
"Jun" is available (10:31:25 PM)
"Jun": hi
King Jamesth: hey
King Jamesth: hows it goin?
"Jun": good
"Jun": how are you
King Jamesth: sad to see noms didnt change :/... I am doing alright... very very busy
"Jun": yea sad noms stuck
"Jun": but
"Jun": nothing I can do about it
"Jun": have you decided how you would vote?
King Jamesth: ummm, I am talking to a few people right now
King Jamesth: I will let you know in a few min
"Jun": how does it look for me
"Jun": ith their votes?
"Jun": xD
"Jun": oh if it helps Renny sent me a PM saying she was voting to keep me
King Jamesth: Im not sure, I just got into the basic 'hows it going' convos with Will, and I havent talked to Sarah yet
"Jun": ah kk
"Jun": well now
King Jamesth: he has kinda stopped talking to me
"Jun": oh
"Jun": lmao
King Jamesth: lol
"Jun": if you and lydia vote to keep me
"Jun": im going to stay anyways
King Jamesth: I know, Sorry this is a tough decision, I am still thinking
"Jun": well
"Jun": you know ive only helped you guys
"Jun": this entireseason
"Jun": i think its only fair to pay it forward
"Jun": Roddy please, dont let me leave this week. I left this week in my season and under Nathans HoH
"Jun": T_T
"Jun": eddie nomianted Lydia last week T_T
"Jun": Roddy!
"Jun" is available (11:02:35 PM)
"Jun": hellu? ;o
Auto-response: King Jamesth is away (11:04:07 PM)
I am away from my computer right now.
King Jamesth: k I'm sorry, I gotta do what I think is best for me in this game. I dont think that is keeping you. I know that sucks
King Jamesth: sorry
"Jun": wow man
"Jun": why
"Jun": T_T
"Jun": even though i gave Lydia my spot
"Jun": in the hoh
"Jun": voted to keep her twice
"Jun": this is lame
"Jun": you didnt even give me a chance
"Jun": ill see you next week cause they are coming after you and lydia next
"Jun": and eddie isnt going to stand by either of you
"Jun": and guess what, they iwll come after you, not lydia
King Jamesth: if I dont win HoH I am fucked next week, but I think you are better connected to the house, and Eddie might be a freeby for me if the right person wins HoH
King Jamesth: that is my only chance to make it through next week if I dont win HoH
King Jamesth: otherwise Im done
"Jun": im better connected to the house means i can keep you around
"Jun": no one else can keep you around
"Jun": except me
King Jamesth: how could you keep me though?
King Jamesth: like
"Jun": im better at challenges than eddie
King Jamesth: if we are beside eachother
King Jamesth: then I go
"Jun": eddie wont vote to keep you
"Jun": no
King Jamesth: with Eddie I might have a shot
"Jun": no you wouldnt
"Jun": you and lydia are ggeting split up next week if one of you doesnt win
"Jun": at least if im here
"Jun": we have a 3/7 shot at HoH
"Jun": Eddie will side with them because it gives another week
King Jamesth: Well, I see what you mean. Its just tough because I feel like if I keep you, its like 5 people with long histories, with me and Lyd on the outside. I feel like maybe if Eddie stays theres at least one more outsider
"Jun": no you know
"Jun": im not with them
"Jun": im gunning Nathan hard
"Jun": and I have a bigger chance at succeeding then Eddie does
"Jun": im an outsider too look i got nominated
"Jun": Sarah doesnt trust me
"Jun": if you vote me out, you are sending yourself out next week
"Jun": its good for lydia i guess if i leave
"Jun": because she is guarenteed top 6 with you following me out the door
"Jun": its absolutely stupid for you to get rid of me
"Jun": and hat about what Rachel said
"Jun": she said you should trust me and you should
King Jamesth: its not an issue of trust to me at all
King Jamesth: because if it was, then it would be an easy decision
King Jamesth: but, the thing is, that I really doubt Eddie would stay against me
"Jun": well its obviously not a decision of self preservation
King Jamesth: I am gona be nommed next week
"Jun": have you not seen him in this game
King Jamesth: no matter what
"Jun": no
"Jun": if i win hoh
"Jun": or you or lydia
"Jun": you are safe
"Jun": if eddie wins lydia very well goes up again
"Jun": and then what
"Jun": yall are fucked
King Jamesth: k, well, I will sleep on it. I do not usually go against my gut in these things
King Jamesth: and my gut is telling me that Eddie is a big enough target
King Jamesth: but I do think its shitty for you to leave this way, and I hadnt thought about a lot of what you said
"Jun": i promise you, you are wrong
"Jun": if I leave
"Jun": you are fucked
"Jun": the next biggest target
"Jun": next to me
"Jun": the only way you or lydia have a shot at getting close to the end
"Jun": is with me
"Jun": eddie fades away next week because focus shifts to you and lydia
King Jamesth: -_-... ok well, I dunno, I think this is the wrong decision for me, Ill talk to you tomorrow, maybe later tonight. I need to get my head out of this game, so I can think clearly
"Jun": k well just remember
"Jun": I stay in the game
"Jun": focus stays on me as a target
"Jun": You and Lydia are my only option
"Jun": im your only option
"Jun": lydia listens to reason, ill talk to her
"Jun": instead
King Jamesth: k, Ill talk to you later
Conversations with Nathan
King Jamesth: hey man
King Jamesth: how was the brewery?
"Nathan": heyyyy
"Nathan": it was good
"Nathan": kinda sloppy haha
King Jamesth: lol, those nights are usually the best
King Jamesth: but make for shitty mornings lol
"Nathan": lol yeah
"Nathan": i have a kind of early morn tho
King Jamesth: ahh I see
King Jamesth: well your typing is pretty coherent
King Jamesth: did you take it easy?
"Nathan": lo
"Nathan": l
"Nathan": kind of
"Nathan": i mean im not compleeeetely wate
"Nathan": wasted
"Nathan": but im drunk
King Jamesth: lol, I hear that
King Jamesth: lol
King Jamesth: congrats on a drunken HoH
King Jamesth: Will just told me that you beat him?
"Nathan": yep!
King Jamesth: omg good job
King Jamesth: connect 4 <3
King Jamesth: I loved that game as a kid
King Jamesth: but was never the greatest at it lol
"Nathan": haha yeah i was a fan
"Nathan": but thanks
King Jamesth: lol when Eddie finds out he will shit a brick
King Jamesth: btw, I hope when you are doing nominations, that you continue the trend of giving comments out with the keys
King Jamesth: I <3 Renny and Sarah for starting that
King Jamesth: so funny
"Nathan" is available (12:25:59 AM)
"Nathan": haha k i will
"Nathan": and yes i cant wait for eddie to see
King Jamesth: lol I would love to see the reaction of his face... thats what sucks about ORGs in comparison to the real bb
King Jamesth: k, but I am gonna head to bed, so I will talk to you tomorrow
King Jamesth: will you be around?
"Nathan": in the evening
King Jamesth: alright cool, Ill talk to you tomorrow then
King Jamesth: night
"Nathan": nightt
evdogg87 is away (7:30:27 PM)
King Jamesth: hey
Auto-response: "Nathan" is away (7:30:44 PM)
"Nathan" is available (7:52:03 PM)
"Nathan": hey
Auto-response: King Jamesth is away (7:58:30 PM)
I am away from my computer right now.
King Jamesth: hows it goin?
"Nathan": good you?
King Jamesth: Im doin well... just doin some reading
King Jamesth: but its boring lol
"Nathan": yuck
"Nathan": i hate reading
King Jamesth: yeah sometimes I enjoy it
King Jamesth: but not when school forces it on me
King Jamesth: then its just a big hassle
"Nathan": ya i mean theres a few books i can enjoy reading but overall im not into
"Nathan": especially for school
"Nathan": i dont even bother
King Jamesth: I used to not really bother
King Jamesth: but this year
King Jamesth: my courses all have these annoying like 10% component
King Jamesth: of 'reading response papers'
King Jamesth: they are never really enough to be concerned about individually
King Jamesth: but missing a bunch in a row causes problems
"Nathan": ahh yeah
"Nathan": so you said something about how my name was mentioned?
King Jamesth: yeah
King Jamesth: I mean, not just by one person
King Jamesth: but
King Jamesth: I expect that Eddie throwing your name around wouldnt surprise you lol
"Nathan": right haha
King Jamesth: but had you lost that last match of connect 4
King Jamesth: I think this would be a way tougher week for you
"Nathan": ya
"Nathan": anything from jun?
King Jamesth: yeah, although Jun basically talks about everyone
King Jamesth: and she wasnt really who I was talking about
King Jamesth: but yeah, she has her sights set on you I think
King Jamesth: Whenever she was pushing for me to evict Alex, it was related to the 'Alex/Nathan/Renny' threat
King Jamesth: the person I was mainly talking about btw was Will
"Nathan": oh yeah?
"Nathan": like that doesnt surprise me at all haha
King Jamesth: yeah I didnt think it would really
King Jamesth: because he seems to be all about taking out threats
"Nathan": exactly
King Jamesth: but he was definitely trying to set things up so that if I beat both you and him in the HoH
King Jamesth: that I would nom you
King Jamesth: refered to you as 'the new Sheila' lol
"Nathan": ugh
"Nathan": and he has a fucking poer
"Nathan": power*
King Jamesth: I know right?
King Jamesth: There is a big part of me that thinks it might be Jeff's power
King Jamesth: from WZ3
King Jamesth: and if that is correct
King Jamesth: that means that he would have 2 votes to play any non-Hoh week
King Jamesth: so
King Jamesth: there was something I wasnted to talk to you about
King Jamesth: and its related to this week a little, but its more of a long term thing
"Nathan": k
"Nathan": (sorry im here but a little busy, not trying to ignore you)
"Nathan": but go ahead
King Jamesth: alright, no worries if this convo is slow
King Jamesth: I am still doing the reading
King Jamesth: and this is tenative, because I havent 100% covered my bases with this yet
King Jamesth: but, I was kinda thinking, I dunno how tight you and Renny are, but I think that maybe there would be a possibility of you/me/Lyd/and her going to the end
King Jamesth: or if there is someone else you would rather pick than Renny, I would be game for listening
King Jamesth: I just think that we could help eachother a lot, but I wouldnt want to ask you to go into a f3 with Lyd/I because that would be stupid for you
"Nathan": i do like that sounds of that
"Nathan": because i feel like you are all people i could actually count on
King Jamesth: yeah and it can kinda force the hands of the people who are trying to play the roll of middle man
King Jamesth: I hate when 100% floaters win BB lol
"Nathan": agred
King Jamesth: alright, well I still have to talk to Lyd about it somewhat, but I think she is pretty much down, but I just wanted to throw out the idea. Glad we feel similarly on this
"Nathan": coool
"Nathan": the thing is like... renny nominated lydia so she doesnt hold that against her or anything?
King Jamesth: ummmm, well I think she is getting tired of the title 'perfect pawn', but Lyd is not the type to take that type of stuff to heart
King Jamesth: she knows it wasnt about her
King Jamesth: but i mean, still might be worth it for Lydia and Ren to talk about it, because I think it would be good to make sure there is a clean slate
"Nathan": alright cool
"Nathan": right, i dont wanna speak for renny on this obv
"Nathan": we are close but i dont completely know where her head is at at this point
"Nathan": i hope shed be down for it tho
King Jamesth: yeah me too
King Jamesth: her and I have gotten along pretty well so far
King Jamesth: I won't lie though, I am a bit nervous that maybe her/Will/Sarah have something going on, but that is mostly speculation
"Nathan": ya i am too
King Jamesth: ahh well, I think Sarah and Will kinda have their sights set on me and Lyd anyways, so I guess even if Renny did leak this proposal to them
King Jamesth: it wouldnt change much
"Nathan": sorry the mgas finale was going on
"Nathan": and some other shit i had to do with all that
King Jamesth: its all good
"Nathan": lol guess who won
King Jamesth: James?
"Nathan": yeah
King Jamesth: yeah Kenya told me he was self aware in hiw questioning
King Jamesth: and omg just heard about Seb
"Nathan": yeah
King Jamesth: that is so sad
King Jamesth: wasnt he like 16?
"Nathan": yeah
"Nathan" is away (10:49:01 PM)
King Jamesth: Congrats
Auto-response: "Nathan" is away (10:49:04 PM)
King Jamesth: tough challenge
"Nathan" is away (10:50:12 PM)
"Nathan": thanks!
"Nathan": so glad jun didnt win
"Nathan": i was gettin nervous there
King Jamesth: yeah she kept on sliding by
"Nathan": she was terrible the first ones
"Nathan": so i was like oh shell be out early
King Jamesth: I was just really annoyed that I apparantly cannot read instructions lol
King Jamesth: but I prolly would have lost
King Jamesth: you guys are fast lol
"Nathan": ya i was so nervous that i would do that
"Nathan": or like post the wrong link
King Jamesth: the first time I did this challenge
King Jamesth: I did exactly what Eddie did
King Jamesth: I posted at the same time as Lyd and didn't realize it
King Jamesth: so I was paranoid about that this time
"Nathan": ooo yeah that sucks
King Jamesth: but, didnt matter because I got an answer wrong lol
"Nathan": but im so glad that i could be eddie's demise
King Jamesth: lol yeah I bet he was steaming about it
King Jamesth: prolly gonna bitch bout that in his dr
"Nathan": i hope so
King Jamesth: so I spoke to Lyd btw
King Jamesth: and basically, she is down, if you guys are
"Nathan": ok cool
"Nathan": have you talked to renny at all in the past few?
King Jamesth: not really, I tried once or twice but she wasnt around
King Jamesth: even though she was signed in and not set to away
King Jamesth: so I assume she must have just left it on without realizing it or something
"Nathan": yeah i havent tried
King Jamesth: I think its pretty likely, Ren and I have been getting along well this game
King Jamesth: a lot different than WZ3 where we were on opposite sides of things
"Nathan": yeah
"Nathan": well if i see her on ill try
King Jamesth: alright sounds good
King Jamesth: I will too
"Nathan": so what do you think about the vote here?
King Jamesth: ummmm, I am not really sure
King Jamesth: I am kinda distant with both. Personally I see Jun as a bigger threat than Eddie, but I know that you and Eddie have your history.
King Jamesth: I think they are together for sure though
"Nathan": yeah i mean at least one is leaving so its def a good thing
King Jamesth: yeah exactly
King Jamesth: well I am willing to go with the flow on this
King Jamesth: because the way I see it
King Jamesth: Eddie is irrational, which makes him hard to predict, and a bit of a lone wolf so he will be underestimated and might slid by
King Jamesth: and Jun is someone who seems all around this house, so her leaving also wouldnt be bad
King Jamesth: *seems to have ties all around the house
"Nathan": yeah she does
"Nathan": she really does try to be buddy buddy with so many people
"Nathan": and then acts like shes loyal
"Nathan": but also i think everyone realizes that so...
King Jamesth: yeah exactly, it is a tough call
King Jamesth: I find at this stage of the game, any decision you make ends up feeling like a big gamble
King Jamesth: but, as long as one leaves
King Jamesth: then the situaion is still improving
"Nathan": yeah
King Jamesth: anyways, if you think of a reason that one like needs to go over the other, let me know
"Nathan": kk
King Jamesth: btw
King Jamesth: Jun is pestering me for her vote right now. I am gonna say yes, but that doesn't mean anything
King Jamesth: is that cool?
"Nathan": totally
King Jamesth: wow I always forget how pushy she is lol
King Jamesth: ok, I am gonna appear offline
"Nathan": LOL
"Nathan": yep thats jun
King Jamesth: but I will still be around for a bit if you need to talk
King Jamesth: if we dont end up talking, then g'night
King Jamesth: oh and btw... -_- at Seb faking his own death
"Nathan": ugh i know
"Nathan": how stupid
"Nathan": im not surprised
King Jamesth: yeah
"Nathan": im not
King Jamesth: its like
King Jamesth: if you want a fake identity
King Jamesth: why dont you just make one
King Jamesth: instead of attempting to fake your own death
"Nathan": seriously
King Jamesth: I think the funniest part
King Jamesth: is that he thought Chels wouldnt say anything
King Jamesth: its like dude, you just attempted to FAKE YOUR OWN DEATH
King Jamesth: whos gonna not say something about that? lol
"Nathan": i know
"Nathan": if you are gonna do that then you gotta tell noooo one
King Jamesth: not to mentione
King Jamesth: his personality is way too distinct
King Jamesth: for him to pull it off
King Jamesth: the second he started interacting with ppl again
King Jamesth: it would become obvious
"Nathan": very true
"Nathan": if he wants he can just like find a new corner of the org world where he doesnt know everyone
"Nathan": because there are lots... i know hes been in many
"Nathan": but im sure he can find somewhere
King Jamesth: yeah, I was just waiting for him to post under his sucks name
King Jamesth: because I figured this was prolly not legit
King Jamesth: Do you ever frequent sucks btw?
"Nathan": yeah i usually browse a bit every week
"Nathan": never post
"Nathan": lividmanda was like the best thing ever
King Jamesth: did you ever watch the apprentice 2?
"Nathan": i got spoiled earlier this season a bit though so meh
King Jamesth: yeah me too
"Nathan": yeah i did
King Jamesth: ok
King Jamesth: BEST thread ever
King Jamesth: was about Apprentice 2
King Jamesth: By the same person who made Lividmanda
King Jamesth: but under a different username
King Jamesth: (I have frequented Sucks longer than 95% of current posters, but only post VERY rarely)
"Nathan": oh really haha
"Nathan": i should check it out
"Nathan": is it in the apprentice board?
"Nathan": or like
King Jamesth: I dunno I am looking for it
King Jamesth: I think it would be
King Jamesth: by Naj
"Nathan": monster island?
King Jamesth: is the poster name I think
King Jamesth: could be on monster island
King Jamesth: or
King Jamesth: it could be lost from the time that sucks crashed a few years back
King Jamesth: I made a ranking thread one time, but never completed it
King Jamesth: It was top 25 TVshows
King Jamesth: ugh I cannot find the thread
King Jamesth: anyways, I am going to bed for realzies now
"Nathan": haha yeah i should too
King Jamesth: btw, I will not really be around for much of tomorrow
King Jamesth: I work a double
King Jamesth: so, just wondering if you think you are gonna be posting your veto decision tonight or tomorrow, just so I have an idea of when my vote might need to be in by
"Nathan": i think tomorrow
King Jamesth: alright cool
"Nathan": so yeah therell be time
King Jamesth: alright cool
King Jamesth: Ill talk to you tomorrow then
"Nathan": see ya
King Jamesth: nigth
Eddie": Jun is out
King Jamesth: thats good
"Eddie": Will winning might be best, I think nathan won't backstab you
King Jamesth: btw
King Jamesth: I kinda fed Jun the wrong answer there
King Jamesth: lol
"Eddie": haha awesome
King Jamesth:
"Jun": james/
King Jamesth: ummm, I dunno
King Jamesth: I think so?
"Eddie": Natalie right?
King Jamesth:
King Jamesth: I think so
King Jamesth: send Will taht
"Eddie": that's my last hope in this game
"Eddie": don't say ANYTHING about the power to him
King Jamesth: I am gonna do whatever I can buddy, I hope I can sway him, because I dont know if he is the type of person
King Jamesth: but I will do my best to see that he doesnt use it
"Eddie": k
"Eddie": I gave Will a pep talk about giving Nathan an incentive not to fuck him over
"Eddie": Nathan can end my game right now
"Eddie": I hope he doesn't know it
"Eddie": /
"Eddie": despite what he says I'm not his number 1 target
"Eddie": God this is terrible
"Eddie": well if he's conservative
"Eddie": he won't want to "piss two people off who are staying"
"Eddie": and that's why I hope he won't use it
"Eddie": plus he might not have the same guess as to Will's power as we do
"Eddie": or maybe doesn't know of Will's power
"Eddie": ahhhh
"Eddie": piss
King Jamesth: I think he does
"Eddie": this sucks
"Eddie": do you think he'll use it?
King Jamesth: I really have no clue, I kinda doubt it
"Eddie": I keep thinking he HAS to use it
"Eddie": that's what I would do
"Eddie": but everyone seems to think not
"Eddie": like Will was all like "i don't think I'm going up"
"Eddie": sarah doesn't think the veto will be used
"Eddie": am I just overfreaking out?
King Jamesth: I dunno, I would be nervous too in your position
King Jamesth: I dont think veto is being used
"Eddie": what makes you say that
King Jamesth: "Nathan": yeah i mean at least one is leaving so its def a good thing
"Eddie": well if Will is put on the block
"Eddie": he will survive
"Eddie": so that's true either way
King Jamesth: true
King Jamesth: well
King Jamesth: I am talking to Nathan
King Jamesth: and kinda making it seem like
King Jamesth: I see you as a threat, and jun as a bigger threat
"Eddie": ask him if he can put the veto away today because you want to vote tonight and get it over with
"Eddie": or maybe not
"Eddie": idk
"Eddie": I'm just freaking out
King Jamesth: no that would be the wrong call
King Jamesth: if you are gonna make it through this
King Jamesth: you gotta stay calm
"Eddie": yeah
"Eddie": make sure that despite what you're doing
"Eddie": tell him "but I'll vote how you want to"
King Jamesth: I did
"Eddie": because if I'm the target and he doesn't think I'll leave with Jun up
"Eddie": he might try a different approach
"Eddie": k
"Eddie": I think its best that I STFU, do something else for a couple hours
"Eddie": and then come back
"Eddie": because I'm only going to fuck something up
King Jamesth: yeah
King Jamesth: I mean
King Jamesth: if you want, you can go invis
King Jamesth: and talk only to me
King Jamesth: and I will kinda keep you updated
"Eddie": yeah no one is talking to me right now so it doesn't matter
"Eddie": (from the game)
"Eddie": but yeah
"Eddie": talking to Seb who is invisible LOL
"Eddie": called him an asshole for faking his death
King Jamesth: I hope Nathan bought it
King Jamesth: I told him that I would vote whatever way he wants, and that I am basically undecided because I see either of you leaving as a good thing
"Eddie": yeah
King Jamesth: there is a very decent possibility that Jun will self destruct
King Jamesth: I think
King Jamesth: hmmm
King Jamesth: I just thought of something
King Jamesth: if I continue to talk to Jun for a while tonight, I can say tomorrow that I think you are less of a threat because you seem to have already checked out
"Eddie": and what will that do?
"Eddie": calm Jun down?
"Eddie": I guess so
"Eddie": go for it
King Jamesth: no
King Jamesth: I mean
King Jamesth: I can say to Nathan tomorrow
King Jamesth: that Jun campaigned hardcore
King Jamesth: and that Eddie didn't
King Jamesth: I cant say outright
King Jamesth: that I want you to stay
"Eddie": yeah
King Jamesth: but if I am able to come up with kinda real sounding reasons that would lead him to the conclusion of keeping you]
King Jamesth: I think
King Jamesth: it will make a big differrnce to him if HE thinks he came up with this plan
"Eddie": yes
"Eddie": I wonder if he'll be quick to use this veto
"Eddie": well I mean I don't mean use this veto
"Eddie": but post his decision rather
"Eddie": or if he'll wait until tomorrow night
"Eddie": you were typing something?
King Jamesth: ummmm, yeah, nothing important
King Jamesth: just gonna be making fun of Seb lol
King Jamesth: k he said he is posting tomorrow
"Eddie": I hope he's not sleeping on anything
"Eddie": I wonder what he's waiting on
King Jamesth: umm
King Jamesth: It would be pretty fast to post veto by tonight
King Jamesth: wouldnt leave people much time
"Eddie": he did it when he won veto
King Jamesth: yeah I know
"Eddie": this might be the scariest situtation in the game for me
"Eddie": /
King Jamesth: But I dont think he is fully decided on the outcome he wants of this week
"Eddie": possibly the end
King Jamesth: it could be, but I think it is more likely to be Jun's
"Eddie": you think he's between using the veto on me
"Eddie": lol
"Eddie": and not using the veto at all?
King Jamesth: no
King Jamesth: I think that he is not sure who he would rather see leave
King Jamesth: and would like more time to decide
"Eddie": but suppose he decides me
King Jamesth: I think that its pretty unlikely the veto is being used
King Jamesth: I dunno
"Eddie": k
"Eddie": because Will would stay
"Eddie": and Will will be pissed
King Jamesth: also
"Eddie": and Will is good at these competitions
King Jamesth: I have been doing what I can to chip away at Jun's name
King Jamesth: like
King Jamesth: for instance
King Jamesth:
King Jamesth: btw
King Jamesth: Jun is pestering me for her vote right now. I am gonna say yes, but that doesn't mean anything
King Jamesth: is that cool?
"Nathan": totally
King Jamesth: wow I always forget how pushy she is lol
King Jamesth: ok, I am gonna appear offline
"Nathan": LOL
"Nathan": yep thats jun
King Jamesth: this would be way easier for me if I had more than one night, but I gotta deliver this shit in small doses
King Jamesth: if its gonna work on Nathan
"Eddie": yeah
King Jamesth: anyways, I guess we just gotta pray right now
King Jamesth: I have stopped talking to him
"Eddie": if Will does go on the block
"Eddie": I just need Sarah
"Eddie": but that's close to impossible
"Eddie": but still a tiny bit of hope to hold onto
King Jamesth: well, Sarah isnt afraid to backstab
King Jamesth: so hopefully that would work in your favour
"Eddie": yes
"Eddie": I worked her like hell
"Eddie": this last week
"Eddie": I need to figure out if there's anything else I can do to put me above Will
King Jamesth: yep
King Jamesth: but it cant be blatant
King Jamesth: btw, do you like how I 'checked with Nathan" on what I was gonna say to Jun?
"Eddie": yes that was good
"Eddie": I'm glad I at least don't have to worry about you and Lydia being on the block now
King Jamesth: I think I am actually getting in pretty good with him
"Eddie": that's excellent
King Jamesth: Im not sure though, he could just be playing me
King Jamesth: ugh I so feel I am about to be POWed
King Jamesth: (Prisoner of War)
"Eddie": by Sarah?
King Jamesth: yeah
King Jamesth: that or Lyd wil
King Jamesth: and it will be a vote againt me
"Eddie": you probably
"Eddie": but if we control HOH it doesn't matter
King Jamesth: yeah true
"Eddie": I mean she wants Nathan out
"Eddie": so the worst that can happen is you can guiltlessly put Nathan up
King Jamesth: wouldnt she be controling my nominations if I won?
"Eddie": yeah
King Jamesth: so then it would be a bad thing
"Eddie": people want Nathan out
"Eddie": if Nathan won veto
"Eddie" is available (4:14:36 PM)
"Eddie": if not
"Eddie": it'll still be scary because Lyd might be sitting next to him
King Jamesth: yep
"Eddie": but he'll leave
"Eddie": ideally I win HOH though
"Eddie": I got the most obvious noms to make
"Eddie": this is going to be the longest day ever
"Eddie": I keep imagining myself
"Eddie": going on the board tomorrow with a thread that has Nathan going
"Eddie": with the words "switch up" "sorry Will" "I've decided to use the power of veto on Jun"
King Jamesth: dude its possible, but I dont think its likely
King Jamesth: he told Jun the noms were staying the same
"Eddie": I think my thing is that
"Eddie": I always think that people will do
"Eddie": whatever is the best move for them to make
"Eddie": and putting up Will is the best move
"Eddie": so I'm in denial that Nathan will screw up
King Jamesth: who knows really?
King Jamesth: He never told me explicitly what he was doing
"Eddie": there is no way putting up Will is not his best move
"Eddie" is available (11:53:31 AM)
King Jamesth: like Jun is better to go, over you
"Eddie": yeah
King Jamesth: without being obvious about it
"Eddie": there is some chance I'll be saved
"Eddie": it'd be weird
"Eddie": but possible
King Jamesth: btw
King Jamesth: if that happens
"Eddie": honestly his best move not knowing about Hell's Angels is veto me
"Eddie": put up Will next to Jun
King Jamesth: I would be amazed with myself
King Jamesth: because I think I MIGHT have planted the seeds correctly tonight
King Jamesth: even though I dont think I will change his decision
"Eddie": and you still think his decision is leaving it the same?
King Jamesth: I dunno
"Eddie": that's your hunch at the moment still
"Eddie": what's your hunch
King Jamesth: I think so
"Eddie": k
King Jamesth: But, I also did notice that he never explicitly told me that
King Jamesth: Jun told me that, not him
King Jamesth: but I figure, either way, it is better that he sees Jun as more threatening
"Eddie": yes
"Eddie": and you know what
"Eddie": if Nathan was destined to win
"Eddie": I'm so glad I got out first
"Eddie": and Jun made it almost to the end
King Jamesth: ugh dont say that
King Jamesth: I dont want Nathan to win
King Jamesth: lol
"Eddie": no I mean the competition that we just did
"Eddie": I don't mean the whole game
King Jamesth: oh I see what you mean
King Jamesth: yeah I am annoyed with myself
"Eddie": just makes me so unthreatening
King Jamesth: but no way was I gonna win
"Eddie": because comps make your heart pound a bit
"Eddie": and that's where fears get made
"Eddie": and Jun got pretty far
"Eddie": so there were more rounds of "Omg I hope Jun doesn't win" then round of "Omg I hope Eddie doesn't win"
"Eddie": which I think helps me
King Jamesth: yeah true
King Jamesth: did I show you my description of you?
"Eddie": I think so
"Eddie": but can't recall it
King Jamesth:
yeah exactly
King Jamesth: well I am willing to go with the flow on this
King Jamesth: because the way I see it
King Jamesth: Eddie is irrational, which makes him hard to predict, and a bit of a lone wolf so he will be underestimated and might slid by
King Jamesth: and Jun is someone who seems all around this house, so her leaving also wouldnt be bad
King Jamesth: *seems to have ties all around the house
King Jamesth: I think yours makes you look way less threatening
"Eddie": yeah
King Jamesth: and on one account, entirely false
"Eddie": lol
King Jamesth: the irrational part
"Eddie": or lone wolf
King Jamesth: yeah
"Eddie": maybe hard to predict?
"Eddie": lol
"Eddie": maybe 1/3 is literally true
King Jamesth: Yeah, its all believable though
"Eddie": yes
King Jamesth: assuming that you dont show everyone what you show me lol
"Eddie": LOL
King Jamesth: in terms of personality
"Eddie": um I think Jun tried that
King Jamesth: what do you mean?
"Eddie": oh wait I see what you mena
"Eddie": *mean
"Eddie": me being just normal
King Jamesth: yeah
"Eddie": and not an OTT cussing character
"Eddie": yeah
"Eddie": definitely only you and Lydia
"Eddie": I mean I'm never always tossing around fuck
"Eddie": but I never sound like I'm playing with my head
"Eddie": all my reasons to other people are always emotional
King Jamesth: thats good
King Jamesth: I think I shoot myself in the foot
"Eddie": like this guy "diresepected me" "pisses me off" "being a douche"
"Eddie": so on and so forth
King Jamesth: yeah
King Jamesth: that is a smart way to be
King Jamesth: I think I am too obvious about being a thinker
"Eddie": er but there is a risk
"Eddie": because sometimes people want the smart guy
"Eddie": and not the crazy guy
King Jamesth: not at this point in the game
"Eddie": yeah not at this point
"Eddie": but James left for playing kind of like I did
"Eddie": without a lot of the specifics obviously
"Eddie": but in broad strokes
"Eddie": he kind of played like that
"Eddie": I think he also kind of is like that too though
King Jamesth: yeah he is somewhat smart
King Jamesth: but he isnt a believable liar
King Jamesth: thats his problem
"Eddie": and Jun is crazy and all over the place
"Eddie": but until the events of now
"Eddie": well actually rephrase that
"Eddie": I would have considered voting her out over Will or Sarah but I'm not sure
"Eddie": she's a mess
"Eddie": but yet I always wanted her in final four
"Eddie": so I guess that's right
"Eddie": insanity helps
"Eddie": unless the person you are taking it out on
"Eddie": is offended by your insanity
"Eddie": and irrationally wants you out
King Jamesth: Its funny
King Jamesth: my style of interaction is really different lol
King Jamesth: first of all I barely post on the forums
King Jamesth: And every time I have been in one of those quiz things where everyone labels eachother stuff, I get mentioned as a jury threat... very annoying
King Jamesth: except this game, where I was UTR because the challenge was about pregame observations and I barely knew anyone
King Jamesth: do you know the type of challenge I am refering to?
King Jamesth: like Survey Says?
"Eddie": yeah I know
"Eddie": Jun and Nat won all the bad ones
"Eddie": I did win most funny
"Eddie": but was otherwise absent
King Jamesth: I have been so rediculously UTR this game
"Eddie": haha
King Jamesth: since like week 4
King Jamesth: havent won anything, havent been nominated, barely been in a conflict
"Eddie": yeah I keep thinking I've been UTR
"Eddie": but now that I think about it
"Eddie": there's been some bullshit
"Eddie": every single round
"Eddie": except week 1
"Eddie": then Sheila called me out
"Eddie": round 3 doesn't count
"Eddie": round 4 I was up
"Eddie": round 5 I was a big "Anti-Sheila" douche
"Eddie": round 6 I used the veto
"Eddie": round 7 Hell's Angels blindsided Josh
"Eddie": the week Alex left...I don't even have to say anything
King Jamesth: lets see
King Jamesth: round 1, ummm, nothing really
King Jamesth: but I was still meeting people
King Jamesth: round 2. Hells Angels formed. Nominated. Vetoed by Saint
King Jamesth: round 3. nothing really
"Eddie": round 1 was all about Nat, Will, Sheila, Renny, Jason, and Nathan
"Eddie": oh and Jessica
King Jamesth: round 4. Nominated, lied about.Vetoed by saint.
King Jamesth: round 5. Ummmm, was not rally at any riskt at all
King Jamesth: week 6. Yeah still nothing happened to me, although I did do stuff this week
King Jamesth: like get the double vote to target She
King Jamesth: not that it wouldnt have happened anyway lol
King Jamesth: I dunno, usually I do a lot more in games
"Eddie": I mean you don't have to be almost going home to have done something
"Eddie": you did shit every week eventhough you weren't at risk
King Jamesth: Yeah, true enough
King Jamesth: I think Hells Angels has evaded a lot of tough situations by constant communication
"Eddie": if we survive this round all togather...
"Eddie": we are gods
"Eddie": but honestly becoming huge underdogs
"Eddie": with Jun gone
"Eddie": it's definitely not to our advantage
"Eddie": but our best shot now
"Eddie": we NEED HOH next week
King Jamesth: I know, trust me do I ever know that
"Eddie": best case scenerio Nathan leaves and Will uses his power
"Eddie": if Nathan didn't just win 3 comps in a row
"Eddie": I wouldn't want him out so bad
"Eddie": I was leaning on Renny more lately
"Eddie": but now I change my mind a bit
"Eddie": he is really New Sheila
"Eddie": Will wasn't kidding
King Jamesth: yeah I see what you mean
King Jamesth: I will do it
"Eddie": if Nathan is gone it's not that scary
"Eddie": Renny is like absentish a lot
"Eddie": Will is good but not that good
"Eddie": Sarah has been sucking a lot
"Eddie": we might start racking up wins soon hopefully
"Eddie": I'm starting to talk as though I'm staying
King Jamesth: I think its very possible. Just be careful
King Jamesth: dont get overconfident
King Jamesth: that is the worst slip up you can make right now
"Eddie": I'm not going to make a single move
"Eddie": until that veto is used
"Eddie": other than talk to Sarah
"Eddie": and keep working her
"Eddie": in general
"Eddie": should I be doing anything else?
King Jamesth: ummm, I dont think so really
King Jamesth: omg
"Eddie": ...
King Jamesth: wait nm
"Eddie": ....
King Jamesth: I just thought of something
King Jamesth: and realized it didnt make sense
King Jamesth: afterwards
"Eddie": you gave me a near heart attack I was waiting for
"Eddie": "omg"
"Eddie": "Nathan just said he's putting up Will"
King Jamesth: lol sorry
"Eddie": what was it?
"Eddie": lol
King Jamesth: it was about Sarah's Prisoner of War thing
"Eddie": hm?
King Jamesth: well, it wont really make sense, because I was not thinking clearly
King Jamesth: but
King Jamesth: what I thought would be hilarious
King Jamesth: would be if Nathan was on the block, and Sarah had my vote from her power, and used it against him
King Jamesth: Renny would have no reason to be pissed with me, and every reason to be pissed with Sarah
King Jamesth: and might kinda switch sides
King Jamesth: but then I realized
King Jamesth: that Renny would prolly be up against Nathan
King Jamesth: so Sarah would be voting t keep her
King Jamesth: so as you can see, it is not a very relevent thought
King Jamesth: I am getting tired evidently lol
"Eddie": haha
"Eddie": it still could happen
King Jamesth: I hate knowing that there is a power in this game that is almost 100% going to be used against me
King Jamesth: for basically no reason
King Jamesth: I mean, well there is a reason, we dont connect
"Eddie": yes
"Eddie": I hope I win HOH when it happens
"Eddie": it won't really matter
King Jamesth: Yeah or Lyd
"Eddie": yeah
King Jamesth: I wouldnt be upset with the idea
King Jamesth: of
King Jamesth: Lyd putting up Sarah and Will
King Jamesth: and having the noms stick
King Jamesth: that is, if Sarah uses that power on me
"Eddie": yeah
King Jamesth: I personally think
King Jamesth: Nathan and Will's poowers are the two biggest priorities in this game
King Jamesth: *powers
"Eddie": Sarah and Will's powers?
King Jamesth: sorry
King Jamesth: what I meant was
King Jamesth: Nathan/Will's power
King Jamesth: as two most threatening elements to this game
King Jamesth: like Nathan just in general, and Will because ending up beside him on the block is the kiss of death
"Eddie": yeah agreed
King Jamesth: k I think I gotta go to bed
"Eddie": goodnight man
King Jamesth: I wont be around too much tomorrow
"Eddie": Sarah just got online for a bit
"Eddie": we're talking about movies...
"Eddie": working on her
King Jamesth: k sounds good
"Eddie": goodnight man
King Jamesth: night
"Eddie" is offline (4:43:08 AM)
Your IM will be delivered when the buddy goes online.
King Jamesth: hey
King Jamesth: hows it goin?
"Eddie": better than yesterday
"Eddie": he didn't use the veto
"Eddie": I can have the votes
King Jamesth: yeah I saw
King Jamesth: how are Will and Sarah looking?
"Eddie": Sarah is talking like her vote is not even questionable, she's voting for me to stay
"Eddie": Will is being wishy washy
"Eddie": and he wants to talk to you
"Eddie": first
"Eddie": AKA "see how everyone is doing"
King Jamesth: he wants to talk to me?
"Eddie": well yeah
"Eddie": Renny is a vote for me out
"Eddie": if you and Lydia
"Eddie": vote me out
King Jamesth: gah
"Eddie": then he will just be pissing off Jun
King Jamesth: I didnt want to have to deal with these people
King Jamesth: tonight
King Jamesth: lol
"Eddie": I said I talked to you and you said that Jun is pissing you off and as a result
"Eddie": you'll vote her out
"Eddie": talk to Will for five minutes
"Eddie": at some point
King Jamesth: ugh then Jun will start messaging me, but no worries, I will do it
"Eddie": k sweet
King Jamesth: I guess I should also talk to Nathan
King Jamesth: if I am gonna try to keep this going
"Eddie": he told Sarah that he doesn't care about how people vote
"Eddie": eventhough he'd rather have me gone
"Eddie": by the way Nathan already threw you under the bus once
"Eddie": so be careful
King Jamesth: to?
"Eddie": Will
King Jamesth: fuck, I thought he might
King Jamesth: oh well
"Eddie": yeah whatever
King Jamesth: what did he say?
"Eddie": that you wanted him up
"Eddie": but you can't do anything about that I don't think
"Eddie": if you bring it up in any way he could guess that you brought it up
"Eddie": because he shared that with me
"Eddie": and then it'd be a mess
King Jamesth: tbh I thought Nathan was smarter than this
"Eddie": did you not see why I got pissed off at Nathan in the first place
"Eddie": lol
"Eddie": same kind of shit
King Jamesth: no, I mean
King Jamesth: I cant believe he DIDNT put up Will
King Jamesth: but I dont really cre
"Eddie": OH I KNOW!
"Eddie": but they have a final four and he's being a chicken
King Jamesth: if Will is pissed
"Eddie": eventhough they will all pounce on him given the chance
King Jamesth: I was gonna get nominated by him or Sarah regardless
"Eddie": by the way
"Eddie": Sarah said something
"Eddie": that sounds true
King Jamesth: ?
"Eddie": on the announcement
"Eddie": it says that we should all be there
"Eddie": like stresses it more than usual in an announcement
"Eddie": she thinks its a fast forward round
"Eddie": did you have that in your season?
"Eddie": or was it just in mine
King Jamesth: we didnt have one on our season
King Jamesth: but we had 3 quitters
"Eddie": we get in the chat
"Eddie": and by the end of the chat someone left
"Eddie": and someone is HOH after
"Eddie": so there might be HOH-POV-voting-HOH
"Eddie": all tomorrow night
Your next competition is LIVE tomorrow night, Wednesday March 10th, at 10 PM EST. I would like for everyone to be there, so if you have any time conflicts, please reply to this thread and let me know.
« Last Edit: Today at 9:13pm by Chelsbot »
"Eddie": she never adds the last sentence
"Eddie": so what Sarah says makes sense
"Eddie" is available (10:16:38 PM)
King Jamesth: ugh I am about to stop being invis
King Jamesth: lol, if you leave this round
King Jamesth: I will go crazy
"Eddie": hahahahaa
King Jamesth: you and Lyd are like the only 2 that dont annoy me
"Eddie": if I leave
"Eddie": and Chels makes an announcement about the fast forward round
"Eddie": I think you'll have a heart attack
"Eddie": one of us WILL LEAVE
"Eddie": IF WE DONT
"Eddie": like there was always a scenerio of maybe not
"Eddie": but this is just close to impossible
"Eddie": there is a scenerio that Sarah or Will will take out Nathan
"Eddie": but that's IT
King Jamesth: yeah I know
King Jamesth: We are basically on our last legs
"Eddie": Sarah is showing everything Jun is saying to her
"Eddie": and laughing about it
"Eddie": Jun talks exactly like I would
"Eddie": thank god
"Eddie": I worked Sarah
"Eddie": because I already biased Sarah against Jun now
"Eddie": and Jun looks like she's just chasing a last minute vote
King Jamesth: lol the more I think about it
King Jamesth: the more it pisses me off that Natahn directly told Will that
King Jamesth: how does that do him ANY good?
"Eddie": maybe get Will to leave him alone
"Eddie": SEE i told you
"Eddie": Nathan plays like a dumbass idiot
"Eddie": why tell Jason that I'm coming after Sheila in the exact way I told him
"Eddie": when I already publicly said I'm coming after Sheila
"Eddie": it can only get him in trouble
"Eddie": since Jason and Sheila have big mouths
King Jamesth: lol, if Will actually was stupid enough to leave him alone
King Jamesth: because of this
King Jamesth: I dont know who that would make dumber
King Jamesth: him, or Nathan
King Jamesth: btw, do you know what Jun thinks?
King Jamesth: is she acting like she is staying?
King Jamesth: to Sarah?
"Eddie": idk
"Eddie": but she told Will
"Eddie": that her votes could be
"Eddie": you, lyd, and him
"Eddie": so I think she knows she doesn't have Sarah
"Eddie": and yeah
"Eddie": she's running around acting like you are voting for her to stay
"Eddie": btw go visible soon and talk to Will for five minutes before he leaves
"Eddie" is available (10:31:25 PM)
King Jamesth: I am visible now right?
"Eddie": yes
King Jamesth: how do you think I should handle Jun?
King Jamesth: truth or lie?
"Eddie": you can go for truth
"Eddie": it doesn't really matter
"Eddie": truth might be better
"Eddie": if you lie Sarah and nathan might be on edge
"Eddie": with what is going to happen
"Eddie": but talk to Will before you talk to Jun though
"Eddie": talking to people?
King Jamesth: yes
King Jamesth: Will and Jun
"Eddie" is available (10:43:22 PM)
King Jamesth: k can you get sarah to message me or something
King Jamesth: Will is kinda indicating to me that he wants you out
King Jamesth: acutally
King Jamesth: nm
"Eddie": nm?
"Eddie": nvm?
King Jamesth: yeah
"Eddie": he wants me out or not?
King Jamesth: I think he is leaning against keeping you
King Jamesth: but his vote is irrelevent if you have Sarah
"Eddie": did you message Sarah
King Jamesth: no I didnt
"Eddie": I'll try to get her to IM you
Auto-response: King Jamesth is away (11:02:47 PM)
I am away from my computer right now.
"Eddie": WOW Will is so full of shit
King Jamesth: "Will": well I don't know if I feel one of them stepped it up, but I think one stepped it down maybe
King Jamesth: take from that what you will
"Eddie": that could be me or jun actually
King Jamesth: I think it means he is trying to get rid of you
"Eddie": MaorMx
: Hey are you back yet?
: yes
: can you IM Roddy?
: he promised me his vote
: but if he talks to you
: yeah i was going to
: and says he's voting to keep me
: its probably true
: lol we'll see what he says
: k
: thanks
"Eddie": SO GLAD I WORKED HARD ON SARAH, I was so going to let her go and say fuck it when she swore at me but she might save my life
"Eddie": I mean Will's thing is too vague
"Eddie": I was the one who won A COMP in the last two rounds
"Eddie": not Jun
"Eddie": Will didn't give you a direct answer?
King Jamesth: nah, but I am starting to think that he is leaning towards keeping you
"Eddie": and did Sarah IM you?
King Jamesth: yes
"Eddie": they seem to think that the vote to base their votes on is yours for some reason...or at least Will thought so
"Eddie": make sure they both understand they will be voting with the majority
"Eddie": and I need to stop paying attention to this game and chill out
"Eddie": at this point I probably did everything I could do
King Jamesth: I think your safe
"Eddie": this round has been stress since Nathan won HOH
"Eddie": I can't wait until it's over
"Eddie": if I lose on some fast forward thing at least it will be quick and painless
"Eddie": but that won't happen because we'll win the next HOH
King Jamesth: its done
King Jamesth: your safe
King Jamesth: just dont mess with things
"Eddie": yeah I'm terrified to open my mouth
King Jamesth: Jun is better than I thought
King Jamesth: at offering real reasons to keep her
"Eddie": I know
"Eddie": she failed at only one thing
"Eddie": waiting too long to get her ducks in a row
"Eddie": I started working on this scenerio much longer than her
"Eddie": well a couple days longer
King Jamesth: longer than that
King Jamesth: you have been working sarah for a long time
"Eddie": dude if I didn't put Lyd up that game would have been up right now
"Eddie": like not even a question
"Eddie": yeah I've been working Sarah for two full rounds now
"Eddie": and I had the pleasure of Jun saying to me that I should put up Sarah and me arguing that I need to put you up or Lydia
King Jamesth: k
King Jamesth: still here
"Eddie": and I pasted that to Sarah right away
"Eddie": so I think that moment was crucial
"Eddie": Sarah saw that she was thrown under the bus
"Eddie": and I was going out of my way to not put her up
King Jamesth: yeah, well Jun is gonna be pissed at me
King Jamesth: but whatever
King Jamesth: btw
King Jamesth: the ONE thing we REALLY did right
King Jamesth: was make sure no one has any clue about us
King Jamesth: because they dont
"Eddie": sigh
"Eddie": Sarah
: okay well
: just remember
: this doesn't mean you can stop the *seduce Sarah* plan
: I can still try to turn will back around
: lol
: I want to do a lot more than seduce Sarah
: lol
: okay well you may have to get me drunk
: I started you off - just poured a glass of wine
: lol
Conversation(s) with Jun
"Jun": well this sucks
"Jun": T_T
King Jamesth: yeah that blows
King Jamesth: sorry to see you nommed
"Jun": would i have your vote to stay
"Jun": if noms stayed the same?
"Jun": you can be honest
King Jamesth: Well, yeah. Eddie and I are still kinda on the rocks
King Jamesth: I mean, not in a big over the top way
"Jun": thanks
"Jun": and lydia owes me a vote and she promised she would pay me back
King Jamesth: but yeah, I'd vote to keep you
"Jun": i also gave her the spot in the semifinals of the HoH
King Jamesth: I think honestly its pretty unlikely you would leave
King Jamesth: Eddie has burned bridges with lotsa people
"Jun": unless a power eats me
King Jamesth: :/ yeah fuck the powers
"Jun": anyways thanks for your support
"Jun": you are gonna need me to help break up those alliances
"Jun": haha
"Jun" is available (10:17:52 PM)
"Jun": which veto
"Jun": was a numbers game
King Jamesth: ummm
King Jamesth: its osh
King Jamesth: Josh
"Jun" is available (10:24:25 PM)
"Jun": Saint
"Jun": not Sinner
"Jun": lol
King Jamesth: fuck
"Jun" is available (10:40:08 PM)
"Jun": james/
King Jamesth: ummm, I dunno
King Jamesth: I think so?
King Jamesth: shit they answered differently
"Jun" is available (10:48:19 PM)
"Jun": damnit
"Jun": i was so close
"Jun": ;o
King Jamesth: yeah that sucks. I honestly hate this challenge
King Jamesth: I am not very fast at challenges
King Jamesth: and I get all flustered and misread instructions lol
"Jun": hha
"Jun": me too
"Jun": i forgot it was chelsia not James
"Jun": ;o
"Jun": so, you will still vote to keep me? hahah
"Jun": i dont want to badger or annoy you
King Jamesth: yeah, I am planning on keeping you
"Jun": sweet
King Jamesth: You have a clear perspective on the game
"Jun": let me know if things change
King Jamesth: k I will
King Jamesth: but
King Jamesth: I really doubt they will be
"Jun": id only need you and lydia to stay
"Jun": cause
"Jun": renny will vote to keep me i think
"Jun": and you and lydia both know where I stand, and where I have stood all game
King Jamesth: just dont say anything to ppl yet, I dont want Nathan to get antsy with his veto
"Jun": i wont
King Jamesth: I really doubt he will
King Jamesth: but just to be cautious
"Jun": he has already said he isnt saving either of us
King Jamesth: k
"Jun": just saying you know I am pro you and Lydia
"Jun": i gave Lydia my spot in the hoh for crap sakes xD
King Jamesth: <3 thanks for that btw
King Jamesth: if only we had won round 2...
"Jun": i know
King Jamesth: I am still really annoyed by that HoH
"Jun": me too
King Jamesth: I didnt realize there was a time limit on taking your turn
King Jamesth: so it auto-dropped for me, at the worst possible time basically
"Jun": haha
King Jamesth: but whatevs :/
King Jamesth: seems to be consistent that I screw these up lmao
"Jun": well you keep me and its bound to be either yorus mine or lydias turn to be hoh
"Jun": and tomorrow is a critical week
King Jamesth: yep, so critical
King Jamesth: getting down to the wire
"Jun": besides id fight tooth and nail cause you and lydia are the only people who wouldnt have stabbed me
"Jun": haha
King Jamesth: thanks! yeah I dont get why people feel the need to be so fake in these games about everything
King Jamesth: like, yeah I know that you cant be honest all the time
King Jamesth: but seriously, some people seem to like get off on it lmao
"Jun": I KNO
"Jun": know*
King Jamesth: oh and as a compelte sidenote
King Jamesth: That is so rediculous that Seb faked his own death
"Jun": absoluely
"Jun": absolutely
King Jamesth: like dude wtf
"Jun": i was sad like all of last night
King Jamesth: if you want a new identity
King Jamesth: just make one
King Jamesth: you dont have to tell everyone that you died
"Jun": yea i agree
King Jamesth: also, its like
King Jamesth: his personality is distinct enough
King Jamesth: that people would know who he is in like 5 seconds flat, even if he was using a dif name
"Jun": hahaha yea
King Jamesth: ok, well I am heading to bed, I will talk to you tomorrow
King Jamesth: night
"Jun": aiight well
"Jun": depending when veto ceremony is posted
"Jun": votes might be due tomorrow night
King Jamesth: yeah, I kinda doubt it though but its possible
King Jamesth: I hope not though, because I have a busy day of work tomorrow
King Jamesth: and sometimes I dont get back til 10ish
"Jun": ah
King Jamesth: I think though, that the deadline would be midnight
King Jamesth: if it was tomorrow
King Jamesth: because I cant be the only person in that situation
King Jamesth: anyways, night
"Jun" is available (10:31:25 PM)
"Jun": hi
King Jamesth: hey
King Jamesth: hows it goin?
"Jun": good
"Jun": how are you
King Jamesth: sad to see noms didnt change :/... I am doing alright... very very busy
"Jun": yea sad noms stuck
"Jun": but
"Jun": nothing I can do about it
"Jun": have you decided how you would vote?
King Jamesth: ummm, I am talking to a few people right now
King Jamesth: I will let you know in a few min
"Jun": how does it look for me
"Jun": ith their votes?
"Jun": xD
"Jun": oh if it helps Renny sent me a PM saying she was voting to keep me
King Jamesth: Im not sure, I just got into the basic 'hows it going' convos with Will, and I havent talked to Sarah yet
"Jun": ah kk
"Jun": well now
King Jamesth: he has kinda stopped talking to me
"Jun": oh
"Jun": lmao
King Jamesth: lol
"Jun": if you and lydia vote to keep me
"Jun": im going to stay anyways
King Jamesth: I know, Sorry this is a tough decision, I am still thinking
"Jun": well
"Jun": you know ive only helped you guys
"Jun": this entireseason
"Jun": i think its only fair to pay it forward
"Jun": Roddy please, dont let me leave this week. I left this week in my season and under Nathans HoH
"Jun": T_T
"Jun": eddie nomianted Lydia last week T_T
"Jun": Roddy!
"Jun" is available (11:02:35 PM)
"Jun": hellu? ;o
Auto-response: King Jamesth is away (11:04:07 PM)
I am away from my computer right now.
King Jamesth: k I'm sorry, I gotta do what I think is best for me in this game. I dont think that is keeping you. I know that sucks
King Jamesth: sorry
"Jun": wow man
"Jun": why
"Jun": T_T
"Jun": even though i gave Lydia my spot
"Jun": in the hoh
"Jun": voted to keep her twice
"Jun": this is lame
"Jun": you didnt even give me a chance
"Jun": ill see you next week cause they are coming after you and lydia next
"Jun": and eddie isnt going to stand by either of you
"Jun": and guess what, they iwll come after you, not lydia
King Jamesth: if I dont win HoH I am fucked next week, but I think you are better connected to the house, and Eddie might be a freeby for me if the right person wins HoH
King Jamesth: that is my only chance to make it through next week if I dont win HoH
King Jamesth: otherwise Im done
"Jun": im better connected to the house means i can keep you around
"Jun": no one else can keep you around
"Jun": except me
King Jamesth: how could you keep me though?
King Jamesth: like
"Jun": im better at challenges than eddie
King Jamesth: if we are beside eachother
King Jamesth: then I go
"Jun": eddie wont vote to keep you
"Jun": no
King Jamesth: with Eddie I might have a shot
"Jun": no you wouldnt
"Jun": you and lydia are ggeting split up next week if one of you doesnt win
"Jun": at least if im here
"Jun": we have a 3/7 shot at HoH
"Jun": Eddie will side with them because it gives another week
King Jamesth: Well, I see what you mean. Its just tough because I feel like if I keep you, its like 5 people with long histories, with me and Lyd on the outside. I feel like maybe if Eddie stays theres at least one more outsider
"Jun": no you know
"Jun": im not with them
"Jun": im gunning Nathan hard
"Jun": and I have a bigger chance at succeeding then Eddie does
"Jun": im an outsider too look i got nominated
"Jun": Sarah doesnt trust me
"Jun": if you vote me out, you are sending yourself out next week
"Jun": its good for lydia i guess if i leave
"Jun": because she is guarenteed top 6 with you following me out the door
"Jun": its absolutely stupid for you to get rid of me
"Jun": and hat about what Rachel said
"Jun": she said you should trust me and you should
King Jamesth: its not an issue of trust to me at all
King Jamesth: because if it was, then it would be an easy decision
King Jamesth: but, the thing is, that I really doubt Eddie would stay against me
"Jun": well its obviously not a decision of self preservation
King Jamesth: I am gona be nommed next week
"Jun": have you not seen him in this game
King Jamesth: no matter what
"Jun": no
"Jun": if i win hoh
"Jun": or you or lydia
"Jun": you are safe
"Jun": if eddie wins lydia very well goes up again
"Jun": and then what
"Jun": yall are fucked
King Jamesth: k, well, I will sleep on it. I do not usually go against my gut in these things
King Jamesth: and my gut is telling me that Eddie is a big enough target
King Jamesth: but I do think its shitty for you to leave this way, and I hadnt thought about a lot of what you said
"Jun": i promise you, you are wrong
"Jun": if I leave
"Jun": you are fucked
"Jun": the next biggest target
"Jun": next to me
"Jun": the only way you or lydia have a shot at getting close to the end
"Jun": is with me
"Jun": eddie fades away next week because focus shifts to you and lydia
King Jamesth: -_-... ok well, I dunno, I think this is the wrong decision for me, Ill talk to you tomorrow, maybe later tonight. I need to get my head out of this game, so I can think clearly
"Jun": k well just remember
"Jun": I stay in the game
"Jun": focus stays on me as a target
"Jun": You and Lydia are my only option
"Jun": im your only option
"Jun": lydia listens to reason, ill talk to her
"Jun": instead
King Jamesth: k, Ill talk to you later
Conversations with Nathan
King Jamesth: hey man
King Jamesth: how was the brewery?
"Nathan": heyyyy
"Nathan": it was good
"Nathan": kinda sloppy haha
King Jamesth: lol, those nights are usually the best
King Jamesth: but make for shitty mornings lol
"Nathan": lol yeah
"Nathan": i have a kind of early morn tho
King Jamesth: ahh I see
King Jamesth: well your typing is pretty coherent
King Jamesth: did you take it easy?
"Nathan": lo
"Nathan": l
"Nathan": kind of
"Nathan": i mean im not compleeeetely wate
"Nathan": wasted
"Nathan": but im drunk
King Jamesth: lol, I hear that
King Jamesth: lol
King Jamesth: congrats on a drunken HoH
King Jamesth: Will just told me that you beat him?
"Nathan": yep!
King Jamesth: omg good job
King Jamesth: connect 4 <3
King Jamesth: I loved that game as a kid
King Jamesth: but was never the greatest at it lol
"Nathan": haha yeah i was a fan
"Nathan": but thanks
King Jamesth: lol when Eddie finds out he will shit a brick
King Jamesth: btw, I hope when you are doing nominations, that you continue the trend of giving comments out with the keys
King Jamesth: I <3 Renny and Sarah for starting that
King Jamesth: so funny
"Nathan" is available (12:25:59 AM)
"Nathan": haha k i will
"Nathan": and yes i cant wait for eddie to see
King Jamesth: lol I would love to see the reaction of his face... thats what sucks about ORGs in comparison to the real bb
King Jamesth: k, but I am gonna head to bed, so I will talk to you tomorrow
King Jamesth: will you be around?
"Nathan": in the evening
King Jamesth: alright cool, Ill talk to you tomorrow then
King Jamesth: night
"Nathan": nightt
evdogg87 is away (7:30:27 PM)
King Jamesth: hey
Auto-response: "Nathan" is away (7:30:44 PM)
"Nathan" is available (7:52:03 PM)
"Nathan": hey
Auto-response: King Jamesth is away (7:58:30 PM)
I am away from my computer right now.
King Jamesth: hows it goin?
"Nathan": good you?
King Jamesth: Im doin well... just doin some reading
King Jamesth: but its boring lol
"Nathan": yuck
"Nathan": i hate reading
King Jamesth: yeah sometimes I enjoy it
King Jamesth: but not when school forces it on me
King Jamesth: then its just a big hassle
"Nathan": ya i mean theres a few books i can enjoy reading but overall im not into
"Nathan": especially for school
"Nathan": i dont even bother
King Jamesth: I used to not really bother
King Jamesth: but this year
King Jamesth: my courses all have these annoying like 10% component
King Jamesth: of 'reading response papers'
King Jamesth: they are never really enough to be concerned about individually
King Jamesth: but missing a bunch in a row causes problems
"Nathan": ahh yeah
"Nathan": so you said something about how my name was mentioned?
King Jamesth: yeah
King Jamesth: I mean, not just by one person
King Jamesth: but
King Jamesth: I expect that Eddie throwing your name around wouldnt surprise you lol
"Nathan": right haha
King Jamesth: but had you lost that last match of connect 4
King Jamesth: I think this would be a way tougher week for you
"Nathan": ya
"Nathan": anything from jun?
King Jamesth: yeah, although Jun basically talks about everyone
King Jamesth: and she wasnt really who I was talking about
King Jamesth: but yeah, she has her sights set on you I think
King Jamesth: Whenever she was pushing for me to evict Alex, it was related to the 'Alex/Nathan/Renny' threat
King Jamesth: the person I was mainly talking about btw was Will
"Nathan": oh yeah?
"Nathan": like that doesnt surprise me at all haha
King Jamesth: yeah I didnt think it would really
King Jamesth: because he seems to be all about taking out threats
"Nathan": exactly
King Jamesth: but he was definitely trying to set things up so that if I beat both you and him in the HoH
King Jamesth: that I would nom you
King Jamesth: refered to you as 'the new Sheila' lol
"Nathan": ugh
"Nathan": and he has a fucking poer
"Nathan": power*
King Jamesth: I know right?
King Jamesth: There is a big part of me that thinks it might be Jeff's power
King Jamesth: from WZ3
King Jamesth: and if that is correct
King Jamesth: that means that he would have 2 votes to play any non-Hoh week
King Jamesth: so
King Jamesth: there was something I wasnted to talk to you about
King Jamesth: and its related to this week a little, but its more of a long term thing
"Nathan": k
"Nathan": (sorry im here but a little busy, not trying to ignore you)
"Nathan": but go ahead
King Jamesth: alright, no worries if this convo is slow
King Jamesth: I am still doing the reading
King Jamesth: and this is tenative, because I havent 100% covered my bases with this yet
King Jamesth: but, I was kinda thinking, I dunno how tight you and Renny are, but I think that maybe there would be a possibility of you/me/Lyd/and her going to the end
King Jamesth: or if there is someone else you would rather pick than Renny, I would be game for listening
King Jamesth: I just think that we could help eachother a lot, but I wouldnt want to ask you to go into a f3 with Lyd/I because that would be stupid for you
"Nathan": i do like that sounds of that
"Nathan": because i feel like you are all people i could actually count on
King Jamesth: yeah and it can kinda force the hands of the people who are trying to play the roll of middle man
King Jamesth: I hate when 100% floaters win BB lol
"Nathan": agred
King Jamesth: alright, well I still have to talk to Lyd about it somewhat, but I think she is pretty much down, but I just wanted to throw out the idea. Glad we feel similarly on this
"Nathan": coool
"Nathan": the thing is like... renny nominated lydia so she doesnt hold that against her or anything?
King Jamesth: ummmm, well I think she is getting tired of the title 'perfect pawn', but Lyd is not the type to take that type of stuff to heart
King Jamesth: she knows it wasnt about her
King Jamesth: but i mean, still might be worth it for Lydia and Ren to talk about it, because I think it would be good to make sure there is a clean slate
"Nathan": alright cool
"Nathan": right, i dont wanna speak for renny on this obv
"Nathan": we are close but i dont completely know where her head is at at this point
"Nathan": i hope shed be down for it tho
King Jamesth: yeah me too
King Jamesth: her and I have gotten along pretty well so far
King Jamesth: I won't lie though, I am a bit nervous that maybe her/Will/Sarah have something going on, but that is mostly speculation
"Nathan": ya i am too
King Jamesth: ahh well, I think Sarah and Will kinda have their sights set on me and Lyd anyways, so I guess even if Renny did leak this proposal to them
King Jamesth: it wouldnt change much
"Nathan": sorry the mgas finale was going on
"Nathan": and some other shit i had to do with all that
King Jamesth: its all good
"Nathan": lol guess who won
King Jamesth: James?
"Nathan": yeah
King Jamesth: yeah Kenya told me he was self aware in hiw questioning
King Jamesth: and omg just heard about Seb
"Nathan": yeah
King Jamesth: that is so sad
King Jamesth: wasnt he like 16?
"Nathan": yeah
"Nathan" is away (10:49:01 PM)
King Jamesth: Congrats
Auto-response: "Nathan" is away (10:49:04 PM)
King Jamesth: tough challenge
"Nathan" is away (10:50:12 PM)
"Nathan": thanks!
"Nathan": so glad jun didnt win
"Nathan": i was gettin nervous there
King Jamesth: yeah she kept on sliding by
"Nathan": she was terrible the first ones
"Nathan": so i was like oh shell be out early
King Jamesth: I was just really annoyed that I apparantly cannot read instructions lol
King Jamesth: but I prolly would have lost
King Jamesth: you guys are fast lol
"Nathan": ya i was so nervous that i would do that
"Nathan": or like post the wrong link
King Jamesth: the first time I did this challenge
King Jamesth: I did exactly what Eddie did
King Jamesth: I posted at the same time as Lyd and didn't realize it
King Jamesth: so I was paranoid about that this time
"Nathan": ooo yeah that sucks
King Jamesth: but, didnt matter because I got an answer wrong lol
"Nathan": but im so glad that i could be eddie's demise
King Jamesth: lol yeah I bet he was steaming about it
King Jamesth: prolly gonna bitch bout that in his dr
"Nathan": i hope so
King Jamesth: so I spoke to Lyd btw
King Jamesth: and basically, she is down, if you guys are
"Nathan": ok cool
"Nathan": have you talked to renny at all in the past few?
King Jamesth: not really, I tried once or twice but she wasnt around
King Jamesth: even though she was signed in and not set to away
King Jamesth: so I assume she must have just left it on without realizing it or something
"Nathan": yeah i havent tried
King Jamesth: I think its pretty likely, Ren and I have been getting along well this game
King Jamesth: a lot different than WZ3 where we were on opposite sides of things
"Nathan": yeah
"Nathan": well if i see her on ill try
King Jamesth: alright sounds good
King Jamesth: I will too
"Nathan": so what do you think about the vote here?
King Jamesth: ummmm, I am not really sure
King Jamesth: I am kinda distant with both. Personally I see Jun as a bigger threat than Eddie, but I know that you and Eddie have your history.
King Jamesth: I think they are together for sure though
"Nathan": yeah i mean at least one is leaving so its def a good thing
King Jamesth: yeah exactly
King Jamesth: well I am willing to go with the flow on this
King Jamesth: because the way I see it
King Jamesth: Eddie is irrational, which makes him hard to predict, and a bit of a lone wolf so he will be underestimated and might slid by
King Jamesth: and Jun is someone who seems all around this house, so her leaving also wouldnt be bad
King Jamesth: *seems to have ties all around the house
"Nathan": yeah she does
"Nathan": she really does try to be buddy buddy with so many people
"Nathan": and then acts like shes loyal
"Nathan": but also i think everyone realizes that so...
King Jamesth: yeah exactly, it is a tough call
King Jamesth: I find at this stage of the game, any decision you make ends up feeling like a big gamble
King Jamesth: but, as long as one leaves
King Jamesth: then the situaion is still improving
"Nathan": yeah
King Jamesth: anyways, if you think of a reason that one like needs to go over the other, let me know
"Nathan": kk
King Jamesth: btw
King Jamesth: Jun is pestering me for her vote right now. I am gonna say yes, but that doesn't mean anything
King Jamesth: is that cool?
"Nathan": totally
King Jamesth: wow I always forget how pushy she is lol
King Jamesth: ok, I am gonna appear offline
"Nathan": LOL
"Nathan": yep thats jun
King Jamesth: but I will still be around for a bit if you need to talk
King Jamesth: if we dont end up talking, then g'night
King Jamesth: oh and btw... -_- at Seb faking his own death
"Nathan": ugh i know
"Nathan": how stupid
"Nathan": im not surprised
King Jamesth: yeah
"Nathan": im not
King Jamesth: its like
King Jamesth: if you want a fake identity
King Jamesth: why dont you just make one
King Jamesth: instead of attempting to fake your own death
"Nathan": seriously
King Jamesth: I think the funniest part
King Jamesth: is that he thought Chels wouldnt say anything
King Jamesth: its like dude, you just attempted to FAKE YOUR OWN DEATH
King Jamesth: whos gonna not say something about that? lol
"Nathan": i know
"Nathan": if you are gonna do that then you gotta tell noooo one
King Jamesth: not to mentione
King Jamesth: his personality is way too distinct
King Jamesth: for him to pull it off
King Jamesth: the second he started interacting with ppl again
King Jamesth: it would become obvious
"Nathan": very true
"Nathan": if he wants he can just like find a new corner of the org world where he doesnt know everyone
"Nathan": because there are lots... i know hes been in many
"Nathan": but im sure he can find somewhere
King Jamesth: yeah, I was just waiting for him to post under his sucks name
King Jamesth: because I figured this was prolly not legit
King Jamesth: Do you ever frequent sucks btw?
"Nathan": yeah i usually browse a bit every week
"Nathan": never post
"Nathan": lividmanda was like the best thing ever
King Jamesth: did you ever watch the apprentice 2?
"Nathan": i got spoiled earlier this season a bit though so meh
King Jamesth: yeah me too
"Nathan": yeah i did
King Jamesth: ok
King Jamesth: BEST thread ever
King Jamesth: was about Apprentice 2
King Jamesth: By the same person who made Lividmanda
King Jamesth: but under a different username
King Jamesth: (I have frequented Sucks longer than 95% of current posters, but only post VERY rarely)
"Nathan": oh really haha
"Nathan": i should check it out
"Nathan": is it in the apprentice board?
"Nathan": or like
King Jamesth: I dunno I am looking for it
King Jamesth: I think it would be
King Jamesth: by Naj
"Nathan": monster island?
King Jamesth: is the poster name I think
King Jamesth: could be on monster island
King Jamesth: or
King Jamesth: it could be lost from the time that sucks crashed a few years back
King Jamesth: I made a ranking thread one time, but never completed it
King Jamesth: It was top 25 TVshows
King Jamesth: ugh I cannot find the thread
King Jamesth: anyways, I am going to bed for realzies now
"Nathan": haha yeah i should too
King Jamesth: btw, I will not really be around for much of tomorrow
King Jamesth: I work a double
King Jamesth: so, just wondering if you think you are gonna be posting your veto decision tonight or tomorrow, just so I have an idea of when my vote might need to be in by
"Nathan": i think tomorrow
King Jamesth: alright cool
"Nathan": so yeah therell be time
King Jamesth: alright cool
King Jamesth: Ill talk to you tomorrow then
"Nathan": see ya
King Jamesth: nigth