Post by Sarah Hrejsa on Mar 10, 2010 4:01:30 GMT -5
~ Episode 9 - Part I ~
Well, this week was a Nathan showcase of his challenge skills. And maybe a wake-up call for those of us who are even thinking of letting him get past F7?
So, the challenge is Connect Four, which I have never played before. I logged onto the game site and found it was pretty challenging. You have to be looking out for so much and, unless you have played quite a bit, I think it's a pretty tough game to win. The challenge was set up tournament style. When I first heard it would be like this I almost used my power - on Roddy. I had promised Nathan I wouldn't use it on him and out of the people who I would feel comfortable nominating this week, Roddy seems to be the strongest. I thought using it would give me two chances at HOH...but when I saw what it was I knew that I probably had no chance even if I had taken 4 people hostage. Well, maybe if one was Nathan.
So, Will and I decided not to throw it. He offered to throw it to me since he was going to be gone much of the weekend but I thought we should let it play out so whichever one of us was better would advance. It worked out that Will was better so he faced off against Lydia. I don't know if Jun threw it but I do know she told Will she wanted me to lose and she wanted him to throw it to Lydia. LOL!
jdeanut (9:47:37 PM):
"WZ All Stars - Jun Song": make sure you beat sarah
"WZ All Stars - Jun Song": and then throw it to lydia
"WZ All Stars - Jun Song": haha
jdeanut: you want lydia to win?
"WZ All Stars - Jun Song": well you want nathan gone
"WZ All Stars - Jun Song": haha
jdeanut: is lydia going to do that?
jdeanut: did you lose to lydia?
"WZ All Stars - Jun Song": yea
jdeanut (12:37:15 AM):
"WZ All Stars - Jun Song": did you and sarah go yet?
jdeanut: yes
jdeanut: go check the board
"WZ All Stars - Jun Song": i thought
"WZ All Stars - Jun Song": you were gonna let lydia win
Buffy Zanzibar (12:37:30 AM): omg fuck her
jdeanut (12:37:35 AM):
jdeanut: no I didn't say that
"WZ All Stars - Jun Song": you winning = best situation for me anyways
jdeanut: well why did you want lydia to win?
"WZ All Stars - Jun Song": you know why
Yeah, right, Jun. So, Will sat and waited to see who would face him in the finals. Renny threw it to Nathan since she knew she was leaving the next morning. Then Roddy beat Eddie, which worried me a lot! Roddy was even drunk at the time. I wondered if I made a huge mistake not using the power. Nathan ended up beating him, though, and then beat Will.
He put up Jun and Eddie which didn't surprise me. I pushed the Jun nomination by letting Nathan know that Jun wanted Lydia to win so she could put him up. I knew that Eddie's best chance of staying would be against Jun - plus, I didn't want Will up. Will had made a deal with Nathan, though. Before their final match-up they agreed not to put each other up if they won. That was a great idea because Nathan got very nervous when Lydia/Roddy sold Will out and was concerned that if he didn't put Will up he'd come after him. I told Nathan those people were just trying to save themselves and assured him I hadn't heard Will was coming after him. LIES SARAH!!! Will wants Nathan's ass OUT - and so does Sarah!
Evan/Nathan (7:47:15 PM): hey
Buffy Zanzibar (7:47:28 PM): Hey
Evan/Nathan (7:47:46 PM): so im really worried about will
Buffy Zanzibar (7:47:50 PM): why?
Evan/Nathan (7:48:03 PM): im hearing hes targetting me
Buffy Zanzibar (7:48:10 PM): you are?
Buffy Zanzibar (7:48:13 PM): from who?
Evan/Nathan (7:48:33 PM): lydia roddy and jun is telling me that there are like 3 people who are
Evan/Nathan (7:48:38 PM): but she wont tell me names
Buffy Zanzibar (7:48:58 PM): lydia roddy and jun are telling you that other people are targeting you?
Buffy Zanzibar (7:49:12 PM): seems convenient since they all don't want to go on the block
Evan/Nathan (7:49:16 PM): lol i know
Evan/Nathan (7:49:25 PM): but considering how will has played
Evan/Nathan (7:49:29 PM): taking out sheila
Buffy Zanzibar (7:49:33 PM): I haven't heard anything about will targeting you
Evan/Nathan (7:49:38 PM): i feel like he would do the same to me
Buffy Zanzibar (7:49:40 PM): well have you talked to him?
Evan/Nathan (7:49:50 PM): yeah before i started hearing this
Evan/Nathan (7:50:01 PM): we talked quite a bit and made a deal not to nominate eachother
Buffy Zanzibar (7:50:06 PM): oh
Buffy Zanzibar (7:50:23 PM): well i don't think he would go back on a deal
Buffy Zanzibar (7:50:42 PM): I mean i've been in a few games with him and that's just not how i thnk he is
Buffy Zanzibar (7:50:44 PM): kind of like you
Evan/Nathan (7:50:48 PM): yeah
Evan/Nathan (7:50:56 PM): like i do think he wouldnt have this week
Evan/Nathan (7:51:02 PM): but maybe he was setting itup so others would
Evan/Nathan (7:51:12 PM): and what worries me most is him having a power
Buffy Zanzibar (7:51:14 PM): idk but I can tell you for sure that Jun is targeting you
Buffy Zanzibar (7:51:24 PM): and i'm just sick of her
Buffy Zanzibar (7:51:39 PM): throwing everyone else under the bus to save herself sounds about like her M.O.
Buffy Zanzibar (7:51:51 PM): I was realllly pissed at her and Eddie after that HOH
Buffy Zanzibar (7:51:57 PM): and i haven't talked to her as much
Buffy Zanzibar (7:52:04 PM): so as soon as you won last night
Buffy Zanzibar (7:52:07 PM): she starts IMingme
Buffy Zanzibar (7:52:09 PM): non-stop
Buffy Zanzibar (7:52:13 PM): wanting to know why i'm distant
Evan/Nathan (7:52:17 PM): yeah
Buffy Zanzibar (7:52:19 PM): and why i don't trust her etc etc
Buffy Zanzibar (7:52:21 PM): cause she's worried
Buffy Zanzibar (7:52:45 PM): but when she was all smug when eddie was hoh she didn't do that stuff
Evan/Nathan (7:53:01 PM): ugh yeah im so done with her
Buffy Zanzibar (7:53:12 PM): anyway idk but it's kind of like season 6 when howie and rachel nominated james
Buffy Zanzibar (7:53:15 PM): why go after a maybe
Buffy Zanzibar (7:53:24 PM): when you have known threats right in front of you
Evan/Nathan (7:53:40 PM): mmhmm
Buffy Zanzibar (7:54:06 PM): like i look at this cast and I think - hmm he's a threat, she's a threat, i better be careful of him etc lol
Buffy Zanzibar (7:54:12 PM): i want to take out 3 people right now lol
Buffy Zanzibar (7:54:15 PM): at a time
Buffy Zanzibar (7:54:21 PM): i'm so nervous about this game
Buffy Zanzibar (7:54:40 PM): but i relaxed when i saw you win hoh
Buffy Zanzibar (7:54:48 PM): lol hope that's not bad
Evan/Nathan (7:54:59 PM): lol no you have absolutely nothing to worry about
Evan/Nathan (7:55:14 PM): so you have 2 more rounds to use your power?
Buffy Zanzibar (7:55:18 PM): yeah
Buffy Zanzibar (7:55:41 PM): so are you thinking of putting will up then?
Evan/Nathan (7:55:47 PM): eh
Evan/Nathan (7:55:50 PM): i dunno
Evan/Nathan (7:55:52 PM): i dont want to
Evan/Nathan (7:55:56 PM): im just really worried
Buffy Zanzibar (7:56:50 PM): well I don't know but I just haven't heard that from him so i don't knwo what to tell you about that
Buffy Zanzibar (7:56:57 PM): all i know is what i've already told you
Buffy Zanzibar (7:57:12 PM): jun wanting will to throw it to lydia because she said lydia would put you up if she won
Buffy Zanzibar (7:57:20 PM): and she wanted to make sure i didn't win
Evan/Nathan (7:57:35 PM): so will told you that stuff?
Buffy Zanzibar (7:57:37 PM): yes
Buffy Zanzibar (7:57:54 PM): he just laughed about jun expecting him to throw it to lydia
Buffy Zanzibar (7:58:09 PM): but he never said he was going to target you or anything
Buffy Zanzibar (7:58:34 PM): i think he may be mostly concerned with lydia/roddy right now
Buffy Zanzibar (7:58:52 PM): cause i am and i may have mentioned that :-P
Buffy Zanzibar (7:58:59 PM): lol hope they don't win soon
Evan/Nathan (8:03:19 PM): haha
Evan/Nathan (8:03:28 PM): well if will uses his power against me and i go
Evan/Nathan (8:03:34 PM): ill blame you :-)
Buffy Zanzibar (8:03:45 PM): lol
Buffy Zanzibar (8:03:58 PM): okay fine! :-P
Buffy Zanzibar (8:04:14 PM): I honestly don't see that happening
So, surprise of surprises, Nathan wins veto - ho hum. He keeps noms the same and now our darling Jun looks to be leaving the game. I talked to Will and explained that I wanted Jun out because she is playing all sides whereas Eddie will definitely go after Nathan AND Nathan will continue to go after him. Will agreed. This is great since I want to keep Eddie. He is my #3 - right after Will and Renny. I want those three in the F4 with me. I definitely do not want Jun and I don't want Roddy or Lydia. Let alone Nathan.
Roddy and I talked and he said he was thinking of voting Jun - I told him I was too. We made a deal to vote Jun and he said he would talk to Lydia and she would "fall in line." LOL I love it! He doesn't even try to hide that they are their own little voting block in this game. YAY! Roddia is keeping Eddie!! Unless he's lying to me and then he will damn well regret it!
Buffy Zanzibar (8:09:10 PM): which sinner are you voting?
Roddy (8:10:00 PM): ummm, well, I am still a tiny bit in the air... but I am leaning towards evicting Jun
Roddy (8:10:06 PM): I wouldnt want to vote in a minority though
Roddy (8:10:14 PM): and the two noms keep on telling me all these different stories
Buffy Zanzibar (8:10:15 PM): yeah i hear ya
Buffy Zanzibar (8:10:21 PM): about who they ahve?
Roddy (8:10:26 PM): yeah
Buffy Zanzibar (8:10:28 PM): lol
Buffy Zanzibar (8:10:33 PM): jun always says she has everyone
Roddy (8:10:35 PM): so I just have been saying I will keep both
Roddy (8:10:42 PM): because if you are gonna lie to me
Roddy (8:10:45 PM): Ill lie back lol
Buffy Zanzibar (8:10:48 PM): lol
Buffy Zanzibar (8:10:50 PM): true
Buffy Zanzibar (8:11:18 PM): well i agree
Buffy Zanzibar (8:11:32 PM): it's like
Buffy Zanzibar (8:11:56 PM): to me is the person who's staying going to be honest with me?
Buffy Zanzibar (8:12:07 PM): and yeah i wouldn't want to be in the minority either
Buffy Zanzibar (8:12:14 PM): and i am also leaning toward evicting Jun
Buffy Zanzibar (8:12:54 PM): I think that's how it'll end up anyway
Roddy (8:13:00 PM): yeah me too
Roddy (8:13:02 PM): well
Roddy (8:13:20 PM): if you and me vote this way, I am pretty sure I can sign Lyd on
Roddy (8:13:30 PM): she has been pretty MIA
Roddy (8:13:37 PM): and would prolly just listen to me this week I think
Roddy (8:14:17 PM): do you think you would be down?
Buffy Zanzibar (8:14:19 PM): yeah we just need 3
Buffy Zanzibar (8:14:36 PM): yeah if you and she would i thnk that's how i would go anyway
Roddy (8:15:44 PM): ok, well I will follow through with that then
Roddy (8:15:57 PM): I would prefer to not have people pester me
Roddy (8:15:58 PM): lol
Buffy Zanzibar (8:16:00 PM): okay I will too then
Roddy (8:16:08 PM): and Jun loves to pester
Roddy (8:16:09 PM): lol
Buffy Zanzibar (8:16:10 PM): oh sorry if I was pestering you lol
Buffy Zanzibar (8:16:12 PM): oh haha
Roddy (8:16:25 PM): alright
Roddy (8:16:31 PM): I guess we have a deal then
Buffy Zanzibar (8:16:36 PM): *shakes*
Roddy (8:16:46 PM): *shakes back, turns into hug*
Buffy Zanzibar (8:17:19 PM): ooh Roddy!
Buffy Zanzibar (8:17:20 PM): haha
Roddy (8:18:20 PM): lol thats exactly what I would do in rl
Roddy (8:18:26 PM): I <3 hugs
Buffy Zanzibar (8:18:34 PM): lol me too
Roddy (8:20:28 PM): anyways, I gotta get back to work now
Buffy Zanzibar (8:20:40 PM): okay
Roddy (8:20:40 PM): but, btw I just talked to Will, and since he agrees
Buffy Zanzibar (8:20:42 PM): work?
Buffy Zanzibar (8:20:43 PM): lol
Roddy (8:20:47 PM): Lyds vote is irrelevent
Buffy Zanzibar (8:20:51 PM): oh he did?
Buffy Zanzibar (8:20:54 PM): good
Roddy (8:20:57 PM): but she will prolly fall in line
Buffy Zanzibar (8:21:03 PM): okay
Buffy Zanzibar (8:21:13 PM): well i will be sure to tell her you said she's irrelevent
Buffy Zanzibar (8:21:15 PM): :-P
Roddy (8:21:19 PM): lmao!
Buffy Zanzibar (8:21:21 PM): lol
Buffy Zanzibar (8:21:22 PM): jk
Roddy (8:21:27 PM): well she should be here if she wants to be a decision maker h
Buffy Zanzibar (8:21:33 PM): haha good point
Lydia (11:35:35 PM): I just wanted to catch you before I go to bed to see what you are doing for the vote.
Buffy Zanzibar (11:35:42 PM): voting Jun
Lydia (11:35:44 PM): Because I am meh about both nominees
Buffy Zanzibar (11:35:46 PM): I talked to Roddy earlier
Buffy Zanzibar (11:35:51 PM): and he said he was voting Jun
Buffy Zanzibar (11:35:53 PM): so did will
Lydia (11:36:18 PM): Ok. Yeah roddy told me that he was voting Jun, but I just wanted to make sure what everybody else is doing
Buffy Zanzibar (11:36:34 PM): yeah i think if you vote her it should be 4/1
Lydia (11:36:34 PM): Good, because Jun is getting on my nerves.
Okay, so this is where we're at. We have eviction tomorrow - hopefully Jun is leaving. We have HOH tomorrow night. And guess what? It's a FAST FORWARD WEEK. I KNOW it is. Chelsbot said she wanted us all to be here which makes it pretty obvious to me. I need to use my power either this round or the next - which is obviously following right after. My plan is to use it on Roddy. I promised I wouldn't use it on Nathan. I would never use it on Will or Eddie, so that leave Roddy/Lydia. Even if they don't have a high chance at HOH it would mean I can keep Roddy from winning veto so that if Will and I find ourselves nominated together he can put Roddy up if Lydia wins veto. The best case scenario would be to keep Roddy off the block if Will or I are not HOH, though. This way I control his vote. If I won HOH I would probably put up Roddy and Lydia and try to backdoor Nathan.
Which brings me to something else. I know I promised Nathan. And he helped me with my safe. But am I stupid to let him get by this week? I mean yes, he's on my side right now...but he and Renny have a F2. If we don't get him out this week will it even be possible? Do I need to stoop to playing dirty just to make sure Nathan is out of our way? UGH, I am afraid that I am considering doing just that. This is all Renny's fault. If she would have just sent me a quick PM the morning she got into my safe I would never have asked Nathan to help me, and I would never have made that promise not to use it on him.
I am NOT saying I'm going to. Just saying it has crossed my mind that if I don't, I may end up letting Nathan get to the F2 - without me! Just like I did Season 2. So the question is this. Is it about integrity or is it about doing what you have to do to win - at all costs???
I guess I'll sleep on that...