Eviction Chatter ~ Eddie vs Jun... will Hell's Angels pull through again?(Confessional to be posted when I vote) Convo with RoddyKatylady3209: i cant beleive that hells angels is going to survive another round
Katylady3209: we wiggle out of everything
"Roddy": yeah this is the last opportunity though
"Roddy": to wiggle
Katylady3209: BTW - i bet you that tomorrow compeitition is a fast forward week
Katylady3209: since we all need to be there
"Roddy": yeah I agree
"Roddy": 100%
"Roddy": Eddie thinks so too
"Roddy": btw for the record I am not drinking alone
Katylady3209: he and sarah are in love btw
Katylady3209: OMG WHO?
Katylady3209: are you cheating on me?
Katylady3209: first eddie
"Roddy": lol no
Katylady3209: now you
"Roddy": my friend
Katylady3209: lol ok
Katylady3209: thats why i have been invisible all day
Katylady3209: i have be ignoring jun
Katylady3209: she has messaged me like two times
"Roddy": she is mad at me lol
Katylady3209: did you say your voting her out?
"Roddy": I told her that was how I was leaning
King Jamesth: k I'm sorry, I gotta do what I think is best for me in this game. I dont think that is keeping you. I know that sucks
King Jamesth: sorry
"Jun": wow man
"Jun": why
"Jun": T_T
"Jun": even though i gave Lydia my spot
"Jun": in the hoh
"Jun": voted to keep her twice
"Jun": this is lameKatylady3209: ohhhh nooo, asain tranny on your ass
King Jamesth: if we are beside eachother
King Jamesth: then I go
"Jun": eddie wont vote to keep you
"Jun": no
King Jamesth: with Eddie I might have a shot
"Jun": no you wouldnt
"Jun": you and lydia are ggeting split up next week if one of you doesnt win
"Jun": at least if im here
"Jun": we have a 3/7 shot at HoHKatylady3209: i still think its funny how she hasnt realized that me.you and eddie are TIGHT
"Roddy": no one has
"Roddy": I dont think
Katylady3209: which is a miracle
"Roddy": btw Nathan pissed me off
"Roddy": he told Will I was kinda pushing for his nomination
"Roddy": which was true
"Roddy": but I was legit telling Nathan that because it ACTUALLY would have benefitted him
Katylady3209: Will confronted you?
"Roddy": Will told Eddie
"Roddy": without realizing it would get to me
"Roddy": so no one in the game knows I know that
Katylady3209: ok
Katylady3209: so what else is new?
Katylady3209: us still the being targeted as a pair? lol
"Roddy": ummm, well yeah
"Roddy": although I think I will receive the brunt of that lol
Katylady3209: you think you will be targeted more?
"Roddy": yeah
"Roddy": because of the Will thing
"Roddy": and also, Sarah and I dont have much
"Roddy": of ANYTHING
Katylady3209: Well... Eddie and Sarah are CLOSE. i guess if she says anything about you to eddie, we will know.
"Roddy": Well, I dont think Eddie is ACTUALLY close with ehr
"Roddy": but yeah, I know what you mean
Katylady3209: "Eddie": but Sarah and I bonded a lot in the last week
"Roddy": Eddie and I have talked
"Roddy": hes with us for sure
"Roddy": the way I know
"Roddy": IMO
"Roddy": is that he is always putting on a show with every person but us
Katylady3209: i know, i wasnt questioning his loyalty to us.
Katylady3209: but if me/you want sarah gone... he might want somebody else gone more than her
Katylady3209: if him and her are bonding.
"Roddy": yeah
"Roddy": well
"Roddy": its kidna like
"Roddy": he wants Nathan gone
"Roddy": more than I do
"Roddy": but I would still get rid of him
"Roddy": and I think Nathan would still get rid of Sarah
Katylady3209: Sarah is the only person who hasnt been nominated
Katylady3209: i just realized that lol
"Roddy": ugh if she wins
"Roddy": I will literally die inside
"Roddy": lol
Katylady3209: if its a fast forward week, we need to win
Katylady3209: we have to more wiggle room
Katylady3209: if we dont win, one of us is leaving i fear
"Roddy": I agree
"Roddy": I am really afraid that Sarah will prisoner of war me
Katylady3209: UH freaking powers
Katylady3209: like this game isnt tough enough
"Roddy": I know, best case scenario
"Roddy": you or Eddie win
"Roddy": second best
"Roddy": I win
Katylady3209: if nathan win he will target eddie?
Katylady3209: if sarah wins... i think she will nominate us two
Katylady3209: what about will and renny?
"Roddy": I honestly have no idea
Convo with NathanKatylady3209: hey golden boy
"Nathan": hey!
"Nathan": lol its so funny that im getting called that in this game
"Nathan": cuz in offensive my alliance was called the "golden boys"
Katylady3209: haha, thats funny. well i think you are the golden boy of warzone. like, i dont see what your haters see.
Katylady3209: but in order to be FAMOUS~, you have to haters <3
"Nathan": haha yes exactly
"Nathan": so how are you doin?
Katylady3209: Better than before. My mid-term paper is FINALLY coming along... so then i might have some actual time to socialize.
Katylady3209: but i had to come on now to congradulate you on your win
Katylady3209: thank god one of them is for sure leaving
"Nathan": thanks! yeah im relieved
Katylady3209: can they both leave? is there a double eviction?
Katylady3209: jun is unbelievably annoying
"Nathan": lol that would be a fun power
"Nathan": make both nominees leave
Katylady3209: i know. i used to be invisible to hide from james
Katylady3209: now im doing it to hid from jun
Katylady3209: because she wont STOP yapping
Katylady3209: did she try to get you to remove her?
"Nathan": yeah
"Nathan": cuz she was like
"Nathan": your objective was that you didnt want me to veto eddie
"Nathan": now i cant
"Nathan": so take me off
Katylady3209: so you can piss someone else off that you dont have to?
Katylady3209: lol
"Nathan": right
"Nathan": and shes just annoyed me so muhc
"Nathan": that why would i bother
Katylady3209: lol yeah
Katylady3209: whats up with her post of the wizard of oz?
Katylady3209: so weird.
"Nathan": um i dont know
"Nathan": she's just ridic
"Nathan": id believe she really is on meth
Katylady3209: yeah after her post on "WHAT ABOUT THE CHILLRUN?"
Katylady3209: i would beleive it too
"Nathan": lol
"Nathan": so what are you thinking for the vote?
Katylady3209: i was about to ask you the same thing... even tho your arent voting
Katylady3209: i havnt talked to anybody about the vote yet
Katylady3209: i honestly dont care who leaves...
"Nathan": lol yeah im not even sure
"Nathan": my main goal was to take eddie out
"Nathan": but now its like meh
Katylady3209: i feel the same way
Katylady3209: like past evictions there was always somebody who i felt had more to help my game.
Katylady3209: but neither of them really stand out over eachother
Katylady3209: they are both BLAH.
"Nathan": yeah
Katylady3209: 5 pple are voting? so you wont vote at all, since there cant be a tie.
"Nathan": right
Katylady3209: its weird not being on the block for once
Katylady3209: thanks for the break lol
Katylady3209: the last two rounds have been stressful.
Katylady3209: even though i was considered the "pawn"
"Nathan": haha you are very welcome
Convo with EddieKatylady3209: Eddie... please tell me you have a plan.
"Eddie": survive Jun
Katylady3209: you need a third vote
"Eddie": I might have four
"Eddie": Sarah and Will say they want me here
Katylady3209: I was just talking to Nathan.... he told me his main goal was to get you out
"Eddie": well Sarah said she's keeping me for sure
Katylady3209: but after what jun did and all, he said he wouldnt be sad if jun left
"Eddie": k
"Eddie": I'll keep making sure Will and Sarah are on the same page to keep me
Katylady3209: so he doesnt care who leaves
"Eddie": but Sarah and I bonded a lot in the last week
"Eddie": and she knows that Jun tried to get her nominated the week I'm HOH
"Eddie": and she promised she's keeping me
Katylady3209: well your in love with her, so no suprise there
"Eddie": do I sense a bit of jealousy
Katylady3209: I am not a jealous person.....
"Eddie": there's plenty of Eddie to go around
"Eddie": so that's good
"Eddie": um...yeah I think I got the votes
"Eddie": I'll keep making sure I got them
Katylady3209: I will talk to Sarah tonight aswell
Katylady3209: im acting to nathan like i dont care who leaves
"Eddie": I already told Sarah that Roddy said he'd keep me
Katylady3209: i am saying that you and jun dont really affect my game
"Eddie": (because she wants to make sure the votes are there)
"Eddie": and she was like "yeah if Roddy is doing that, Lydia is too"
Katylady3209: yep
Katylady3209: Hells Angels is still living. We are like the group that wont die.
"Eddie": haha
"Eddie": Will is being wish washy and wants to vote with majority
"Eddie": but Sarah can't talk like that
"Eddie": if she does I know I'm done
Katylady3209: well just keep saying you have roddy... and if you have roddy, the must know that you have me by default.
"Eddie": yep
Katylady3209: they*
"Eddie": ahhhh I think I'm ok
"Eddie": so nervous though
"Eddie": much better than having Will on the block
Katylady3209: oh yeah for sure
"Eddie": how many times have you been on the block at eviction time?
Katylady3209: 2 i think
"Eddie": we tie
"Eddie": sigh evictions are so nerve wrecking
"Eddie": and i don't think either of us have been in that bad of a position for an eviction
"Eddie": but still
"Eddie": I'm paranoid about votes (Sarah and Will) that if I were of the block I'd know for a fact I had
"Eddie": *off
Katylady3209: Sarah and Will seem to be behind alot of how the evictions are going to go lately
"Eddie": we were behind Josh's eviction
"Eddie": we wanted Alex out too when he was up to you
"Eddie": so idk,
"Eddie": but this one for sure
"Eddie": they have definitely benfitted a lot from how things went down
"Eddie": we're running out of room
"Eddie": lol
Katylady3209: has either of them been nominated?
"Eddie": Will has
"Eddie": he sat on the block next to Jason
Katylady3209: oh yeah
"Eddie": Sarah hasn't
Katylady3209: she is the only one who hasnt been nominated
Katylady3209: and we are going into f7
"Eddie": haha I know
Katylady3209: but yeah, one of us needs hoh
Katylady3209: there is no wingle room left
"Eddie": Jun is the last of the wiggle
Katylady3209: wigle*
Katylady3209: i cant speel
Katylady3209: see
"Eddie": HAHAHA
Katylady3209: im doing a term paper right now
Katylady3209: and im sick of typing
"Eddie": ugh term paper for what
Katylady3209: history class
"Eddie": ew
"Eddie": by the way just suddenly got curious
"Eddie": what in the world did Jun did to piss Nathan off
Katylady3209: he told me she has been really annoying and bossy lately
Katylady3209: and she like pissed him off when she DEMANDED he use the veto on her
Katylady3209: she told him that since she cant remove you, there is no reason she should be still nominated
"Eddie": hahaha