Post by Rachel Plencner on Feb 7, 2010 21:28:46 GMT -5
Convo with Nathan:
Nick: hei
Nathan (EvDogg87): hey there
Nick: as I said, I would message u with my decision
Nick: i think at this point i am going to vote to evict you
Nick: im just not sure about the renny thing
Nick: and she has still not spoken to me
Nick: i just wanted to make sure u wont be mad at me
Nathan (EvDogg87): well i will be disappointed, i really wanted to work with you and you know how loyal i am
Nick: but I have Jess promising the same thing
Nick: and I know how u are, u are really good at convincing people
Nathan (EvDogg87): even with how it worked out for the two of you last time
Nick: that was me who betrayed her
Nick: and without eddie with her
Nick: she is more willing to work with me
Nick: and i dont feel like she is lieing this time
Nathan (EvDogg87): well its your decision, i can honestly tell you i know that i'd be the better bet for you but im not going to push it because it seems like you have decided
Nathan (EvDogg87): i have like no loyalties to people on the sinner side so i would easily be able to help you foremost of anyone else
Nathan (EvDogg87): and renny is not a factor in my thinking at all
Nick: but what about sheila?
Nick: nat?
Nick: all the tib people
Nick: I feel like id be second fiddle to any of them
Nathan (EvDogg87): lol nat is only helping me right now because she wants jessica out
Nathan (EvDogg87): sheila wants me out this round, thank god she cant vote
Nick: lol
Nathan (EvDogg87): dustin... lets be serious
Nathan (EvDogg87): we have never worked out
Nick: i know, but even in SC7, u all still worked together
Nick: even though there was some animosity
Nathan (EvDogg87): i voted ammz out lol
Nathan (EvDogg87): in round 2
Nick: yes
Nick: but u and niles
Nathan (EvDogg87): i voted every single one of them out
Nick: i dont know ur relationships with all of these people
Nathan (EvDogg87): well niles is a different story but i voted ihm out too
Nick: right, for your 1 ally
Nick: how do i know im not a terry
Nathan (EvDogg87): yeah
Nick: or a niles
Nathan (EvDogg87): and if i stay... i do not have a nmber one ally
Nick: u dont?
Nathan (EvDogg87): well its kenya, so if i stay shes gone
Nathan (EvDogg87): i dont have a number 2 lined up or anything
Nick: come on...
Nick: really?
Nathan (EvDogg87): who would it be?
Nathan (EvDogg87): its not renny
Nick: thats who i think it is lol
Nathan (EvDogg87): shes with natalie obv and i have bad blood with her
Nathan (EvDogg87): i dont trust her judgement anymore
Nathan (EvDogg87): like anyone can tell you that this renny is not the renny we all used to know
Nick: ive heard that
Nick: from a few people, yes
Nathan (EvDogg87): like i think you can tell that thats not the kind of person i typically work with
Nick: i dont know how she is
Nick: thats the problem
Nick: i dont know her
Nick: but ive been told she hates me because i didnt pick her for SC8
Nathan (EvDogg87): well fair enough
Nathan (EvDogg87): she hasnt said anything to me about you, not saying that means she doesnt like you
Nathan (EvDogg87): but i think sheila is her top target on the sinners
Nathan (EvDogg87): also jessica and jason
Nick: ok
Nick: i dont know what to do
Nick: i think im screwed either way
Nathan (EvDogg87): whys that?
Nick: if i vote for u and u stay
Nick: u wont work with me
Nick: if i vote for jess and she stays
Nick: she will get rid of me as well
Nick: if i vote for u to stay and u do, i dont know what to expect
Nick: same with Jess
Nathan (EvDogg87): well i think both of us honestly understand your predicament
Nathan (EvDogg87): and there wont be hard feelings
Nick: but will u gun for me?
Nathan (EvDogg87): at least i have some good rapport with you as opposed to some people i dont even know
Nathan (EvDogg87): no
Nick: like i dont want u gone
Nathan (EvDogg87): like cuz its not like you are voting for me over someone i hate
Nick: true
Nathan (EvDogg87): i know you dont want either of us gone
Nathan (EvDogg87): but you have to
Nick: grr lol
Nathan (EvDogg87): you didnt like put us in this situation yourself so im not going to hold it against you that you have to do this
Nick: i know
Nick: ugh, im still unsure
Nick: ill probably cast my vote at 11:59
Nathan (EvDogg87): lol yeah :/
Convo with Dave:
Nick: hei
Dave (ajmong): hey hey
Nick: have u voted?
Dave (ajmong): just a warning... i am farming (farmville) and watching superbowl if i am slow to reply
Dave (ajmong): yeah
Nick: for Jess or Nathan?
Dave (ajmong): Nathan
Nick: ok
Dave (ajmong): did you get my PM?
Nick: yes
Dave (ajmong): oh ok, cool
Nick: Im still not sure what to do
Nick: ive been told that majority is voting to keep Nathan
Dave (ajmong): yup
Dave (ajmong): and everyone counts you in on that vote
Dave (ajmong): lol
Dave (ajmong): they think you are nathan vote
Nick: lol
Nick: why?
Dave (ajmong): no clue
Dave (ajmong): i think that seb thinks it
Nick: I never even spoke to anyone
Dave (ajmong): and what seb says is "true"
Nick: lol
Dave (ajmong): here is what i heard:
Dave (ajmong): seb, jun, james, eddie, renny are voting jess
Dave (ajmong): you, me, chelsia, lydia, roddy, jason, and sarah are voting nathan
Nick: eddie is voting for jess too?
Dave (ajmong): according to seb
Nick: wow
Dave (ajmong): but lyd, eddie, and sarah all seemed unsure to me
Dave (ajmong): like they would go either ay
Dave (ajmong): way
Nick: im trying to talk to Eddie
Nick: see what he says
Dave (ajmong): gotcha
Nick: I really don't know who to vote at this point
Nick: both have pros and cons
Dave (ajmong): exactly
Dave (ajmong): which is why i am like... not really worried either way
Nick: anyways, I wont keep you
Nick: lol
Dave (ajmong): i see benefits for both of them leaving
Dave (ajmong): haha, nah, its fine
Nick: i do too
Dave (ajmong): i dont really care about the superbowl
Nick: lol
Dave (ajmong): i was just warning
Nick: ah ok
Dave (ajmong): if i disappear for a few min
Nick: we're avoiding the superbowl altogether
Dave (ajmong): lol
Dave (ajmong): do you know what chelsia is doing?
Nick: no
Dave (ajmong): i have yet to catch her on aim, lol
Nick: I havent spoken to her in like 4 days
Dave (ajmong): haha, nice
Dave (ajmong): well, if you vote jess, it would prob tie it 6-6
Dave (ajmong): and then will decides
Dave (ajmong): and he seemed to want to take out jess, but he also wants nathan gone, so i dunno if he cares either
Dave (ajmong): i feel like so many ppl care but really dont care
Dave (ajmong): and want them both out in one way or another, lol
Nick: ok
Nick: lol
Nick: I spoke to Eddie
Dave (ajmong): and?
Nick: he says he is sticking to the S1 alliance
Nick: but he is saying differently to others
Dave (ajmong): gotcha
Dave (ajmong): so then nathan is prob gone
Dave (ajmong): which is fine with me
Nick: me too
Nick: im talking to roddy now
Nick: see what he's doing
Dave (ajmong): kk
Nick: he is as confused as I am
Dave (ajmong): lol
Dave (ajmong): ok, here is what i THINK i know
Dave (ajmong): seb, jun, james, renny are voting jess
Dave (ajmong): i voted nate already
Dave (ajmong): and if he, you, chelsia, jason, lyd, and roddy vote nate, then that's 8
Dave (ajmong): so 8-4 nate leaves
Nick: I wonder if I can send Chelsia a msg
Nick: if she'll look at it
Dave (ajmong): i dunno
Dave (ajmong): so what are your thoughts on the game so far?
Dave (ajmong): week 1 was pretty dramatic
Nick: I feel like I was out of it though
Nick: like watching the drama
Dave (ajmong): i wish i could have been
Nick: lol
Dave (ajmong): i TRIED to stay outta it
Nick: u did pretty well
Dave (ajmong): but obviously when you win a comp, you cant
Nick: I think u did the smart thing by not using the veto
Dave (ajmong): you think?
Dave (ajmong): i am glad
Dave (ajmong): bc i wasn't sure
Dave (ajmong): i started to regret it
Nick: no, it was smart
Nick: people (nat) wouldve been pissed
Dave (ajmong): right
Nick: she's gung ho about getting jess out
Dave (ajmong): nat and will
Nick: exactly
Nick: it was the best move
Nick: jess may be mad about it, but why should u hurt your game for her?
Dave (ajmong): right... that's what i told her
Dave (ajmong): i told her i i had nothing agasint her
Dave (ajmong): but that i just didnt trust her enough to risk my who game
Dave (ajmong): you know?
Dave (ajmong): whole*
Nick: yup
Nick: i think it was the best move
Dave (ajmong): well thanks
Nick: brb, mom called
Dave (ajmong): jw, but are you planning to try for HOH or sit back like season 1?
Dave (ajmong): kk
*** "Dave (ajmong) (ajmong)" signed off at Sun Feb 07 19:35:05 2010.
Nick: I plan on trying
*** "Dave (ajmong) (ajmong)" signed on at Sun Feb 07 20:03:26 2010.
Dave (ajmong): good to know
Nick: peopla already know how I am at challenges now
Nick: cant really hide it
Dave (ajmong): lol, well, it's more of just staying out of positions that cause you to ruffle feathers
Dave (ajmong): it's all about balancing the risk of leaving with the risk of pissing someone off that will eventually take you out
Nick: yup yup
Dave (ajmong): and i just wasnt sure where you thought you stood in that balance
Nick: im not sure what ill risk lol
Dave (ajmong): lol
Dave (ajmong): it's cool
Dave (ajmong): i guess i am just more paranoid
Dave (ajmong): so i feel the need to just try hard
Nick: i feel that if i try too hard and have to actually do nominations
Nick: it might be bad for me
Dave (ajmong): gotcha
Dave (ajmong): lmao, i just realized
Dave (ajmong): that if janelle had played instead of you
Dave (ajmong): that season 1 would have been the entire left side of the memory wall thingy on the homepage
Nick: yea?
Nick: lol
Nick: I effed it up
Dave (ajmong): yyeah, so ef you
Dave (ajmong): lol
Dave (ajmong): but for real, when i saw rachel's pic.. i was like.... NO WAY
Dave (ajmong): haha
Dave (ajmong): nyck had told me that you weren't on much any more and that you were done playing
Dave (ajmong): so i was def surprised to see you back
Nick: i was done
Nick: but chels asked
Nick: and i thought I should at least repay her the favour
Dave (ajmong): gotcha
Dave (ajmong): but anyways, we still have more catching up to do
Dave (ajmong): tell me about your guy
Nick: yes we do
Dave (ajmong): what's his name?
Dave (ajmong): how did you meet him?
Nick: his name is Jean Luc
Dave (ajmong): oooh, french?
Nick: yes
Nick: like me
Dave (ajmong): nice
Dave (ajmong): you are french?
Nick: which is a plus for my parents
Nick: yup lol
Dave (ajmong): oh, i didnt know
Dave (ajmong): nice, lmao
Nick: lol
Nick: and we met online
Nick: but he is related to my best friend from hugh school
Dave (ajmong): interesting
Nick: so it was just weird how we met
Dave (ajmong): yeah
Nick: and we've been together ever since
Dave (ajmong): cool
Dave (ajmong): long distance between you?
Dave (ajmong): or manageable?
Dave (ajmong): and when's the wedding again?
Nick: we live in the same city
Dave (ajmong): cool
Nick: we lived 2 blocks away
Nick: now we live together
Dave (ajmong): lol, nice
Nick: have for over a yr
Dave (ajmong): i was gonna ask that next
Dave (ajmong): cool
Nick: brb
Dave (ajmong): i'm very happy for you
Dave (ajmong): kk
Nick: he's making dinner
Nick: need to help
Dave (ajmong): kk
Dave (ajmong): no prob
Nick: hei
Nathan (EvDogg87): hey there
Nick: as I said, I would message u with my decision
Nick: i think at this point i am going to vote to evict you
Nick: im just not sure about the renny thing
Nick: and she has still not spoken to me
Nick: i just wanted to make sure u wont be mad at me
Nathan (EvDogg87): well i will be disappointed, i really wanted to work with you and you know how loyal i am
Nick: but I have Jess promising the same thing
Nick: and I know how u are, u are really good at convincing people
Nathan (EvDogg87): even with how it worked out for the two of you last time
Nick: that was me who betrayed her
Nick: and without eddie with her
Nick: she is more willing to work with me
Nick: and i dont feel like she is lieing this time
Nathan (EvDogg87): well its your decision, i can honestly tell you i know that i'd be the better bet for you but im not going to push it because it seems like you have decided
Nathan (EvDogg87): i have like no loyalties to people on the sinner side so i would easily be able to help you foremost of anyone else
Nathan (EvDogg87): and renny is not a factor in my thinking at all
Nick: but what about sheila?
Nick: nat?
Nick: all the tib people
Nick: I feel like id be second fiddle to any of them
Nathan (EvDogg87): lol nat is only helping me right now because she wants jessica out
Nathan (EvDogg87): sheila wants me out this round, thank god she cant vote
Nick: lol
Nathan (EvDogg87): dustin... lets be serious
Nathan (EvDogg87): we have never worked out
Nick: i know, but even in SC7, u all still worked together
Nick: even though there was some animosity
Nathan (EvDogg87): i voted ammz out lol
Nathan (EvDogg87): in round 2
Nick: yes
Nick: but u and niles
Nathan (EvDogg87): i voted every single one of them out
Nick: i dont know ur relationships with all of these people
Nathan (EvDogg87): well niles is a different story but i voted ihm out too
Nick: right, for your 1 ally
Nick: how do i know im not a terry
Nathan (EvDogg87): yeah
Nick: or a niles
Nathan (EvDogg87): and if i stay... i do not have a nmber one ally
Nick: u dont?
Nathan (EvDogg87): well its kenya, so if i stay shes gone
Nathan (EvDogg87): i dont have a number 2 lined up or anything
Nick: come on...
Nick: really?
Nathan (EvDogg87): who would it be?
Nathan (EvDogg87): its not renny
Nick: thats who i think it is lol
Nathan (EvDogg87): shes with natalie obv and i have bad blood with her
Nathan (EvDogg87): i dont trust her judgement anymore
Nathan (EvDogg87): like anyone can tell you that this renny is not the renny we all used to know
Nick: ive heard that
Nick: from a few people, yes
Nathan (EvDogg87): like i think you can tell that thats not the kind of person i typically work with
Nick: i dont know how she is
Nick: thats the problem
Nick: i dont know her
Nick: but ive been told she hates me because i didnt pick her for SC8
Nathan (EvDogg87): well fair enough
Nathan (EvDogg87): she hasnt said anything to me about you, not saying that means she doesnt like you
Nathan (EvDogg87): but i think sheila is her top target on the sinners
Nathan (EvDogg87): also jessica and jason
Nick: ok
Nick: i dont know what to do
Nick: i think im screwed either way
Nathan (EvDogg87): whys that?
Nick: if i vote for u and u stay
Nick: u wont work with me
Nick: if i vote for jess and she stays
Nick: she will get rid of me as well
Nick: if i vote for u to stay and u do, i dont know what to expect
Nick: same with Jess
Nathan (EvDogg87): well i think both of us honestly understand your predicament
Nathan (EvDogg87): and there wont be hard feelings
Nick: but will u gun for me?
Nathan (EvDogg87): at least i have some good rapport with you as opposed to some people i dont even know
Nathan (EvDogg87): no
Nick: like i dont want u gone
Nathan (EvDogg87): like cuz its not like you are voting for me over someone i hate
Nick: true
Nathan (EvDogg87): i know you dont want either of us gone
Nathan (EvDogg87): but you have to
Nick: grr lol
Nathan (EvDogg87): you didnt like put us in this situation yourself so im not going to hold it against you that you have to do this
Nick: i know
Nick: ugh, im still unsure
Nick: ill probably cast my vote at 11:59
Nathan (EvDogg87): lol yeah :/
Convo with Dave:
Nick: hei
Dave (ajmong): hey hey
Nick: have u voted?
Dave (ajmong): just a warning... i am farming (farmville) and watching superbowl if i am slow to reply
Dave (ajmong): yeah
Nick: for Jess or Nathan?
Dave (ajmong): Nathan
Nick: ok
Dave (ajmong): did you get my PM?
Nick: yes
Dave (ajmong): oh ok, cool
Nick: Im still not sure what to do
Nick: ive been told that majority is voting to keep Nathan
Dave (ajmong): yup
Dave (ajmong): and everyone counts you in on that vote
Dave (ajmong): lol
Dave (ajmong): they think you are nathan vote
Nick: lol
Nick: why?
Dave (ajmong): no clue
Dave (ajmong): i think that seb thinks it
Nick: I never even spoke to anyone
Dave (ajmong): and what seb says is "true"
Nick: lol
Dave (ajmong): here is what i heard:
Dave (ajmong): seb, jun, james, eddie, renny are voting jess
Dave (ajmong): you, me, chelsia, lydia, roddy, jason, and sarah are voting nathan
Nick: eddie is voting for jess too?
Dave (ajmong): according to seb
Nick: wow
Dave (ajmong): but lyd, eddie, and sarah all seemed unsure to me
Dave (ajmong): like they would go either ay
Dave (ajmong): way
Nick: im trying to talk to Eddie
Nick: see what he says
Dave (ajmong): gotcha
Nick: I really don't know who to vote at this point
Nick: both have pros and cons
Dave (ajmong): exactly
Dave (ajmong): which is why i am like... not really worried either way
Nick: anyways, I wont keep you
Nick: lol
Dave (ajmong): i see benefits for both of them leaving
Dave (ajmong): haha, nah, its fine
Nick: i do too
Dave (ajmong): i dont really care about the superbowl
Nick: lol
Dave (ajmong): i was just warning
Nick: ah ok
Dave (ajmong): if i disappear for a few min
Nick: we're avoiding the superbowl altogether
Dave (ajmong): lol
Dave (ajmong): do you know what chelsia is doing?
Nick: no
Dave (ajmong): i have yet to catch her on aim, lol
Nick: I havent spoken to her in like 4 days
Dave (ajmong): haha, nice
Dave (ajmong): well, if you vote jess, it would prob tie it 6-6
Dave (ajmong): and then will decides
Dave (ajmong): and he seemed to want to take out jess, but he also wants nathan gone, so i dunno if he cares either
Dave (ajmong): i feel like so many ppl care but really dont care
Dave (ajmong): and want them both out in one way or another, lol
Nick: ok
Nick: lol
Nick: I spoke to Eddie
Dave (ajmong): and?
Nick: he says he is sticking to the S1 alliance
Nick: but he is saying differently to others
Dave (ajmong): gotcha
Dave (ajmong): so then nathan is prob gone
Dave (ajmong): which is fine with me
Nick: me too
Nick: im talking to roddy now
Nick: see what he's doing
Dave (ajmong): kk
Nick: he is as confused as I am
Dave (ajmong): lol
Dave (ajmong): ok, here is what i THINK i know
Dave (ajmong): seb, jun, james, renny are voting jess
Dave (ajmong): i voted nate already
Dave (ajmong): and if he, you, chelsia, jason, lyd, and roddy vote nate, then that's 8
Dave (ajmong): so 8-4 nate leaves
Nick: I wonder if I can send Chelsia a msg
Nick: if she'll look at it
Dave (ajmong): i dunno
Dave (ajmong): so what are your thoughts on the game so far?
Dave (ajmong): week 1 was pretty dramatic
Nick: I feel like I was out of it though
Nick: like watching the drama
Dave (ajmong): i wish i could have been
Nick: lol
Dave (ajmong): i TRIED to stay outta it
Nick: u did pretty well
Dave (ajmong): but obviously when you win a comp, you cant
Nick: I think u did the smart thing by not using the veto
Dave (ajmong): you think?
Dave (ajmong): i am glad
Dave (ajmong): bc i wasn't sure
Dave (ajmong): i started to regret it
Nick: no, it was smart
Nick: people (nat) wouldve been pissed
Dave (ajmong): right
Nick: she's gung ho about getting jess out
Dave (ajmong): nat and will
Nick: exactly
Nick: it was the best move
Nick: jess may be mad about it, but why should u hurt your game for her?
Dave (ajmong): right... that's what i told her
Dave (ajmong): i told her i i had nothing agasint her
Dave (ajmong): but that i just didnt trust her enough to risk my who game
Dave (ajmong): you know?
Dave (ajmong): whole*
Nick: yup
Nick: i think it was the best move
Dave (ajmong): well thanks
Nick: brb, mom called
Dave (ajmong): jw, but are you planning to try for HOH or sit back like season 1?
Dave (ajmong): kk
*** "Dave (ajmong) (ajmong)" signed off at Sun Feb 07 19:35:05 2010.
Nick: I plan on trying
*** "Dave (ajmong) (ajmong)" signed on at Sun Feb 07 20:03:26 2010.
Dave (ajmong): good to know
Nick: peopla already know how I am at challenges now
Nick: cant really hide it
Dave (ajmong): lol, well, it's more of just staying out of positions that cause you to ruffle feathers
Dave (ajmong): it's all about balancing the risk of leaving with the risk of pissing someone off that will eventually take you out
Nick: yup yup
Dave (ajmong): and i just wasnt sure where you thought you stood in that balance
Nick: im not sure what ill risk lol
Dave (ajmong): lol
Dave (ajmong): it's cool
Dave (ajmong): i guess i am just more paranoid
Dave (ajmong): so i feel the need to just try hard
Nick: i feel that if i try too hard and have to actually do nominations
Nick: it might be bad for me
Dave (ajmong): gotcha
Dave (ajmong): lmao, i just realized
Dave (ajmong): that if janelle had played instead of you
Dave (ajmong): that season 1 would have been the entire left side of the memory wall thingy on the homepage
Nick: yea?
Nick: lol
Nick: I effed it up
Dave (ajmong): yyeah, so ef you
Dave (ajmong): lol
Dave (ajmong): but for real, when i saw rachel's pic.. i was like.... NO WAY
Dave (ajmong): haha
Dave (ajmong): nyck had told me that you weren't on much any more and that you were done playing
Dave (ajmong): so i was def surprised to see you back
Nick: i was done
Nick: but chels asked
Nick: and i thought I should at least repay her the favour
Dave (ajmong): gotcha
Dave (ajmong): but anyways, we still have more catching up to do
Dave (ajmong): tell me about your guy
Nick: yes we do
Dave (ajmong): what's his name?
Dave (ajmong): how did you meet him?
Nick: his name is Jean Luc
Dave (ajmong): oooh, french?
Nick: yes
Nick: like me
Dave (ajmong): nice
Dave (ajmong): you are french?
Nick: which is a plus for my parents
Nick: yup lol
Dave (ajmong): oh, i didnt know
Dave (ajmong): nice, lmao
Nick: lol
Nick: and we met online
Nick: but he is related to my best friend from hugh school
Dave (ajmong): interesting
Nick: so it was just weird how we met
Dave (ajmong): yeah
Nick: and we've been together ever since
Dave (ajmong): cool
Dave (ajmong): long distance between you?
Dave (ajmong): or manageable?
Dave (ajmong): and when's the wedding again?
Nick: we live in the same city
Dave (ajmong): cool
Nick: we lived 2 blocks away
Nick: now we live together
Dave (ajmong): lol, nice
Nick: have for over a yr
Dave (ajmong): i was gonna ask that next
Dave (ajmong): cool
Nick: brb
Dave (ajmong): i'm very happy for you
Dave (ajmong): kk
Nick: he's making dinner
Nick: need to help
Dave (ajmong): kk
Dave (ajmong): no prob