Convo with Jun:
LunaDarkHawk: good morning B :-)
Nick: hei
LunaDarkHawk: how are things for you today?
Nick: good good
Nick: sleepy still
LunaDarkHawk: ah
Nick: u?
LunaDarkHawk: tired aswell, sitting in bed
Nick: lucky
Nick: im at work already
LunaDarkHawk: ah
LunaDarkHawk: i have 2 big assignments to do today so not that lucky
Nick: lol
Nick: i do not miss school
Nick: its fun to not have to worry about leaving the game this week
LunaDarkHawk: yup agreed i need to write a confessional though
Nick: same
Nick: i need to post conversations too eventually
LunaDarkHawk: i dont post conversations, detracts attention from me, chi chi is an attention whore in her confessionals
Nick: lol
Nick: i do both
Nick: since chels likes to use both in her recaps
LunaDarkHawk: yea i figure people will post convos with me in them, so i dont have to worry about it
Nick: lol
LunaDarkHawk: im not going to be able to win any challenges with the people we have in this game
LunaDarkHawk: complete own my ass
Nick: i dont think it matters
Nick: as long as our side wins
Nick: we're safe
LunaDarkHawk: yea but there will only be a few weeks of this
LunaDarkHawk: especially with the 3 nominations twist
Nick: then a few weeks of not worrying about this
Nick: there's 8 people per side
Nick: so it can go until 5 people are left
Nick: and im sure she will switch it up at some point
LunaDarkHawk: yea probably
LunaDarkHawk: what do ylu think Will is going to end up doing?
Nick: no clue
Nick: i heard he is doing it based on who helped on the competition
LunaDarkHawk: eh?
LunaDarkHawk: this is his first competition win from either season, so never seen him with any power
Nick: wow
Nick: i have no clue of the dynamics on the saints side either
Nick: its totally different then on the sinners side
LunaDarkHawk: haha
LunaDarkHawk: our side is like big clusterfuck
LunaDarkHawk: im pretty sure it only take 1 or two split hairs for our tribe to self-implode
Nick: lol
Nick: it wouldve been intersting if we lost
LunaDarkHawk: oh yea?
LunaDarkHawk: i wasnt in the chat
Nick: there was just a lot of yelling
Nick: i sat out most of it
Nick: it was mainly nat, sheila and chelsia
LunaDarkHawk: lol
LunaDarkHawk: the white trah <3
LunaDarkHawk: trash*
Nick: lol
Nick: yea
LunaDarkHawk: ??
LunaDarkHawk: mmmhmmm
Nick: what is that
LunaDarkHawk: thats enough to turn any guy straight <3
Nick: oh lol
Nick: i didnt click it
LunaDarkHawk: lol
Nick: am at work
LunaDarkHawk: its danielle from survivor
Nick: ah ok
Nick: nothing would ever turn me str8
LunaDarkHawk: lol
LunaDarkHawk: Parvati shallow owns all
Nick: lol
LunaDarkHawk: why laugh when its true
LunaDarkHawk: sheila called chi chi holier than thou, but she still isnt a saint :-(
Nick: lol
Nick: very true
LunaDarkHawk: i guess its the hair
LunaDarkHawk: it mut be a resemblance of jesus
LunaDarkHawk: must*
Nick: lol
Nick: do u walk on water?
LunaDarkHawk: nobut the hair floats on water
Nick: lol
LunaDarkHawk: omg forboding <3
LunaDarkHawk: Parvati is on the same line as Richard Hatch and Jeff <3
LunaDarkHawk: while a bunch of big characters are beneath them
Nick: oh please
Nick: Cirie all the way!
LunaDarkHawk: Cirie is fail
LunaDarkHawk: funny not even russell is on the same line as richard and jeff
LunaDarkHawk: Parv is though, win!
Nick: lol
LunaDarkHawk: i need to get a haircut tonight before the funeral tomorrow
Nick: ah, i dont like haircuts
LunaDarkHawk: im thinking eat, then hair appoinment, then homework then study for midterm and then party!
Nick: lol
Nick: sounds like a packed day
Nick: mine is work till 5, gym till 8, then dinner and relax
LunaDarkHawk: 3 hour gym
LunaDarkHawk: crazy boy
Nick: well not really
Nick: drive there is 30 mins
Nick: and drive home is 30 mins
Nick: so 2 hours
LunaDarkHawk: ah
Jun (LunaDarkHawk): igh guess i should call the hair place
Nick: lol
Jun (LunaDarkHawk):
Jun (LunaDarkHawk): i have an appointment in 3 and a half horus
Jun (LunaDarkHawk): hopefully enoguh time for my first assignment
Nick: lol
Jun (LunaDarkHawk): not that funny
Jun (LunaDarkHawk): have you done corportate finance?
Jun (LunaDarkHawk): corporate*
Nick: nope
Jun (LunaDarkHawk): boo!
Jun (LunaDarkHawk): T_T
Nick: im in computers, not finances
Jun (LunaDarkHawk): find me a computer program that will solve my math problem then!
Jun (LunaDarkHawk): :-)
Nick: lol
Jun (LunaDarkHawk): im not kidding ;o
Nick: u have to solve them on your own
Jun (LunaDarkHawk): :-(
Convo with Jessica:
SunSet141k: hey
Nick: hei
Nick: how goes it on the saints sidE?
SunSet141k: not very good
SunSet141k: lol
SunSet141k: I think I'll be nominated
Nick: why?
SunSet141k: because 5 people were in a chatroom during the challenge..
Nick: I thought Will told Eddie he was doing it based on who helped in challenges
SunSet141k: and they all said they wouldn't nominate each other
Nick: and u werent there?
SunSet141k: no cuz nobody invited me
Nick: who was in there?
SunSet141k: those bitches
SunSet141k: everyone but dave me and renny
Nick: that sucks balls
SunSet141k: i nkow and seb gave the link to will to nominate me
SunSet141k: and I"m like dude if you nominate me because nat said so.. you are gonna look like nat's bitch
Nick: so he did give the link
SunSet141k: yeah
Nick: or she*
SunSet141k: jason noticed that it was Sheila's puzzle or something
SunSet141k: lol
Nick: there was this whole fight on our chat about it
SunSet141k: so he told sheila
SunSet141k: and that' swhy sheila flipped out
SunSet141k: I heard about it lol
Nick: that was totally dumb
Nick: we goota fight for veto then
Nick: gotta*
SunSet141k: yeah
Nick: when veto happens lets get in a room, the s1ers
SunSet141k: omg yes!
Nick: and just try and help u win veto
Nick: and one of us on the sinners side
Nick: we can then save u and dave if you guys are nominated
Nick: when is veto though?
SunSet141k: umm
SunSet141k: 10?
Nick: tonight?
SunSet141k: yesah
SunSet141k: yeah*
Nick: ok, i will be home
SunSet141k: like will went to eddie
SunSet141k: and is like
SunSet141k: would you vote out jessica
SunSet141k: eddie is like yeah
Nick: will didnt even ask me that
SunSet141k: and dave said yeah too
SunSet141k: just to go along with it
Nick: i spoke to him briefly
SunSet141k: but I mean
Nick: didnt want to bug him
SunSet141k: I even told will if he nommed dave i'd vote him out
SunSet141k: which I wouldn't I vote renny out
SunSet141k: will doesn't want renny out
Nick: ah ok
SunSet141k: he was making me mad last night
Nick: but he has to do what the "5" agreed on
SunSet141k: so I started some threats than I'm like that was stupid but I'm a bit stressed out
Nick: hopefully we can get rid of renny
Nick: lol
SunSet141k: so I'm gonna make up a story to him
SunSet141k: and apologize today and tell him that my mom called me with bad news
SunSet141k: she did.. just not last night
SunSet141k: a different night
SunSet141k: so I won't be really lying
Nick: lol
SunSet141k: lol
Nick: work yo magic
SunSet141k: I've been trying
SunSet141k: but everyone has been lying to him
SunSet141k: and making up shit
Nick: the problem is that i only spoke to will briefly
SunSet141k: and omg he freaked me out
Nick: so I have no pull with him
SunSet141k: cuz he's like but the thing is I heard you are apart of the huge alliance in this game
SunSet141k: and at that moment I wanted to murder Jason
SunSet141k: but then I'm like wtf are you talking about?
Nick: u think its Jason?
SunSet141k: he's like the mixed game alliance
Nick: mixed game?
SunSet141k: I'm like LOL you gotta be fucking kiddin me, nobody would agree to that we all hate each other
SunSet141k: Ev's ame
SunSet141k: game*
Nick: oh
SunSet141k: his allstars game on tib
Nick: lol
SunSet141k: I just about freaked out thinking someone said something
Nick: I dont even know who is on that
SunSet141k: but no he was talking about another rumor
SunSet141k: ROFL
Nick: i doubt s1 being together will cross their minds
SunSet141k: i'm glad I acted like confused about it
Nick: it might but not based on all our histories
Nick: lol
Nick: same here
SunSet141k: yeah lol
SunSet141k: I'm so tired of the bullshit though
SunSet141k: I don't think I'd leave if I stayed on the block
Nick: and its only episode 1
SunSet141k: but I don't want to risk it
Nick: i doubt ud leave as well
Nick: lets get u or dave to win veto
Nick: and someone over here to win it as well
Nick: me/chelsia or eddie
Nick: im talking to Jun
Nick: random chitchat
SunSet141k: lol
Nick: what im worried about is none of these people bring up alliances of any kind
Nick: as though everyone is set
SunSet141k: one sec on phone with boyfriend
Nick: kk
Convo with Sarah:
Nick: Hi Sarah
Sarah (Buffy Zanzibar): Hey Rachel!
Sarah (Buffy Zanzibar): How are you?
Nick: im good, u?
Sarah (Buffy Zanzibar): pretty good
Nick: sorry for your teams loss
Sarah (Buffy Zanzibar): yeah thanks lol
Nick: :S
Nick: lol
Sarah (Buffy Zanzibar): but it was expected with sheila on your side
Nick: we worked well together
Nick: I got most of the questions
Sarah (Buffy Zanzibar): not to say it was just her lol - I don't know all of your skills lol
Sarah (Buffy Zanzibar): ooh good
Nick: and Sheila did the puzzle
Nick: well the questions for season
Sarah (Buffy Zanzibar): I heard you are a really good at challenges
Nick: 1*
Nick: i was in my season
Nick: but i may be rusty now
Sarah (Buffy Zanzibar): yeah
Nick: its been over 1 and a half years
Sarah (Buffy Zanzibar): lol true
Nick: so back to our convo from yesterday
Sarah (Buffy Zanzibar): yes
Nick: buffy - greatest show ever
Sarah (Buffy Zanzibar): oh lol
Sarah (Buffy Zanzibar): I know
Nick: u said u owned all seasons but one?
Nick: I have them all lol
Nick: i cried when it ended
Sarah (Buffy Zanzibar): yes I don't have season 1
Nick: for like 3 hours
Sarah (Buffy Zanzibar): Im kind of a spike fanatic lol
Nick: who is your fave character?
Sarah (Buffy Zanzibar): buffy/spike
Nick: spike was definitely the better suitor
Nick: I hated Angel
Sarah (Buffy Zanzibar): well Buffy is lol - then Spike,
Sarah (Buffy Zanzibar): then willow
Nick: Anya was my fave
Sarah (Buffy Zanzibar): then Anya
Nick: she made me laugh
Sarah (Buffy Zanzibar): I love Anya
Nick: then Willow
Nick: then Buffy/tara
Nick: loved buffy's mom
Nick: that show is just really special to me
Nick: i still cry at certain episodes
Nick: do u have favourite seasons?
Nick: mine is 5
Sarah (Buffy Zanzibar): I loved season 6
Sarah (Buffy Zanzibar): mostly because of the buffy/spike sex lol
Nick: lol
Sarah (Buffy Zanzibar): but I loved lots of episodes from season 5
Nick: mine in order are 5, 3, 2/6, 7/4, 1
Sarah (Buffy Zanzibar): lol
Sarah (Buffy Zanzibar): fool for love
Sarah (Buffy Zanzibar): that was one of my favorites
Nick: me was the Wish
Nick: from s3
Nick: my fave episode
Nick: I also liked the gift
Nick: we should convince chels to do a buffy competition
Sarah (Buffy Zanzibar): lol yeah
Sarah (Buffy Zanzibar): Jason loves Buffy too
Nick: yea, weve bonded on it before during our season
Sarah (Buffy Zanzibar): we should have a Buffy alliance haha
Nick: lol
Nick: all the buffy lovers unite
Nick: we can be the Scoobies
Nick: anyhoo, I wont bother u with my crazy buffy stuff
Nick: hopefully sheila and will keep u safe
Sarah (Buffy Zanzibar): lol it's not a bother - I am just working so i'm multi-tasking
Nick: im working too
Nick: so we are in a similar boat
Nick: where are u from if i may ask
Nick: im from toronto canada
Nick: 26 and a guy in real life
Sarah (Buffy Zanzibar): sure - I am from Portland, Oregon
Sarah (Buffy Zanzibar): I'm 47 and a female in real life
Nick: oh cool
Sarah (Buffy Zanzibar): I have kids 27 and 28
Nick: haha
Sarah (Buffy Zanzibar): lol
Nick: well im not trying to laugh
Sarah (Buffy Zanzibar): and they think i'm nuts for playing orgs
Nick: I could be your chyld
Sarah (Buffy Zanzibar): it's fine lol
Nick: child*
Nick: its not nuts
Nick: its fun
Nick: a good way to play a game that is cheap to play
Nick: its fun seeing another adult play these games
Sarah (Buffy Zanzibar): lol you could
Nick: the *kids* never really understand
Sarah (Buffy Zanzibar): and i'm immature so i usually get along with younger people haha
Nick: lol
Nick: well that wokrs then
Nick: but with work we both more than likely go to bed early
Nick: unlike the youngins
Nick: i remember playing in college
Nick: i was up at all hours
Nick: lol
Sarah (Buffy Zanzibar): lol
Sarah (Buffy Zanzibar): well being on the west coast I am usually on late according to east coast time
Nick: true
Nick: that is an advantage in that sense
Nick: im usually in bed by 11 lol
Nick: so 8 your time
Sarah (Buffy Zanzibar): lol yes
Sarah (Buffy Zanzibar): I am usually up till 11 or 12 my time
Sarah (Buffy Zanzibar): so 2 or 3 your time
Sarah (Buffy Zanzibar): or later on weekends
Nick: cool
Sarah (Buffy Zanzibar): I'm definitely a night person
Nick: weekends are easier
Nick: same
Nick: im not a morning person
Nick: im usually bitchy in the morning
Sarah (Buffy Zanzibar): lol
Sarah (Buffy Zanzibar): I definitely have to have my coffee....
Nick: lol
Sarah (Buffy Zanzibar): so i wonder if we'll be switching houses at all
Sarah (Buffy Zanzibar): did you have anything like that in season 1?
Nick: probably at some point
Sarah (Buffy Zanzibar): I still need to read the episodes
Nick: lol
Nick: i never read s2 or s
Nick: s3*
Sarah (Buffy Zanzibar): lol
Sarah (Buffy Zanzibar): yeah it's hard for me to get interested if I wasn't in it :-P
Nick: lol
Nick: i agree
Sarah (Buffy Zanzibar): how do you like your team so far?
Sarah (Buffy Zanzibar): oh nm that is such a dumb question lol
Nick: i dont know most of them yet
Nick: lol
Sarah (Buffy Zanzibar): like what are you going to say? oh i hate them all!
Nick: well eddie and i from our season have a bad past
Sarah (Buffy Zanzibar): oh really?
Nick: we didnt exactly get along
Nick: lol
Nick: our season had lots of drama
Sarah (Buffy Zanzibar): lol so did ours
Nick: lol
Nick: everyone else i dont know too well
Sarah (Buffy Zanzibar): well I tried to use a power on sheila lol
Sarah (Buffy Zanzibar): and it didn't exactly work :-P
Nick: lol
Nick: which power?
Sarah (Buffy Zanzibar): but I still made 3rd
Sarah (Buffy Zanzibar): um we had secret basements
Nick: yea we did too
Sarah (Buffy Zanzibar): and my power was prisoner of war power
Nick: ah kk
Sarah (Buffy Zanzibar): and I voted against how she wanted (kept seb/Nat) and then took Sheila prisoner and pissed sheila, nathan, Jun off
Sarah (Buffy Zanzibar): my F2 was Howie and I was trying to save him
Nick: ah ok
Sarah (Buffy Zanzibar): anyway - it didn't work but I was able to stay because Jun voted to keep me and I had control of sheila's vote
Nick: ah ok
Sarah (Buffy Zanzibar): as part of the power
Sarah (Buffy Zanzibar): so i was kind of the underdog from that point on
Nick: i love the underdog
Sarah (Buffy Zanzibar): and then there is this game that a lot of people are in - Mixed Game All-Stars
Sarah (Buffy Zanzibar): did you hear about that?
Nick: on TIB?
Sarah (Buffy Zanzibar): yes
Nick: yes, Ive heard
Sarah (Buffy Zanzibar): lol
Nick: lol
Sarah (Buffy Zanzibar): I am out of it
Nick: ah ok
Nick: voted out?
Sarah (Buffy Zanzibar): yes
Sarah (Buffy Zanzibar): Jason/Snoopy put me up
Nick: lol
Nick: so its lots of drama
Sarah (Buffy Zanzibar): well it's a long story but they got me voted out week 2 and I came back - so I tried to get Bessie (sheila) voted out and it failed lol
Nick: i expect this season to be the same
Sarah (Buffy Zanzibar): and the power shifted and I was out next
Nick: that sucks
Sarah (Buffy Zanzibar): yeah me too
Sarah (Buffy Zanzibar): oh well
Sarah (Buffy Zanzibar): I loved Mixed Game 10
Nick: ive heard of many people
Sarah (Buffy Zanzibar): but all-stars wasn't that fun
Nick: cause i used to go to TIB
Nick: and i used to host games
Sarah (Buffy Zanzibar): ohh ok
Nick: so i know people from that
Sarah (Buffy Zanzibar): what was your name there?
Nick: Betrayed
Sarah (Buffy Zanzibar): OH
Nick: lol
Nick: I won BB7
Nick: on there
Sarah (Buffy Zanzibar): I saw that in the season thing
Sarah (Buffy Zanzibar): oh cool
Sarah (Buffy Zanzibar): I was in BB10 and BBAS2
Sarah (Buffy Zanzibar): who hosted BB7?
Nick: I was supposed to be on BBAS2
Nick: yoshi did
Nick: well I can relate to drama too
Nick: in my season i backstabbed Dave, Jessica
Nick: Eddie hated me
Nick: I also played BB7 with Dustin/Jun
Nick: and we didnt exactly get along
Nick: plus I told him he is full of himself and other not-so-kind words
Nick: plus I think Jason is out to get me because I won our season of warzone
Sarah (Buffy Zanzibar): lol ohhh
Sarah (Buffy Zanzibar): well yeah looks like you do have a challenge coming in
Sarah (Buffy Zanzibar): but I guess we all do to some extent
Nick: oh and Renny doesnt like me for some reason
Sarah (Buffy Zanzibar): past games, etc
Sarah (Buffy Zanzibar): hm
Nick: even though I dont know her
Sarah (Buffy Zanzibar): how do you know ?
Nick: ive been told
Nick: she applied for one of my games
Nick: and i didnt put her in the game
Sarah (Buffy Zanzibar): you host?
Nick: i did
Sarah (Buffy Zanzibar): oh ok
Nick: not anymore
Nick: anyways, apparently she has had this vendetta against me since then
Sarah (Buffy Zanzibar): oh :-(
Nick: lol
Sarah (Buffy Zanzibar): well he's a nice guy - you should just talk lol
Nick: lol
Nick: havent had the chance yet
Sarah (Buffy Zanzibar): yeah i know
Sarah (Buffy Zanzibar): he wasn't on long last night for the challenge
Sarah (Buffy Zanzibar): I know he's busy with school
Sarah (Buffy Zanzibar): sorry i shoudl stay in character - I just don't know him as she so it's hard lol
Nick: lol
Nick: its always hard when the game begins
Sarah (Buffy Zanzibar): yeah i know
Sarah (Buffy Zanzibar): so what do you do for work?
Nick: im an IT Consultant
Nick: u?
Sarah (Buffy Zanzibar): oh cool
Sarah (Buffy Zanzibar): I'm an insurance underwriter
Nick: ah ok
Sarah (Buffy Zanzibar): lol yeah not too glamorous
Nick: lol, its a job
Nick: pays the bills
Nick: thats how i see it
Sarah (Buffy Zanzibar): definitely - and I love having my bills paid lol
Nick: lol
Nick: me too
Sarah (Buffy Zanzibar): and buying things
Sarah (Buffy Zanzibar): and eating
Sarah (Buffy Zanzibar): lol
Nick: lol
Nick: brb
Nick: gotta go get some lunch