Post by Will Wikle on Feb 4, 2010 0:51:05 GMT -5
Had a good chat with sarah...very interesting...
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:13:19 PM): Hey
JDeanUT (10:13:30 PM): hiya
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:13:36 PM): You know what you said earlier today about how you feel like everyone is talking to each other and not you?
JDeanUT (10:13:42 PM): yep
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:13:46 PM): LOL that's how I feel
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:13:51 PM): maybe we all feel that way
JDeanUT (10:14:03 PM): haha, ok well at least it's not just me
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:14:08 PM): noooo it's not
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:14:19 PM): no one is IMing me so I'm thinking...uh oh lol
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:14:23 PM): already I'm an outcast?
JDeanUT (10:14:28 PM): I can't tell if people just aren't being that social or if they're just ignoring me in particular
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:14:50 PM): maybe they decided to leave you and I out of their alliances
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:14:56 PM): they are all in a chat room as we speak
JDeanUT (10:15:00 PM): haha that's what I'm worried about
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:15:02 PM): you know what that means?
JDeanUT (10:15:05 PM): haha right?
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:15:06 PM): I'm all you have
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:15:08 PM): lol
JDeanUT (10:15:12 PM): haha
JDeanUT (10:15:20 PM): well at least we have each other
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:15:23 PM): exactly
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:15:24 PM): lol
JDeanUT (10:15:54 PM): I mean I've talked to almost everyone but no one seems interested in talking much
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:16:02 PM): okay that's just how I feel
JDeanUT (10:16:04 PM): and no one is messaging me
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:16:14 PM): maybe they're all just holding off
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:16:27 PM): like there are a bunch still in Mixed Game
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:16:31 PM): and there is a challenge righ tnow
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:16:35 PM): so that's probably part of it
JDeanUT (10:16:43 PM): I hope that's the case and we're not just worthless to them
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:16:47 PM): lol
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:16:58 PM): OMG we are not useless!
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:17:05 PM): worthless
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:17:06 PM): w/e
JDeanUT (10:17:49 PM): haha well we will just have to go on the defensive and kick their butts
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:17:54 PM): mhm
JDeanUT (10:18:28 PM): I'm sure once HOH happens people will get more into things
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:18:49 PM): Yeah - can't wait to hear the saints v sinners twist
JDeanUT (10:18:56 PM): me too
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:18:57 PM): the whole thing
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:19:08 PM): you think there's another secret room?
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:19:12 PM): basement/ w/e
JDeanUT (10:19:13 PM): chels is creative and I'm sure it will be good
JDeanUT (10:19:16 PM): probably
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:19:17 PM): yeah I'm sure
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:19:23 PM): I have been looking for stuff
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:19:32 PM): but I could see her waiting to add links
JDeanUT (10:19:36 PM): oh I hadn't even thought of that
JDeanUT (10:19:52 PM): did you see Rachel and James registered?
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:20:00 PM): well in our season Bessie IMs me in the beginning of the game and said - you know there's a secret room?
JDeanUT (10:20:11 PM): haha damn
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:20:17 PM): she found it just by typing in secret after the main url
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:20:26 PM): I'm sure chels hides it better now
JDeanUT (10:20:27 PM): crap she's good
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:20:34 PM): yeah well she didn't have the pw
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:20:35 PM): yet
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:20:41 PM): Rachel?
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:20:46 PM): I thought she wasn't playing
JDeanUT (10:20:53 PM): yeah I don't know
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:21:13 PM): Her pic isn't up there
JDeanUT (10:21:25 PM): but I found
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:21:26 PM): and James as in crazy?
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:21:42 PM): where did you find that?
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:21:46 PM): her photobucket?
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:21:53 PM): or you just changed the link name?
JDeanUT (10:21:54 PM): I replaced a banner pic with rachel
JDeanUT (10:21:56 PM): yeah
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:21:58 PM): haha
JDeanUT (10:22:02 PM):
JDeanUT (10:22:05 PM): oop
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:22:07 PM): trickkky
JDeanUT (10:22:14 PM):
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:22:22 PM): maybe it was just in case she accepted
JDeanUT (10:22:38 PM): perhaps
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:22:47 PM): No parker
JDeanUT (10:23:10 PM): well and then james msged me
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:23:16 PM): did he?
JDeanUT (10:23:20 PM): and said he was the alternate
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:23:31 PM): well he posted
JDeanUT (10:23:34 PM): james rhine from season 1
JDeanUT (10:23:38 PM): oh he did?
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:23:47 PM): OH
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:23:49 PM): James rhine?
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:23:55 PM): no i thought you meant crazy James
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:23:58 PM): from season 3
JDeanUT (10:24:04 PM): oh no different guy
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:24:12 PM): okay I see if you put jamesr
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:24:25 PM): who was he?
JDeanUT (10:24:28 PM): does his come up?
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:24:33 PM): ues
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:24:34 PM): yes
JDeanUT (10:24:37 PM): no idea I had never talked to him
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:24:40 PM):
JDeanUT (10:24:54 PM): hmm
JDeanUT (10:25:03 PM): who knows what will happen
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:25:36 PM): James registered
JDeanUT (10:25:47 PM): guess we'll find out tomorrow... I'm trying not to overthink things
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:25:50 PM): yesterday at 11:10
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:25:53 PM): lol
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:25:55 PM): oh
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:26:04 PM): I um don't know how not to overthink
JDeanUT (10:26:08 PM): but I hear that people don't like rachel
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:26:14 PM): oh really?
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:26:31 PM): well maybe that's good for other people
JDeanUT (10:26:34 PM): yeah people I talked to said they're glad she's not back
JDeanUT (10:26:45 PM): I guess she was a bitch
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:26:49 PM): who said that?
JDeanUT (10:27:02 PM): eddie
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:27:07 PM): oh yeah she registered too
JDeanUT (10:27:11 PM): yeah
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:28:40 PM): there's already 58 posts in diary rooms
JDeanUT (10:29:01 PM): I know I've been trying to post thoughts
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:29:10 PM): Oh
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:29:16 PM): I posted one thing so far
JDeanUT (10:29:40 PM): mine are all like "why is no one talking to me?"
JDeanUT (10:29:41 PM): hehe
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:29:47 PM): lol
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:29:53 PM): you should just talk to yourself
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:29:57 PM): I guess you kind of are
JDeanUT (10:30:03 PM): I have been... in the DR
JDeanUT (10:30:04 PM): hehe
JDeanUT (10:31:47 PM): I think I'm just paranoid because I know these are strong players and I can't imagine they are all just sitting around being quiet
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:32:25 PM): well I know some are busy, some have prior relationships....but yeah I get paranoid, too
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:33:05 PM): I just figure I have at least said hi to most people and I think a lot more will talk tomorrow
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:33:12 PM): that's all I can do
JDeanUT (10:33:48 PM): yeah that's what I hope for
JDeanUT (10:34:06 PM): I haven't even talked to sheila
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:34:24 PM): yeah she's busy trying to win a challenge probably
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:34:33 PM): looks like she'd be gone if her side loses
JDeanUT (10:34:38 PM): ahhh
JDeanUT (10:34:52 PM): you don't think she'd come after us do you?
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:35:03 PM): lol no I actually don't
JDeanUT (10:35:05 PM): is she down with season 2?
JDeanUT (10:35:09 PM): hehe
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:35:21 PM): okay so I'll just tell you what happened with us in MGAS so you know
JDeanUT (10:35:26 PM): ok
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:35:36 PM): week 2 bessie basically orchestrated my vote out
JDeanUT (10:35:41 PM): wow
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:35:49 PM): the twist was outcasts every week and every week someone comes back
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:35:58 PM): so she wanted yoshi out and there were 3 people leaving
JDeanUT (10:35:59 PM): oh sheesh
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:36:13 PM): and the challenge to come back was a horrible posting challenge
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:36:18 PM): and she knew I'd try hard
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:36:25 PM): so she made sure I left
JDeanUT (10:36:30 PM): and did you?
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:36:33 PM): It was between me/rob/snoopy on my tribe
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:36:43 PM): one person left from each of 3 oout of 4 tribes
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:36:45 PM): and yes I did
JDeanUT (10:36:49 PM): dang
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:36:50 PM): so did shane and yoshi
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:36:53 PM): shane and I came back
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:36:58 PM): cause i posted my ass off
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:37:05 PM): so then I was pissed
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:37:11 PM): because I knew that she caused it
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:37:19 PM): like she didn't vote me herself
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:37:23 PM): but she made sure i was voted off
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:37:29 PM): and i felt betrayed
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:37:39 PM): so during a survivor week when she didn't win immunity
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:37:52 PM): I worked with the "other side" to try to vote her out
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:38:06 PM): well Kenya was the swing vote and didn't vote her so bessie stayed
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:38:18 PM): next round bessie won hoh for snoopy (Jason in wz)
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:38:23 PM): and I was nom'd and voted out
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:38:30 PM): that was just last round
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:38:33 PM): BUT
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:38:35 PM): lol
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:39:14 PM): after I voted for Bessie - we talked and I told her why i was pissed and she told me why she did it and we agreed not to carry that stuff over to this game
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:39:29 PM): and we basically made up and are good with each other
JDeanUT (10:39:34 PM): well that's good that you talked at least
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:39:38 PM): I mean between you and me
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:39:46 PM): I think she would work with us
JDeanUT (10:39:54 PM): oh yeah I'm totally good with you
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:40:16 PM): It was a game and she understands how i felt and i understand how she saw it
JDeanUT (10:40:19 PM): I'd like to work with her. she's strong and frankly...she'll always be a bigger target than us
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:40:25 PM): yeah
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:40:31 PM): plus she really wanted you to play MGAS too
JDeanUT (10:40:35 PM): awww
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:40:39 PM): we both did
JDeanUT (10:40:51 PM): I just couldn't find the time
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:40:52 PM): esp because we thought nayt would play haha
JDeanUT (10:41:03 PM): and I was really wanting to do warzone again
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:41:12 PM): well i am just saying that as an example of her wanting to play with you
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:41:14 PM): she loves you
JDeanUT (10:41:16 PM): it's one of my favorite series
JDeanUT (10:41:32 PM): good. I really got to like her in mixed
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:41:36 PM): but I don't think it's a great idea to bring up a season 2 alliance with her
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:41:49 PM): because she has friends from the other seasons
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:41:52 PM): season 1 in particular
JDeanUT (10:41:59 PM): ok good to know
JDeanUT (10:42:21 PM): see that's what is hard because I don't know who is close to who
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:42:25 PM): and although I basically trust her - you know how she plays and uses little bits of information to her advantage
JDeanUT (10:42:31 PM): so I can't say anything bad\
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:42:37 PM): did you read her conf in mg10?:
JDeanUT (10:42:57 PM): like I don't care for jessica...but apparebtly she's close to nathan
JDeanUT (10:42:59 PM): yea I did
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:42:59 PM): I'm not saying it's a bad thing but I just don't want someone telling season 1 and 3 that we're against them
JDeanUT (10:43:22 PM): she is not even totally loyal to her most loyal allies
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:43:36 PM): yeah exactly
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:43:39 PM): that's what i'm saying
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:43:48 PM): like I was her ally in mgas and she got me voted out lol
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:43:54 PM): so yoshi wouldn't come back
JDeanUT (10:43:55 PM): but she's smart and I would rather be on the same side
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:43:56 PM): that was why
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:44:03 PM): me too
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:44:38 PM): I am not going to try to be against her - I realized that she had my back more than anyone else in that game lol
JDeanUT (10:44:53 PM): nathan doesn't talk to me much but I like him too
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:45:04 PM): maybe I wasn't her #1 but she did basically want to keep me
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:45:18 PM): even when i got voted out she tried to keep me over hte other person
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:45:21 PM): oh well
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:45:35 PM): yeah but Nathan/Ev is just quiet like that
JDeanUT (10:45:40 PM): yeah
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:45:43 PM): he doesn't talk that much
JDeanUT (10:45:53 PM): apparently sheila and nat had a falling out?
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:46:08 PM): yeah but remember wz2 lol
JDeanUT (10:46:09 PM): I mean nat doesn't like anyone, but...
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:46:14 PM): they hated each other in the beginning
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:46:22 PM): and then they totally worked together
JDeanUT (10:46:29 PM): yeah
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:46:40 PM): Seb has a way of getting back into her good graces
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:47:02 PM): but I think we are in a good position with season 2
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:47:04 PM): you and I
JDeanUT (10:47:21 PM): I hope so. I mean I like them all
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:47:23 PM): I just don't want to alienate the other seasons
JDeanUT (10:47:33 PM): I was surprised to see jun back though
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:47:37 PM): yeah I have no issues with anyone
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:47:43 PM): lol ugh
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:47:48 PM): he begged chels
JDeanUT (10:47:57 PM): haha really?
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:48:01 PM): I think she should have put parker in before Jun
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:48:12 PM): lol I am like a broken record aren't I?
JDeanUT (10:48:12 PM): well jun was a drama queen
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:48:22 PM): Parker said he wouldn't play anyway
JDeanUT (10:48:23 PM): I'd rather see parker back too though
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:48:42 PM): but Sarah will miss him lol
JDeanUT (10:48:58 PM): hehe
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:48:59 PM): it's probably best since some people would think we were tight or something
JDeanUT (10:49:29 PM): ok dear my glass of wine is empty and I have an early meeting
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:49:35 PM): haha
JDeanUT (10:49:42 PM): I'm going to get to bed
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:49:48 PM): oh dear I have a full glass
JDeanUT (10:49:49 PM): (before I pour more)
JDeanUT (10:49:50 PM): hehe
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:49:52 PM): I better get busy
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:49:56 PM): have a good night
JDeanUT (10:50:07 PM): you too. talk to you tomorrow
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:50:12 PM): okay ttyl
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:13:19 PM): Hey
JDeanUT (10:13:30 PM): hiya
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:13:36 PM): You know what you said earlier today about how you feel like everyone is talking to each other and not you?
JDeanUT (10:13:42 PM): yep
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:13:46 PM): LOL that's how I feel
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:13:51 PM): maybe we all feel that way
JDeanUT (10:14:03 PM): haha, ok well at least it's not just me
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:14:08 PM): noooo it's not
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:14:19 PM): no one is IMing me so I'm thinking...uh oh lol
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:14:23 PM): already I'm an outcast?
JDeanUT (10:14:28 PM): I can't tell if people just aren't being that social or if they're just ignoring me in particular
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:14:50 PM): maybe they decided to leave you and I out of their alliances
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:14:56 PM): they are all in a chat room as we speak
JDeanUT (10:15:00 PM): haha that's what I'm worried about
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:15:02 PM): you know what that means?
JDeanUT (10:15:05 PM): haha right?
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:15:06 PM): I'm all you have
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:15:08 PM): lol
JDeanUT (10:15:12 PM): haha
JDeanUT (10:15:20 PM): well at least we have each other
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:15:23 PM): exactly
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:15:24 PM): lol
JDeanUT (10:15:54 PM): I mean I've talked to almost everyone but no one seems interested in talking much
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:16:02 PM): okay that's just how I feel
JDeanUT (10:16:04 PM): and no one is messaging me
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:16:14 PM): maybe they're all just holding off
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:16:27 PM): like there are a bunch still in Mixed Game
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:16:31 PM): and there is a challenge righ tnow
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:16:35 PM): so that's probably part of it
JDeanUT (10:16:43 PM): I hope that's the case and we're not just worthless to them
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:16:47 PM): lol
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:16:58 PM): OMG we are not useless!
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:17:05 PM): worthless
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:17:06 PM): w/e
JDeanUT (10:17:49 PM): haha well we will just have to go on the defensive and kick their butts
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:17:54 PM): mhm
JDeanUT (10:18:28 PM): I'm sure once HOH happens people will get more into things
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:18:49 PM): Yeah - can't wait to hear the saints v sinners twist
JDeanUT (10:18:56 PM): me too
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:18:57 PM): the whole thing
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:19:08 PM): you think there's another secret room?
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:19:12 PM): basement/ w/e
JDeanUT (10:19:13 PM): chels is creative and I'm sure it will be good
JDeanUT (10:19:16 PM): probably
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:19:17 PM): yeah I'm sure
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:19:23 PM): I have been looking for stuff
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:19:32 PM): but I could see her waiting to add links
JDeanUT (10:19:36 PM): oh I hadn't even thought of that
JDeanUT (10:19:52 PM): did you see Rachel and James registered?
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:20:00 PM): well in our season Bessie IMs me in the beginning of the game and said - you know there's a secret room?
JDeanUT (10:20:11 PM): haha damn
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:20:17 PM): she found it just by typing in secret after the main url
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:20:26 PM): I'm sure chels hides it better now
JDeanUT (10:20:27 PM): crap she's good
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:20:34 PM): yeah well she didn't have the pw
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:20:35 PM): yet
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:20:41 PM): Rachel?
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:20:46 PM): I thought she wasn't playing
JDeanUT (10:20:53 PM): yeah I don't know
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:21:13 PM): Her pic isn't up there
JDeanUT (10:21:25 PM): but I found
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:21:26 PM): and James as in crazy?
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:21:42 PM): where did you find that?
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:21:46 PM): her photobucket?
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:21:53 PM): or you just changed the link name?
JDeanUT (10:21:54 PM): I replaced a banner pic with rachel
JDeanUT (10:21:56 PM): yeah
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:21:58 PM): haha
JDeanUT (10:22:02 PM):
JDeanUT (10:22:05 PM): oop
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:22:07 PM): trickkky
JDeanUT (10:22:14 PM):
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:22:22 PM): maybe it was just in case she accepted
JDeanUT (10:22:38 PM): perhaps
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:22:47 PM): No parker
JDeanUT (10:23:10 PM): well and then james msged me
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:23:16 PM): did he?
JDeanUT (10:23:20 PM): and said he was the alternate
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:23:31 PM): well he posted
JDeanUT (10:23:34 PM): james rhine from season 1
JDeanUT (10:23:38 PM): oh he did?
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:23:47 PM): OH
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:23:49 PM): James rhine?
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:23:55 PM): no i thought you meant crazy James
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:23:58 PM): from season 3
JDeanUT (10:24:04 PM): oh no different guy
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:24:12 PM): okay I see if you put jamesr
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:24:25 PM): who was he?
JDeanUT (10:24:28 PM): does his come up?
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:24:33 PM): ues
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:24:34 PM): yes
JDeanUT (10:24:37 PM): no idea I had never talked to him
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:24:40 PM):
JDeanUT (10:24:54 PM): hmm
JDeanUT (10:25:03 PM): who knows what will happen
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:25:36 PM): James registered
JDeanUT (10:25:47 PM): guess we'll find out tomorrow... I'm trying not to overthink things
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:25:50 PM): yesterday at 11:10
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:25:53 PM): lol
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:25:55 PM): oh
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:26:04 PM): I um don't know how not to overthink
JDeanUT (10:26:08 PM): but I hear that people don't like rachel
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:26:14 PM): oh really?
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:26:31 PM): well maybe that's good for other people
JDeanUT (10:26:34 PM): yeah people I talked to said they're glad she's not back
JDeanUT (10:26:45 PM): I guess she was a bitch
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:26:49 PM): who said that?
JDeanUT (10:27:02 PM): eddie
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:27:07 PM): oh yeah she registered too
JDeanUT (10:27:11 PM): yeah
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:28:40 PM): there's already 58 posts in diary rooms
JDeanUT (10:29:01 PM): I know I've been trying to post thoughts
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:29:10 PM): Oh
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:29:16 PM): I posted one thing so far
JDeanUT (10:29:40 PM): mine are all like "why is no one talking to me?"
JDeanUT (10:29:41 PM): hehe
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:29:47 PM): lol
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:29:53 PM): you should just talk to yourself
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:29:57 PM): I guess you kind of are
JDeanUT (10:30:03 PM): I have been... in the DR
JDeanUT (10:30:04 PM): hehe
JDeanUT (10:31:47 PM): I think I'm just paranoid because I know these are strong players and I can't imagine they are all just sitting around being quiet
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:32:25 PM): well I know some are busy, some have prior relationships....but yeah I get paranoid, too
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:33:05 PM): I just figure I have at least said hi to most people and I think a lot more will talk tomorrow
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:33:12 PM): that's all I can do
JDeanUT (10:33:48 PM): yeah that's what I hope for
JDeanUT (10:34:06 PM): I haven't even talked to sheila
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:34:24 PM): yeah she's busy trying to win a challenge probably
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:34:33 PM): looks like she'd be gone if her side loses
JDeanUT (10:34:38 PM): ahhh
JDeanUT (10:34:52 PM): you don't think she'd come after us do you?
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:35:03 PM): lol no I actually don't
JDeanUT (10:35:05 PM): is she down with season 2?
JDeanUT (10:35:09 PM): hehe
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:35:21 PM): okay so I'll just tell you what happened with us in MGAS so you know
JDeanUT (10:35:26 PM): ok
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:35:36 PM): week 2 bessie basically orchestrated my vote out
JDeanUT (10:35:41 PM): wow
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:35:49 PM): the twist was outcasts every week and every week someone comes back
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:35:58 PM): so she wanted yoshi out and there were 3 people leaving
JDeanUT (10:35:59 PM): oh sheesh
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:36:13 PM): and the challenge to come back was a horrible posting challenge
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:36:18 PM): and she knew I'd try hard
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:36:25 PM): so she made sure I left
JDeanUT (10:36:30 PM): and did you?
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:36:33 PM): It was between me/rob/snoopy on my tribe
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:36:43 PM): one person left from each of 3 oout of 4 tribes
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:36:45 PM): and yes I did
JDeanUT (10:36:49 PM): dang
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:36:50 PM): so did shane and yoshi
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:36:53 PM): shane and I came back
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:36:58 PM): cause i posted my ass off
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:37:05 PM): so then I was pissed
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:37:11 PM): because I knew that she caused it
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:37:19 PM): like she didn't vote me herself
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:37:23 PM): but she made sure i was voted off
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:37:29 PM): and i felt betrayed
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:37:39 PM): so during a survivor week when she didn't win immunity
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:37:52 PM): I worked with the "other side" to try to vote her out
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:38:06 PM): well Kenya was the swing vote and didn't vote her so bessie stayed
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:38:18 PM): next round bessie won hoh for snoopy (Jason in wz)
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:38:23 PM): and I was nom'd and voted out
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:38:30 PM): that was just last round
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:38:33 PM): BUT
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:38:35 PM): lol
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:39:14 PM): after I voted for Bessie - we talked and I told her why i was pissed and she told me why she did it and we agreed not to carry that stuff over to this game
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:39:29 PM): and we basically made up and are good with each other
JDeanUT (10:39:34 PM): well that's good that you talked at least
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:39:38 PM): I mean between you and me
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:39:46 PM): I think she would work with us
JDeanUT (10:39:54 PM): oh yeah I'm totally good with you
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:40:16 PM): It was a game and she understands how i felt and i understand how she saw it
JDeanUT (10:40:19 PM): I'd like to work with her. she's strong and frankly...she'll always be a bigger target than us
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:40:25 PM): yeah
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:40:31 PM): plus she really wanted you to play MGAS too
JDeanUT (10:40:35 PM): awww
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:40:39 PM): we both did
JDeanUT (10:40:51 PM): I just couldn't find the time
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:40:52 PM): esp because we thought nayt would play haha
JDeanUT (10:41:03 PM): and I was really wanting to do warzone again
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:41:12 PM): well i am just saying that as an example of her wanting to play with you
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:41:14 PM): she loves you
JDeanUT (10:41:16 PM): it's one of my favorite series
JDeanUT (10:41:32 PM): good. I really got to like her in mixed
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:41:36 PM): but I don't think it's a great idea to bring up a season 2 alliance with her
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:41:49 PM): because she has friends from the other seasons
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:41:52 PM): season 1 in particular
JDeanUT (10:41:59 PM): ok good to know
JDeanUT (10:42:21 PM): see that's what is hard because I don't know who is close to who
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:42:25 PM): and although I basically trust her - you know how she plays and uses little bits of information to her advantage
JDeanUT (10:42:31 PM): so I can't say anything bad\
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:42:37 PM): did you read her conf in mg10?:
JDeanUT (10:42:57 PM): like I don't care for jessica...but apparebtly she's close to nathan
JDeanUT (10:42:59 PM): yea I did
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:42:59 PM): I'm not saying it's a bad thing but I just don't want someone telling season 1 and 3 that we're against them
JDeanUT (10:43:22 PM): she is not even totally loyal to her most loyal allies
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:43:36 PM): yeah exactly
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:43:39 PM): that's what i'm saying
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:43:48 PM): like I was her ally in mgas and she got me voted out lol
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:43:54 PM): so yoshi wouldn't come back
JDeanUT (10:43:55 PM): but she's smart and I would rather be on the same side
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:43:56 PM): that was why
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:44:03 PM): me too
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:44:38 PM): I am not going to try to be against her - I realized that she had my back more than anyone else in that game lol
JDeanUT (10:44:53 PM): nathan doesn't talk to me much but I like him too
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:45:04 PM): maybe I wasn't her #1 but she did basically want to keep me
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:45:18 PM): even when i got voted out she tried to keep me over hte other person
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:45:21 PM): oh well
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:45:35 PM): yeah but Nathan/Ev is just quiet like that
JDeanUT (10:45:40 PM): yeah
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:45:43 PM): he doesn't talk that much
JDeanUT (10:45:53 PM): apparently sheila and nat had a falling out?
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:46:08 PM): yeah but remember wz2 lol
JDeanUT (10:46:09 PM): I mean nat doesn't like anyone, but...
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:46:14 PM): they hated each other in the beginning
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:46:22 PM): and then they totally worked together
JDeanUT (10:46:29 PM): yeah
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:46:40 PM): Seb has a way of getting back into her good graces
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:47:02 PM): but I think we are in a good position with season 2
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:47:04 PM): you and I
JDeanUT (10:47:21 PM): I hope so. I mean I like them all
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:47:23 PM): I just don't want to alienate the other seasons
JDeanUT (10:47:33 PM): I was surprised to see jun back though
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:47:37 PM): yeah I have no issues with anyone
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:47:43 PM): lol ugh
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:47:48 PM): he begged chels
JDeanUT (10:47:57 PM): haha really?
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:48:01 PM): I think she should have put parker in before Jun
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:48:12 PM): lol I am like a broken record aren't I?
JDeanUT (10:48:12 PM): well jun was a drama queen
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:48:22 PM): Parker said he wouldn't play anyway
JDeanUT (10:48:23 PM): I'd rather see parker back too though
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:48:42 PM): but Sarah will miss him lol
JDeanUT (10:48:58 PM): hehe
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:48:59 PM): it's probably best since some people would think we were tight or something
JDeanUT (10:49:29 PM): ok dear my glass of wine is empty and I have an early meeting
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:49:35 PM): haha
JDeanUT (10:49:42 PM): I'm going to get to bed
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:49:48 PM): oh dear I have a full glass
JDeanUT (10:49:49 PM): (before I pour more)
JDeanUT (10:49:50 PM): hehe
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:49:52 PM): I better get busy
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:49:56 PM): have a good night
JDeanUT (10:50:07 PM): you too. talk to you tomorrow
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" (10:50:12 PM): okay ttyl