More convos about Eviction and Powers... =]
Convo with NathanKatylady3209: and it hasnt helped that this round has been a hot mess. like a complete hot mess.
"Nathan": HOT HOT MESS
"Nathan": it has been
Katylady3209: Atleast you won veto, i find myself on the block again for the second week in the row about to go home.
Katylady3209: because i am "positive"
Katylady3209: i should turn into a negative nancy
Katylady3209: then i might be liked around here
"Nathan": awwww
"Nathan": do it!
"Nathan": haha
"Nathan": it can be fun sometimes
Katylady3209: your negative sometimes? hehe
"Nathan": not verry often!
Katylady3209: Wait, so since Renny left me on the block.
Katylady3209: i was nominated twice this week?
Katylady3209: i feel special
"Nathan": hahaha
"Nathan": you have my vote btw
"Nathan": nooot that you needed to be worried bout that
Katylady3209: woah
Katylady3209: really?
"Nathan": YES RLY
Katylady3209: pple have been telling me to not even try with you, lol, and im like well i am not going to ignore him even if he is voting me
"Nathan": lol who said that >.>
"Nathan": ive barely even talked to alex this game
Katylady3209: Jun told me... she said you two were buddies, so i was whatev, lol
Katylady3209: haha i said whatev
Katylady3209: and your name is ev
Katylady3209: anyways, thanks for the vote even though i dont deserve it
Katylady3209: i apperciate it, and i am owe you double now
Convo with RoddyKatylady3209: Whats new?
"Roddy": not too much
"Roddy": talking to Nathan for the first time in ages
Katylady3209: thats good
Katylady3209: about the game or no?
"Roddy": ummm, both game and non game
"Roddy": I think if I won HoH, I would nominate Sarah and Renny
Katylady3209: i wouldnt disagree at all.
Katylady3209: renny has nominated me twice now
"Roddy": Btw, I talked to Alex today
"Roddy": he knows hes going
"Roddy": or maybe just maybe was faking with me
"Roddy": but I think he knows
Katylady3209: yeah it could be an act, i guess we shall know for sure tomorrow
Katylady3209: i just hope will and sarah dont flip
Katylady3209: Ummm, Nathan just told me that he is voting me to stay
"Roddy": I think he is
"Roddy": for realz
Katylady3209: yeah he just for sure told me
Katylady3209: i was loke wow
Katylady3209: like*
"Roddy": I dont think Nathan would nominate either of us if he wins HoH
"Roddy": I think Alex leaving is VERY bad for him
"Roddy": but he knows its a done deal
Katylady3209: who does think might be after him?
Katylady3209: well besides eddie
"Roddy": I think he knows that we are less of a concern than Sarah/Will/Jun
"Roddy": not all individually
"Roddy": but as a group
Katylady3209: is he worried about their powers?
"Roddy": I think he is worried about more than just their powers
"Roddy": Him and I have had a weird kinda mutual understanding all game
"Roddy": that it is not in our interests to target eachother
"Roddy": and I still believe that, at least in my case
"Roddy": and prolly in yours
Katylady3209: i have never really wanted to target him
Katylady3209: eddie is a different story though
"Roddy": well
"Roddy": Eddie cant very easily target Sarah
"Roddy": who I would love to see gone
"Roddy": and who btw, has said she would put us up beside eachother
Katylady3209: she said that to eddie?
"Roddy": I think so
"Roddy": dont know if she fla out said it though, or just implied it
Katylady3209: well dont worry i am not going to say anything
Katylady3209: cuz she would know that i would have got it from eddie
Katylady3209: and that would be bad
"Roddy": ugh seriously
"Roddy": I would HATE if Sarah won
"Roddy": HATE
"Roddy": all she has is her preexisting cliques
Katylady3209: if she puts me up, i am going to flip out, because she went on and on about me pretending to work with her
Katylady3209: and then i would be like, well i never nominated you bitch
Katylady3209: UGH, i want sarah gone aswell
Katylady3209: i liked her, but lately she is getting too annoying
"Roddy": her rumoured fakeness is finally showing through
Katylady3209: oh for sure
Katylady3209: BTW did you ever post the convos about our plan to nominate me?
Katylady3209: i was going to today but i lost them
"Roddy": no I didnt
"Roddy": but I have them
Katylady3209: we have to have record of our amazing plan
Katylady3209: ok good
"Roddy": they will all have timestamps though
"Roddy": and it is going to be a btich to figure out which group convo it was in
Katylady3209: LOL
Katylady3209: i hate timestamps
"Roddy" is available (11:52:02 AM)
Katylady3209: Its official, i am getting evicted.
"Roddy": whhhhatttt?
Katylady3209: EARLY APRIL FOOLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Katylady3209: hehe
"Roddy": lol I was about to be so pissed
Katylady3209: haha, well eddie sent me a PM worrying me
Katylady3209: but its all good now
"Roddy": I am gonna go off on everybody the day that either of us leaves
"Roddy": on the forum
Katylady3209: yep me too
Katylady3209: but according to Eddie, Sarah kinda wants me gone before Alex
Katylady3209: so she was trying to get Jun and Nathan
Katylady3209: but Jun is for sure keeping me
Katylady3209: and nathan gave me his word
Katylady3209: UH, I dont like Sarah right now -_-
"Roddy": I never have lol
Katylady3209: but i guess Sarah is still keeping me aswell, dispite her trying to get rid of me
"Roddy": well, I dont think Nathan would get rid of you
"Roddy": he knows that we are not after him like at all
"Roddy": you and me I mean
Katylady3209: yep
Katylady3209: Jun really wants us on her side
Katylady3209: because she wants to get rid of Renny and Sarah
"Roddy": for me
"Roddy": I want Renny out first
"Roddy": than Sarah
"Roddy": then Will or Nathan
"Roddy": I dont think of Jun as all that threatening
Katylady3209: No not at all
Katylady3209: Renny might have to go first because Sarah and Will might have their powers
Katylady3209: idk if sarah has it
Katylady3209: i guess i will find out when i get into safe #2
"Roddy" is available (11:59:37 AM)
"Roddy": you still there?
Katylady3209: yeah. did anything happen?
"Roddy": nah you just went invis
"Roddy": so I was wondering
"Roddy": I think Sarah is the last person I would vote for to win this game
"Roddy": out of everyone remaining
Katylady3209: Yeah i think i might vote jun over her lol
Katylady3209: but that could be dangerous, because then some pple may want to take her to the end
Katylady3209: it would be an easy win
"Roddy": lol, well I havent told many people the extent to which I wouldnt vote for her
"Roddy": but there is basically nothing she could say
"Roddy": that would get my vte
"Roddy": she has just stuck to her TiB cliques
Katylady3209: TIB </3
"Roddy": honestly, the only player that I have seen from TiB NOT sticking to cliques
"Roddy": is Alex
"Roddy": maybe Natalie somewhat
Katylady3209: thats probably why alex was targetted lol
"Roddy" is available (12:05:44 PM)
Katylady3209: im excited, us three have made it to the final 8
"Roddy" is available (12:06:59 PM)
"Roddy": I know this is pretty insane
"Roddy": and avoided detection
"Roddy": even though we were on the brink of discovery
"Roddy": this week
Katylady3209: i know this sounds bad, but if Dave didnt quit, we might have not been successful keeping our secret this long.
"Roddy": lol I have thought about that too
"Roddy": Dave quitting allowed us to be a lot more covert
"Roddy": because I dont think he has the instincts that you me and Eddie have
Katylady3209: lol i can tell.... so if you dont know already... sarah got the power in safe #2
Katylady3209: and its like a prisoner of war power
Katylady3209: so i bet she will use it on one of us to break us up since she seems to be dead set on it
"Roddy": fuck Sarah
"Roddy": ugh
"Roddy": omg
"Roddy": so
"Roddy": that was from safe #2
"Roddy": I think that almost confirms that Wil's is prolly from season 3
Katylady3209: yep, and he told eddie that he could really only use it if he is nomianted
Katylady3209: so im 99 percent sure its the same vote thing that jeff had
"Roddy": lol omg
"Roddy": Sarah and Will up together
"Roddy": would be an AWESOME week
Katylady3209: will would stay with his extra votes
Katylady3209: i was just about to say the same thing
"Roddy": and also, Jeff's power WAS from Safe #3
"Roddy": in Season 3
"Roddy": maybe
"Roddy": I can propose something like that to Nathan
"Roddy": well
"Roddy": nm
"Roddy": it only can get rid of Sarah
"Roddy": so I dont think he would do it
"Roddy": lol omg if Sarah prisoner of warred will
"Roddy": that would be SO funny
Katylady3209: HAHA yep. these next few rounds are going to be so interesting
"Roddy": ugh Sarah is so going to use that on me
Katylady3209: her power is tricky because its all about timing, but it could be VERY bad if its used right
"Roddy": its so gonna be used against me though
"Roddy": I think she would consider keeping you around if I was gone
Katylady3209: really? maybe, i just dont trust her. she seems so insincure.
Katylady3209: or however you spell it
"Roddy": well, I think ultimately
"Roddy": it would come down to Tib people
"Roddy": but Jun might go before you
"Roddy": I dunno, I could very easily be wrong
Katylady3209: I would really like to know what Wills, Sarahs and Nathans true plans are in this game
Katylady3209: because honestly i think its been switching every week
Katylady3209: episodes should be interesting
"Roddy": I think Nathan has kinda been floating
Katylady3209: yeah me too
Katylady3209: ok shower time, be back later
Convo with Jun "Jun": you are leaving
Katylady3209: really?
Katylady3209: really?
"Jun": no
"Jun": xD
Katylady3209: well i did actually hear that.
"Jun": oh
"Jun": by who
Katylady3209: it might be closer than i think
"Jun": who said that
Katylady3209: Roddy. but he is always paraniod
Katylady3209: which doesnt help me much since i am on the block
"Jun": what did he say
Katylady3209: he doesnt know what sarah will do, but i think its fine cuz nathan told me that he will vote to keep me.
Katylady3209: so unless he is lying, i am fine
Katylady3209: cuz Will also told me he is voting to keep me
"Jun": sarah should be voting to keep you
"Jun": and yea you have me will and roddy
"Jun": so it doesnt matter what the others do
Katylady3209: Ok. we need HoH bad. These powers scare me
"Jun": haha
"Jun": yea
"Jun": ezcept I think the worst one is done with
Katylady3209: yep. i think one of the other powers is like a defensive one... like jeff had in WZ3
"Jun": yea
"Jun": i agree
Katylady3209: the coup was the strongest for sure
Katylady3209: offensively
"Jun": i think the other power is prisoner of war
"Jun": from my season
Katylady3209: yep. thats what i thought too. because the coup was from season 1, so im guessing there are three power from each season
Katylady3209: which makes sense
Katylady3209: powers*
"Jun": there are only three powers
"Jun": so one from each makes sense
Katylady3209: how did the prisoner of war power work?
"Jun": well in two houses
"Jun": sarah was able to control Sheila
"Jun": brought her over to our house
"Jun": as a vote
"Jun": and basically controlled Sheila
"Jun": submitted her answers for veto, could use the veto to save sarah if needed
Katylady3209: if she won hoh and veto and such
"Jun": yup
Katylady3209: oh cool
Katylady3209: but that kinda backfired on her if i remembered because didnt nathan get hoh and not sheila?
"Jun": uhm
"Jun": it was activated after hoh
"Jun": she was nominated
"Jun": and she used sheila as a vote to keep her
"Jun": and then i jumped ship
"Jun": and Sarah stayed
"Jun": and Sheila was livid
"Jun": cause it was 2-1
Katylady3209: LOL. wow Sarah must have owed you big time since i bet big she was pissed at you too.
"Jun": big she was livid
"Jun": she won hoh the next week
"Jun": but because i transfered to the other house
"Jun": i was immune
"Jun": she couldnt nomiante me
"Jun": soshe tried to take out parker, bt i won veto and parker and I controlled the vote
"Jun": ;o
Katylady3209: LOL. way to go. your season must have been crazy with all the house switching
"Jun": yea
"Jun": it was interesting
"Jun": this game
"Jun": is going to get fun
"Jun": after this eviction
"Jun": haha
Katylady3209: ohhhhh yeahhh
Katylady3209: i was going to tell you that
Katylady3209: because its down to the REAL all stars
Katylady3209: after alex leaves
"Jun": yup
Katylady3209: and we still got two powers left
"Jun": imo
"Jun": renny wasted her power
Katylady3209: i was kinda shocked that she nominated alex
Katylady3209: then she kept me up there, i was like *cry*
"Jun": whatever she can send the fodder home
"Jun": if she was smart she'd have put me or roddy next to you
Katylady3209: he IS a threat in this game, but not a threat to her i dont think
Katylady3209: i dont think she knows that me roddy and you are close.
"Jun": haha
Katylady3209: What do you think the challenge will be?
Katylady3209: its not live
Katylady3209: and there are "brackets"
"Jun": mmhmm
"Jun": itll be a round robin
Katylady3209: ohhhh interesting
"Jun": i hope its sliding puzzles