jdeanut: hey
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": you kept alex too?
jdeanut: no
jdeanut: I was the only one who didn't
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": why did they all vote this way?
jdeanut: I have no idea
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": i feel so blindsided
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": i mean i was talking to eddie
jdeanut: I know, it's so weird
jdeanut: like, why would they all lie to us?
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": and he said he was thinking of voting josh
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": because he's crazy
jdeanut: renny told me a couple hours ago that he voted alex out
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": and i'm like who cares
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": alex is a huge comp threat
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": and he said he has no proof of that
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": but i tried to explain that i know them both
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": and obv he went the other way
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": then las tnight roddy and lydia
jdeanut: yeah I know
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": well lydia said she was def voting alex
jdeanut: that's what surprises me
jdeanut: yeah so did roddy
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": renny told me she voted josh
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": but told alex she voted him
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": she lied to you?
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": we just need to be cool about this
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": but i am really pissed
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" is available (7:39:40 PM)
jdeanut: yeah I know roddy has been apologizing and I'm accting cool
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": he apologized to you?
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": lol why ?
jdeanut: saying that I wanted both of them gone, so I didn't care who
jdeanut: cause he told me last night he was voting alex out
jdeanut: this makes me pretty nervous about next week
jdeanut: clearly alex has done some work
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": yeah well you and i could get nominated if alex wins
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": yes exactly
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": although i was told by renny and eddie that it was because of josh being crazy
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": but yeah
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": we just need to act cool but be careful
jdeanut: well but then why not tell us?
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": renny told me
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": eddie did say he was probably voting josh
jdeanut: I hate that renny has the coup and we don't
jdeanut: hehe
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": then changed to probaby alex
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": yeah me too
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": plus she just told me she is going out of town for a week
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": starting sat
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": so i asked if alex won hoh and put us up if she'd use it
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": and she said dur
jdeanut: hmmm
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": that if anyone other than nathan, jun or the three of us win hoh he'll use it probably
jdeanut: well I'm more worried and renny and nathan
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": me too
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": definitely
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": so he said he'll have his ipod so if he needs to tell chels anything
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": like to use the power
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": he can
jdeanut: oh ok
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": but i wish i had known this before
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": not that it makes a diff i guess
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": except yeah
jdeanut: well I don't know who to be after this next week
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": i wish i had the coup and not him
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": well
jdeanut: I know I should have picked safe 1
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": eddie pissed me off
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": he was saying last night how it was a no brainer
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": to kick out alex
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": so yeah i am nervous about why the whole house switched
jdeanut: yeah, well... we just gotta keep going
jdeanut: act cool
jdeanut: yeah I think if I won HOH I'd put up alex and eddie
jdeanut: I don't know
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": ok i need to study history
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": and so should you
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": this is a live comp
jdeanut: isn't it a mini?
jdeanut: that's what jun is saying
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": ?
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": maybe
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": so we need to study
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": in case she uses questions about the game
jdeanut: yeah
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa":
i50.tinypic.com/bi5xqx.jpgjdeanut: oh perfect thanks
jdeanut: I was just making one of these
jdeanut: hahahaha
jdeanut: Jason is telling people that I'm a porn star
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": now i wish i kept nat over eddie
jdeanut: I know me too
jdeanut: definitely
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": idk do you thnk people were told by alex that if he wins he'll put you and i up and that's why they were cool with keepig him?
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": like i know with renny they're friends
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": and he was going to vote ihm but wasnt happy about it
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": but i think renny tlked to others too - not sure
jdeanut: I think there is probably something against the two of us
jdeanut: who knows
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": but i don't think that renny did it for that reason
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": i still have to trust renny
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": she has the coup
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": i have to lol
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": i guess we'll find out soon enough if she's bsing us
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": idk i'd be surprised since i said i agreed with her f5 including jun/nathan
jdeanut: well I'm sure nathan knows
jdeanut: and probably others
jdeanut: that we have ours
jdeanut: this is your last time to use your potion, right?
jdeanut: do you have to do it before HOH?
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": yes
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": bno
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": no
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": it's for a vote
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": lol
jdeanut: oh I thought it was for the whole week
jdeanut: like to not nominate you
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": no
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": Eddie (7:28:29 PM): hey
Eddie (7:28:35 PM): so I found out we didn't have the votes
Buffy Zanzibar (7:28:35 PM): Hey
Eddie (7:28:37 PM): so I didn't bother
Buffy Zanzibar (7:28:43 PM): yeah oh well
Eddie (7:28:48 PM): yeah
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": mhmmm
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": lol
jdeanut: haha he hasn't said anything to me
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" is available (8:43:08 PM)
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": study lol
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" is available (9:07:09 PM)
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": bastard
jdeanut: I know
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" is available (9:09:12 PM)
jdeanut: I bet I'm out next
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": eddie is next on my list
jdeanut: yeah he'
jdeanut: he's trouble
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": i voted lydia
jdeanut: hehe
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": lydia, roddy and eddie are in on this
jdeanut: do you get to vote?
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" is available (9:17:13 PM)
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": haha
jdeanut: hehe
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" is available (9:14:36 PM)
jdeanut: well this will be interesting
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" is available (9:14:50 PM)
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": vote out eddie
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": please
jdeanut: he's not on the block
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": OH NM
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": duh
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": roddy
jdeanut: oh too late I already voted lydia
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" is available (9:22:17 PM)
jdeanut: I'm gonna buzz but I may need answer help
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": kk
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" is available (9:24:12 PM)
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": wow rude
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": when you saved jun
jdeanut: I know
jdeanut: haha
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": buzz in fast
jdeanut: ok if I'm here, I'll buzz in but I don't know these answers
jdeanut: good lord
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": bitch
jdeanut: total bitch
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" is available (9:31:08 PM)
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": so glad we planned to use her
jdeanut: haha yeah, this has worked out real well
jdeanut: lord
jdeanut: I don't trust jun, eddie or renny anymore
jdeanut: this sucks
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": i don't trust jun or eddie
jdeanut: I don't trust anyone but you
jdeanut: fuck this
jdeanut: hehe
jdeanut: god do we vote for a winner?
jdeanut: sheesh
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": vote eddie
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": cause if he wins pov
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": lots of choices to put up
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": for coup
jdeanut: yeah I think I will
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa" is available (9:40:11 PM)
jdeanut: maybe he'll nominate renny and nathan and then renny will use coup
jdeanut: hehe
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": renny will use it
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": and eddie is most likely out of that group to win pov
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": which is why i wanted him as hoh
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": so when renny uses it she can still put up roddy/lydia or jun or w/e
jdeanut: yeah that's cool with me
jdeanut: he didn't have a point, did he?
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": who?
jdeanut: eddie
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": yeah he did
jdeanut: he won't get a clue?
jdeanut: oh
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": he will
jdeanut: oh well
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": he has pov
jdeanut: hehe
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": who cars
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": fuck him
jdeanut: yeah nothing in there for him
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": I can't wait
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": till he's couped
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": bitch
jdeanut: are you sure renny will use it?
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": pretty sure
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": lol
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": i have to trust her
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": plus she may be nominated with nathan
jdeanut: yeah
jdeanut: well nathan will probably for sure be up
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": lydia or roddy are leaving this week - unless they win POV - I am pretty sure he's using it dear
jdeanut: that is perfect
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": exactly
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": fuck eddie
jdeanut: yeah
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": fuck eddie a lot
jdeanut: fuck everyone
jdeanut: hehe
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": lol
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": mhm
jdeanut: did you tell jun to not fucking talk to you?
jdeanut: hehe
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": yes but i didn't say fucking
jdeanut: haha
jdeanut: she's so weird
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": Lydia (8:56:52 PM): I was going to vote out Alex... then I check my PMs today when I went to go vote
Lydia (8:56:57 PM): and heard that the voting was switched
Buffy Zanzibar (8:57:00 PM): it wasn't that big of a deal which one left I just wonder why
Lydia (8:57:04 PM): because josh went off on renny?
Buffy Zanzibar (8:57:11 PM): ah
jdeanut: haha well roddy didn't say anything about that
jdeanut: he said he knew all along it was alex
jdeanut: and if he knew, lydia knew
jdeanut: we just gotta keep our cool
jdeanut: if there's heat on us now, it will be gone after renny uses coup
jdeanut: we'll be able to fade into the back again
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": oh he did?
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": wow
jdeanut: well he just admitted that he was lying when he told me last night about the vote
jdeanut: he admitted he knew he was voting josh out
jdeanut: yesterday
jdeanut: so I'm sure that means lydia did too
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": but why?
jdeanut: he said he felt strongarmed into lying
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": by who?
jdeanut: cause he thought lydia would be in trouble if people knew he was siding with alex
jdeanut: which probably isn't true either
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": okay so if renny uses this coup against eddie and puts up like lydia and roddy then the next round i might use mine and take eddie hostage before hoh results
jdeanut: not a bad idea
jdeanut: that's actually a really good idea
jdeanut: cause then I can use mine the week after if we need to
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": yep
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": seriously i am so mad lol
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": FUCK
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": THEM
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": Nathan is my new best friend
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": jk you are
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": lol
jdeanut: haha what is going on now? no one is even talking to me
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": but i am seething
jdeanut: I'm not happy about any of this, but I am hopeful that we can turn it around
jdeanut: and now we have a reason to go against these bitches
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": exactly
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa":
jdeanut: Jun is telling me that Renny is mad at her
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": yep
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": Renny said Jun is dead to her after she voted her out or put her up or w/e she did
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": lol i can't even remember
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": and renny disappeared or isn't answering
jdeanut: I said hi to her but she didn't reply
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": yeah me too
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": i asked eddie if he was searching for powers
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": he asked me my favorite # of 3
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": i said 2
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": then he said eh you're mad at me lol
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": what's wrong with safe 1
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": i'm like that's good too
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": he asked what about 3
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": i said 3 is good
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": lol
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": i just wnated him to pick 2 because it's so hard
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa":
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": 1 was the most fun
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": and had the best prize
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": but too bad suckahs
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": they
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": they're all cleaned out
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": fuck you all
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": sorry i'm pissed tonight
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": i might drink
jdeanut: haha you should
jdeanut: I'm having a glass of wine
jdeanut: I had a horrible day
jdeanut: my mom called this morning
jdeanut: to ask me if I'd pick her up at the airport tomorrow
jdeanut: she's coming into town to have a lumpectomy
jdeanut: yes... this is how my mother tells me she has breast cancer
jdeanut: by asking me for a ride from the airport
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": Eddie (9:36:45 PM): so if we're so tight
Eddie (9:36:55 PM): why did I have to find out about Pandora the hard way
Buffy Zanzibar (9:37:13 PM): Well, I guess we're not since you didn't want me to win HOH
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": oh i'm sorry
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": i just read that
jdeanut: oh it's fine
jdeanut: it's early
jdeanut: the doctors don't seem to be worried
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": i hope she caught it in time
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": oh good
jdeanut: they won't know until they get in there on thursday, but they're optimistic
jdeanut: so is eddie giving you any idea about what you'll do
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": we're just kind of quipping/snapping at each other
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": lol
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": my guess is he'll nominate nathan/renny
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": or nathan/sarah
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa":
jdeanut: hopefully nathan and renny
jdeanut: then renny would certainly use coup
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": fuck him he can nominate me
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": renny will use it
jdeanut: I hope so
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": idk why you think she won't
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": why wouldn't she?
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": of course she will
jdeanut: I just feel a little isolated after that last vote
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": just to say fuck you to eddie
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": yeah well
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": fuck them
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": we're fine
jdeanut: yeah this might be the divide we need
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": sorry that's all i can say
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": haha
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": yeah i need you to think rationally for me
jdeanut: we got out the people we wanted out most
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": cause i certainly am not
jdeanut: and we work best when we have an enemy to fight
jdeanut: so maybe it's good that we have new enemies
jdeanut: hehe
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": lol
jdeanut: it'll give us motivation to keep going and not get too comfortable
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": well, we take out lydia or roddy this time, then i kidnap eddie next time, hopefully one of us win and he's toast
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": since he can't play in pov
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": then you can throw someone else up on the block the next time
jdeanut: yep that would be perfect
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": eddie just fucked himself
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": and he doesn't even know it
jdeanut: yeah and the coup will be gone so we can take out nathan or jun after that
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": yep
jdeanut: or alex
jdeanut: hehe
jdeanut: we can't forget about him
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": right
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": well we needed him gone this time
jdeanut: yeah that would have been ideal
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": they did this to keep him in the game
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": against me
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": since they know i'm after him and vv
jdeanut: well since we are pretty sure renny will use coup, our best bet is just to lay low and roll with the punches
jdeanut: let the others take the heat this week
jdeanut: work hard in veto, just in case
jdeanut: I almost hope eddie does win veto
jdeanut: and doesn't use it
jdeanut: and then renny uses coup
jdeanut: that would be perfect
jdeanut: hehe
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": Dustin/Jun (9:48:07 PM): you were going to say something?
Dustin/Jun (9:48:08 PM): h
Buffy Zanzibar (9:48:14 PM):
www.youtube.com/watch?v=RZuZ8TkuTx0"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": oh whooops
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": jun said this first
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa":
Dustin/Jun (9:42:47 PM): where do we go from here
jdeanut: haha
jdeanut: and you sent her that video?
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": yes
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": lol
jdeanut: is she trying to suck up?
jdeanut: I don't know what to do about her
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": she is asking why i am so mad
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": and i basically told her at first
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": but i've calmed down
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": at least to her face
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": lol eddie's mostly ignoring me
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": i'm sure he's trying to figure out his safe
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": I LOVE that they're empty
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": did i say that already?
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": LOVE LOVE LOVE IT
jdeanut: haha I know it's pretty awesome
jdeanut: to not have to worry about the powers and other people getting them
jdeanut: do you know what safe he chose?
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": haha no
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": he's not telling me
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": like it was all i could do when he asked why i didn't tell him about pandora's box not to say - omg why would i fucking tell you?
jdeanut: I thought he would have asked me what safe I had by now
jdeanut: but I'm sure jun told him
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": like esp after what you just did to me
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": haha
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": well
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": i asked jun if she told him
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": idk why he wouldn't try to figure it out
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": i just said
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": if i were you i'd pick 2
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": lol
jdeanut: haha
jdeanut: doesn't matter what he picks. he's fucked
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa":
Eddie (10:01:36 PM): and the Nathan club doesn't matter
Eddie (10:01:39 PM): I'm killing it this week
Buffy Zanzibar (10:01:44 PM): what does that mean?
Eddie (10:01:48 PM): Nathan is going up for sure
Buffy Zanzibar (10:01:49 PM): ohhh
Buffy Zanzibar (10:01:51 PM): i see
Buffy Zanzibar (10:01:52 PM): well duh
Buffy Zanzibar (10:01:59 PM): that's quite obvious
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": you ain't killin nothing but the Eddie Fan club
jdeanut: haha yeah he's in for a rude awakening
jdeanut: this guy I know died yesterday
jdeanut: he was 22
jdeanut: they think drugs were involved
jdeanut: so werid
jdeanut: weird
jdeanut: I've had the weirdest week
jdeanut: hehe
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa":
www.zshare.net/audio/73250557a2dcb6fb/"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": haha
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": omg i keep not reading what you're saying
jdeanut: haha
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": and then i see sad stuff
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": sorry
jdeanut: it's ok, he wasn't close to me
jdeanut: just someone I knew
jdeanut: haha, is this rob?
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": TLG
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": James
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": lol
jdeanut: haha that's funny
jdeanut: why did he do that?
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": because he's f2 in mixed game allstars
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": and the other person i syak
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": Yak
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": who's british
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": and i told him to make a voice recording as part of his jury question from me
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": but he hasn't yet
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": and tlg was complainigng
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": cause he's a ham
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": and likes to do that stuff
jdeanut: have you seen his youtube vids?
"WZ All Stars - Sarah Hrejsa": yeah a couple]
jdeanut: he showed them all to me when we first met