Convo with Roddy"Roddy": ugh
"Roddy": seen results?
Katylady3209: i just saw the results. those pple killed
"Roddy": Will/Ren/Sar obv worked together
Katylady3209: oh yeah for sure
Katylady3209: i wonder who they will target
"Roddy": how is your relationship with Sarah?
"Roddy": because I am 99% sure I am nommed
Katylady3209: she wanted to "work" with me but we never made it official
Katylady3209: but i could see her putting you and i up.
Katylady3209: because if she wanted you out lets say, she would obviously put me up alongside you
"Roddy": yeah
"Roddy": thats what I think too
"Roddy": this week looks bad
Katylady3209: oh yeah. Im sure probably 2 of Hells Angels will see the block this week for sure
Katylady3209: unless they go after jason alex or josh
"Roddy": well, I think that they will come after Jason
"Roddy": I am hoping maybe that Renny noms Jason and Josh
"Roddy": and then if you and I get nominated together, one of us wins veto
"Roddy": or potentially convinces Will to use the silver veto
"Roddy": which btw is not public knowledge that he has that
"Roddy": he doesnt even know I know
Katylady3209: oh ok. who did you find that out from?
"Roddy": Jason
"Roddy": I think that there is a *chance* that he might use it on me
"Roddy": and then hopefully we could muster up the votes to keep you
"Roddy": especially if Alex was my replacemetn
Katylady3209: Yeah IDK. this week is going to blow. if we survive this, we are miracle workers.
"Roddy": I think we might be able to
"Roddy": it all depends on whether or not she REALLY wants to come after us
"Roddy": you and her are the only girls left
"Roddy": maybe that will make her hesitent to nom you
Katylady3209: Sarah? yeah maybe. I talk to her alot. If just one of us are nominated, we could make this work.
"Roddy": even if both are nommed, we might be able to pull something off
"Roddy": I am just gonna have to keep on talking lots and lots to will
"Roddy": and not mention that I know about his veto
"Roddy": so that he doesnt think I am vying for it
Katylady3209: Maybe we can offer him something he cant refuse
Katylady3209: there is alot of game left and he needs pple that will have his back
"Roddy": well
"Roddy": my main concern
"Roddy": is that WIll is gonna want to split us up
"Roddy": but if it is JUST me on the block
"Roddy": I dont think he would really wanna see me go over most
"Roddy": especially considering that since Sarah and Renny won, and Nathan is immune, his best buds will be safe
Katylady3209: So your thinking that Will joined Sarah/Renny/Nathan?
"Roddy": ummm, not so much Renny
"Roddy": but yeah, basically
"Roddy": I think he is more with Jun than Renny
Katylady3209: Well if Nathan is with Sarah and Will... Renny will have some sort of connection because renny/nathan are together
"Roddy": I dont think so
"Roddy": Nathan's allies are not all allies of eachother
"Roddy": because
Katylady3209: what do you mean?
"Roddy": he is basically alligned with half this house
"Roddy": honestly
"Roddy": Rach, Jun, Sarah, Will, She, Jason, Renny, maybe Alex
"Roddy": I know Rach is gone
"Roddy": but they had a f2
Katylady3209: Well they might not be fully aligned. but Renny/Will/Nathan/Sarah are somewhat together, meaning that they arent targeting eachother.
"Roddy": I think that Will will vote out Nathan when necessary
Katylady3209: Oh yeah for sure maybe down the road. But if Will thinks that Nathan wont target him, he wont target him yet.
"Roddy": they have both already targeted eachother
"Roddy": lol
"Roddy": but I know what you mean
Katylady3209: Well Will nominated Nathan because he knew that he and jessica were together
Katylady3209: and nathan of coures returned the favor
Katylady3209: course*
Katylady3209: but i think they are alright now since sinners and saints are now together
Katylady3209: not allies, just not going directly after eachother
"Roddy": exactly
"Roddy": I totally agree
"Roddy": well, I talked to Sarah a bit
"Roddy": and said
Katylady3209: Sarah hasnt said much to me
"Roddy": anyways, I am just messaging you to say that I will understand if you decide to nominate me this week - obviously we have barely talked. I mean, it would be nice if you wouldn't but I know there are slim pickings
Katylady3209: I am just talking to renny
"Roddy": there is no point trying to act like she shouldnt nominate me
"Roddy": like, she has no obligation not to
Katylady3209: yeah. i guess all you can say is that your not really after her. and i guess if she does nominate you, you now have a reason too.
"Roddy": well
"Roddy": also
"Roddy": I want it to be so that Sarah wont get pissed at Will if he DOES use that veto
"Roddy": I dont think Will would be willing to trash his game for me. But I know that we do have something goin on, and I have been legit with him
Katylady3209: Well thats good. lets hope he comes through if you end up on the block
Katylady3209: and there is still the golden veto
"Roddy": honstly
"Roddy": I am so frusterated that I cannot seem to win shit this BB
Katylady3209: i know what you mean, there is so many challenges whore this season
Katylady3209: it makes you feel like you cant win nothing
Katylady3209: and BIG SHE IS GONE, lol
"Roddy": yeah, well if there is one thing I am happy about, at least I beat the douches who were after me for no reason
Katylady3209: LOL yep. but there is still hope that we will get through this. we still have options.
"Roddy": ok, so I dunno where I stand with Sarah
"Roddy": that convo def went well
"Roddy": but
"Roddy": its kinda like I have to make up for 3 weeks in 1 day
Katylady3209: what did you guys talk about?
"Roddy": not too much of anything, mostly wine actually
"Roddy": but, I did all I could do, I think
Katylady3209: yeah, do you know who is nominating first?
"Roddy": no
"Roddy": I ahve just told everyone I went to bed
"Roddy": so dont mention I am still talking with you
Katylady3209: lol i wont. im also kinda here, so if it takes me a while to respond thats why
"Roddy": cool
"Roddy": so this is definitely gonna be a challenging week
Katylady3209: yep. honestly. this is like the first week were we are somewhat in danger so thats good
Katylady3209: its week 7 and in the jury stage
"Roddy": lol 3rd week for me
Katylady3209: so i had a feeling we would start to feel the heat soon
Katylady3209: well, sorta. this is the first week where we feel ALL vunerable
"Roddy": yeah I know what you mean
"Roddy": I think though, that if I do MY job with Sarah correcty
"Roddy": that you wont even really be a consideration for her
"Roddy": because, i think that a bunch of people know they need to split us up
"Roddy": but I dont think there is a consensus on which to get rid of
Katylady3209: yeah i completely agree. i mean pple know that we are a power couple, but we really havnt done these people wrong... and we havnt been after them
Katylady3209: so i guess we shall see
"Roddy": and my terrible comp performance maybe is helping us stay UR
"Roddy": *UTR
"Roddy": could you imagine if somehow all the hells angels stayed nom free this week?
Katylady3209: still here
Katylady3209: If we all three make it to this week, it would be AMAZING
Katylady3209: its possible
"Roddy": also
"Roddy": if we arent nommed
"Roddy": we ALMOST fully control the vote
Katylady3209: that would be AMAZING.
"Roddy": if it is in any way possible to get the three of us + Jason through the week
"Roddy": we gotta do it
"Roddy": IMO
"Roddy": do you agree?
"Roddy": I think it would be hugely advantageous to us
Katylady3209: Oh yeah. if us three plus jason get out of this alive. I will be on top of the world
Katylady3209: us four would go to FINAL 9
"Roddy": I really have no idea what to think about the game though, I feel like we are walking into a deck thatis stacked against us
Katylady3209: i know, it sucks that eddie cant compete for veto
"Roddy": FUCK
"Roddy": I totally forgot about that
Katylady3209: sarah and renny dont know that i dont think
Katylady3209: but yeah that blows
"Roddy": oh btw
"Roddy": through process of elimination
"Roddy": Sarah has the love potion
Katylady3209: can you use it if she is hoh?
"Roddy": wouldnt have an effect
"Roddy": it is used if you are a nominee, or a potential nominee
Katylady3209: oh ok. its useful for how many rounds? 3?
"Roddy": actually
"Roddy": it might be done after this round
"Roddy": it says its useful for the next three evictions
"Roddy": and last week's was included
Katylady3209: yeah. after this round it should be done.
"Roddy": how did the convo with Renny go btw?
Katylady3209: alright. we didnt discuss nominations though. so i have no idea what she is thinking in that sense
Katylady3209: we talked about survivor and sheilas departing comments
"Roddy": ahhh I see, well I am hoping she wasnt just bsing us when she said she was interested in an alliance
Katylady3209: yeah i hope not either. she was very friendly and talkative but i didnt want to push anything. because i could kinda sense she didnt want to talk about it really or she hasnt made up her mind. so i didnt want to bug or push her
"Roddy": yeah, thats how I would have handled it too
"Roddy": its too funny how similarly we approach things
"Roddy": ok, I gotta go to bed
"Roddy": you gonna be around at all during the day tmrw?
Katylady3209: ummm yeah... probably in the afternoon
Katylady3209: but def during the night
Katylady3209: i need to go to bed too
Katylady3209: been a long day lol
Katylady3209: night roddy <3
"Roddy": night
"Roddy": sleep tight
Katylady3209: you too
"Roddy": dont let the bed bugs bite
"Roddy": lol
Katylady3209: EEKKK!
Katylady3209: bugs </3
"Roddy": ok cya tomorrow
Katylady3209: bye!
Convo with JasonKatylady3209: Good try in HoH So close!
"Jason": omg I know > <
"Jason": I am so nervous
Katylady3209: yeah since Nathan is frozen, and its a double eviction. half of us will see the block
"Jason": ugh
"Jason": and I think the people that would keep me (you) might be nominate
"Jason": d
"Jason": i mean in all my weeks as HOH
"Jason": I never nominated either of them
Katylady3209: Do you think the newbies are safe?
"Jason": Defos Alex -__-
"Jason": At least with Renny
Katylady3209: Gosh, bring on the veto i suppose
Katylady3209: its obvious that will/renny/sarah worked together lol
"Jason": Yup
"Jason": like 100%
"Jason": UGH so deperessing
"Jason": worked so hard
Katylady3209: one point off! lol
"Jason": I got the cunt question right though <3
Katylady3209: CUNT <3. Jesus's favorite cuss word
"Jason": If he had one that'd be it. =)
Katylady3209: lol yep <3
"Jason": omg Lydia I am so scared
"Jason": I jsut want to survive this round
Katylady3209: have you been nominated yet?
"Jason": no but I feel like I will be
Katylady3209: same here. oh well might has well get it over with
Katylady3209: i have a feeling that i will also be seeing the block
Katylady3209: there are slim pickings out there
"Jason": And neither of them are talking to me
"Jason": Renny told me there is a 50/50 shot
"Jason": I really wish Roddy and I won -_-
Katylady3209: I know. Roddy thinks that he is for sure going up.
Katylady3209: and if thats true, i might see the block with him
Katylady3209: so yay lol
"Jason": Ugh I hate this.
"Jason": so. Close.