LOL I just wanted to post our convo getting into the safe
Buffy Zanzibar (8:37:27 PM): oh man
Buffy Zanzibar (8:37:33 PM): you have the power to stop this
Buffy Zanzibar (8:37:39 PM): this sheila/jason crap
Buffy Zanzibar (8:37:40 PM): hahaha
Buffy Zanzibar (8:38:19 PM): so did you get a clue?
Will (8:38:55 PM): let me check
Will (8:39:05 PM): I haven't even been to the board yet except to give you bad karma
Will (8:39:05 PM): hehe
Will (8:39:18 PM): I DID
Buffy Zanzibar (8:39:25 PM): OMG
Buffy Zanzibar (8:39:27 PM): seroiusly?
Buffy Zanzibar (8:39:32 PM): did you really?
Will (8:39:56 PM): yes!
Buffy Zanzibar (8:39:58 PM): yay
Buffy Zanzibar (8:40:15 PM): what is it a key to the pandora board?
Buffy Zanzibar (8:40:50 PM): ooh this could affect who you nom lol
Will (8:41:27 PM): well it's complicated
Will (8:41:30 PM): you won't tell anyone?
Buffy Zanzibar (8:41:32 PM): NO
Buffy Zanzibar (8:41:35 PM): omg no
Buffy Zanzibar (8:41:36 PM): lol
Will (8:41:40 PM): ok I didn't think so
Buffy Zanzibar (8:41:43 PM): okay so Jun just lied to me
Buffy Zanzibar (8:41:46 PM): and said she didn't
Will (8:41:47 PM): You have accomplished 2 achievements from the time the 2 teams merged into one.
-Surviving the vote Week 5
-Winning the HOH competition "Eliminator"
Achievements include winning HOH, winning the Veto, being saved by the Veto by another housemate, and surviving eviction. You will now receive a key to Pandora's Box:
Buffy Zanzibar (8:42:11 PM): ooh winning the veto means sheila has one too
Will (8:42:19 PM): well then jun would
Buffy Zanzibar (8:42:20 PM): so what is the key
Buffy Zanzibar (8:42:22 PM): yep
Will (8:42:22 PM): but that means I have 2
Buffy Zanzibar (8:42:24 PM): jun just lied
Will (8:42:38 PM): cause I won and I survived
Buffy Zanzibar (8:42:58 PM): yeah
Will (8:43:05 PM): (8:43:50 PM): it's another crptograph
Will (8:45:24 PM): ok let's work on this
Buffy Zanzibar (8:45:48 PM): k
Will (8:50:27 PM): ok got the first line
Buffy Zanzibar (8:54:27 PM): what is it? i can plug in some letters
Buffy Zanzibar (8:54:36 PM): i've been trying to hook up my printer lol
Buffy Zanzibar (8:54:40 PM): i'll just write it
Buffy Zanzibar (8:57:31 PM): what's the first line?
Will (8:57:58 PM): THAT'S WHAT i'VE GOT SO FAR
Will (8:58:16 PM): I'M ALMOST DONE
Buffy Zanzibar (9:07:07 PM): third place right?
Buffy Zanzibar (9:07:32 PM): oh wow
Will (9:07:33 PM): ?
Buffy Zanzibar (9:07:39 PM): you get in?
Will (9:07:51 PM): NO
Buffy Zanzibar (9:07:59 PM): chelsiasarahroddy
Buffy Zanzibar (9:08:29 PM): ohhh you have to have 2 achievements to get a combo
Buffy Zanzibar (9:08:34 PM): you have 2 achievements
Buffy Zanzibar (9:08:40 PM): so far yo uare the only one :-)
Will (9:09:47 PM): so I just need to pick a safe
Buffy Zanzibar (9:09:52 PM): yes i guess lol
Buffy Zanzibar (9:09:58 PM): I'll help you with it if you get the combo
Buffy Zanzibar (9:10:10 PM): you have to be the only one to get in
Buffy Zanzibar (9:10:18 PM): youi can't let sheila win veto haha
Will (9:10:31 PM): no absolutely not
Buffy Zanzibar (9:10:37 PM): oh this is so exciting
Buffy Zanzibar (9:10:45 PM): i guess jun didn't lie
Will (9:10:52 PM): ok I told host
Buffy Zanzibar (9:10:53 PM): or did she?
Will (9:10:55 PM): I chose number 3
Buffy Zanzibar (9:11:00 PM): good choice
Will (9:11:01 PM): I mean it's all random
Buffy Zanzibar (9:11:01 PM): lol
Will (9:11:15 PM): she's going to PM the code
Buffy Zanzibar (9:11:30 PM): I'm so proud of you :-)
Buffy Zanzibar (9:11:36 PM): i'm glad i didn't win hoh lol
Buffy Zanzibar (9:11:40 PM): i wouldn't have goten a key
Will (9:11:42 PM): haha thanks, but I didn't do anything
Will (9:11:43 PM): hehe
Buffy Zanzibar (9:11:50 PM): yes you went on the block and won hoh
Buffy Zanzibar (9:12:11 PM): but yeah now we NEED to win veto
Buffy Zanzibar (9:12:17 PM): more than ever
Will (9:13:34 PM): I'm in
Will (9:13:35 PM): the safe
Buffy Zanzibar (9:13:51 PM): do you want me to help?
Will (9:13:59 PM): _ _ _ ' _
_ _ _ _
_ _
_ _ _ _
_ _ _
_ _ _
Use the letters above to create a phrase. Then, the phrase will be your password, with no capital letters, spaces, or punctuation
Buffy Zanzibar (9:14:05 PM): lol i need the code
Buffy Zanzibar (9:15:12 PM): okay well i'm not going to try and take your power but you don't have to tell me
Will (9:15:30 PM): haha I know you're not
Buffy Zanzibar (9:16:04 PM): all's fair in love and war
Buffy Zanzibar (9:16:08 PM): allsfairinloveandwar
Will (9:16:51 PM): god another clue
Will (9:16:56 PM): this is going to go on forever
Will (9:16:57 PM): haha
Will (9:17:12 PM): _ _
_ _ _
_ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _,
_ _ _
_ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _
_ _ _.
Buffy Zanzibar (9:17:13 PM): well can i go in the safe?
Buffy Zanzibar (9:17:14 PM): lol
Will (9:17:17 PM): yeah
Will (9:17:37 PM): just don't take anything until we talk about it together
Will (9:17:38 PM): 73918301
Buffy Zanzibar (9:17:43 PM): omg lol
Buffy Zanzibar (9:17:45 PM): why would I?
Buffy Zanzibar (9:17:51 PM): it's not my power lol
Will (9:17:59 PM): god I hate this huge font
Will (9:18:05 PM): there we go
Will (9:20:39 PM): I have no clue
Buffy Zanzibar (9:20:51 PM): we'll get it
Will (9:27:40 PM): I'm not having much luck
Will (9:27:42 PM): you?
Buffy Zanzibar (9:28:02 PM): well i'm tryng to put together like a word or two and google for phrases
Will (9:32:45 PM): it's something about war and peace?
Buffy Zanzibar (9:32:53 PM): oh yeah probbly
Will (JDeanUT) is offline 9:34 pm
IMs are delivered when the buddy signs in. Send Will (JDeanUT) a text message
Will (9:34:20 PM): I'm going invis
Will (9:39:08 PM): I'm totally stuck
Buffy Zanzibar (9:39:19 PM): i know
Will (9:39:33 PM): I thought once I picked a safe it would be over
Will (9:39:34 PM): haha
Will (9:39:39 PM): and there's like 12 more clues after that
Buffy Zanzibar (9:39:52 PM): don't worry we'll gt it
Buffy Zanzibar (9:39:58 PM): youwll lol
Will (9:43:02 PM): well I don't know about that, but I hope one of us does
Will (9:43:12 PM): safe win compete?
Buffy Zanzibar (9:43:17 PM): i mean you'll get the power
Will (9:43:17 PM): power?
Will (9:45:27 PM): no that doesn't work
Will (9:45:33 PM): power, safe, compete
Will (9:57:34 PM): did you see what james posted?
Buffy Zanzibar (10:01:08 PM): lol w/e
Buffy Zanzibar (10:01:30 PM): okay so it's probably wrong but i came up with a few words which may or may not be in this lol
Buffy Zanzibar (10:01:50 PM): after the comma "are your weapons for war"
Buffy Zanzibar (10:02:03 PM): but i can't get the first words to fit with it haha
Buffy Zanzibar (10:02:17 PM): could be weapons though
Buffy Zanzibar (10:04:39 PM): OMGOMGOMG
Buffy Zanzibar (10:04:44 PM): ifyouwantpeaceyoumustprepareforwar
Will (10:06:04 PM): whoa
Will (10:06:07 PM): how did you do that?
Buffy Zanzibar (10:06:08 PM): :-)
Buffy Zanzibar (10:06:09 PM): idk
Buffy Zanzibar (10:06:15 PM): i was moving letters around in excel
Buffy Zanzibar (10:06:19 PM): nowthere's another one lol'
Buffy Zanzibar (10:06:25 PM): at least it's shorter
Will (10:06:54 PM): good lord, another clue
Will (10:06:58 PM): I wonder how long this goes on
Will (10:06:59 PM): haha
Buffy Zanzibar (10:07:00 PM): you got it?
Buffy Zanzibar (10:07:02 PM): lol a long time
Buffy Zanzibar (10:07:15 PM): i was up with sheila a long time that night we got our powers lol
Buffy Zanzibar (10:11:08 PM): wtf at all those I's
Buffy Zanzibar (10:12:24 PM): anything?
Buffy Zanzibar (10:12:26 PM): this one is tough
Will (10:13:06 PM): got it
Will (10:13:09 PM): fightfirewithfire
Buffy Zanzibar (10:13:12 PM): yay
Will (10:14:16 PM): god this will go on forever
Will (10:14:16 PM): haha
Will (10:19:43 PM): is violent in it?
Buffy Zanzibar (10:20:07 PM): yeah good eye probably
Will (10:28:07 PM): not having any luck
Will (10:28:12 PM): invader maybe?
Will (10:28:32 PM): valiant
Will (10:28:38 PM): defiant
Will (10:28:46 PM): I'm just trying to think of 7 letter words
Buffy Zanzibar (10:28:49 PM): YEAH
Buffy Zanzibar (10:28:59 PM): I WAS PUTTING GOD AT THE END LOL
Will (10:29:07 PM): haha
Buffy Zanzibar (10:32:00 PM): well this works but makes no sense haha
Buffy Zanzibar (10:32:04 PM): they of their valiant god
Buffy Zanzibar (10:32:16 PM): i mean it doesn't open it
Buffy Zanzibar (10:32:22 PM): but it uses allthe letters
Will (10:33:30 PM): hmmm
Will (10:33:43 PM): god chels is trying to kill us
Will (10:34:01 PM): I keep thinking that the next password will open the box
Will (10:34:03 PM): hehe
Will (10:35:11 PM): my brain is fried
Will (10:35:28 PM): I'm not good at this
Buffy Zanzibar (10:35:45 PM): lol
Buffy Zanzibar (10:35:46 PM): yes you are
Will (10:36:13 PM): it's so funny when you win HOH
Will (10:36:25 PM): my AIM just got innundated with messages
Buffy Zanzibar (10:36:28 PM): lol
Buffy Zanzibar (10:36:36 PM): i bet
Will (10:36:45 PM): I told people what I was doing
Buffy Zanzibar (10:36:49 PM): what were they all saying
Buffy Zanzibar (10:36:52 PM): oh you did?
Buffy Zanzibar (10:36:55 PM): who did you tell?
Will (10:37:07 PM): well jun and eddie were trying to get me to put jason/sheila up
Buffy Zanzibar (10:37:13 PM): lol yeah
Will (10:37:20 PM): jason/sheila were just trying to play nice
Buffy Zanzibar (10:37:20 PM): i'm sure
Buffy Zanzibar (10:37:27 PM): oh did they both im you?
Will (10:37:31 PM): so were alex/josh
Will (10:37:35 PM): oh everyone did
Buffy Zanzibar (10:37:35 PM): lol
Buffy Zanzibar (10:37:41 PM): lol what did sheila say?
Buffy Zanzibar (10:37:48 PM): jw since she said she never kisses up
Will (10:37:54 PM): she just tried to act like we'd been talking forever
Buffy Zanzibar (10:37:59 PM): mhm
Buffy Zanzibar (10:38:05 PM): well she used to love you
Buffy Zanzibar (10:38:22 PM): but she just hasn't talked to you much this game i guess
Will (10:38:33 PM): well I still like her
Buffy Zanzibar (10:38:42 PM): i know me too
Will (10:38:42 PM): but I
Will (10:38:53 PM): I'd rather not have to worry about her every time there is a challenge
Buffy Zanzibar (10:38:55 PM): honestly
Buffy Zanzibar (10:39:02 PM): even if you can't put her up
Buffy Zanzibar (10:39:06 PM): if you can get rid of jason
Buffy Zanzibar (10:39:07 PM): omg
Buffy Zanzibar (10:39:11 PM): he's like SO annoying
Buffy Zanzibar (10:39:17 PM): and he's her right hand
Will (10:39:19 PM): well I'm going to put alex and josh up
Buffy Zanzibar (10:39:22 PM): i know
Buffy Zanzibar (10:39:25 PM): i'm just saying
Will (10:39:27 PM): worst case scenario, alex goes home
Buffy Zanzibar (10:39:28 PM): if sheila wins
Buffy Zanzibar (10:39:31 PM): and takes down alex
Buffy Zanzibar (10:39:34 PM): she would
Will (10:39:35 PM): then jason goes up
Buffy Zanzibar (10:39:40 PM): yeah
Will (10:39:58 PM): if sheila wins veto, I might just tell her
Will (10:40:05 PM): you use veto, jason is going up
Will (10:40:12 PM): well no
Buffy Zanzibar (10:40:15 PM): lol
Will (10:40:18 PM): hehe
Will (10:40:28 PM): the thing is, I just don't want josh to leave
Buffy Zanzibar (10:40:33 PM): i know
Buffy Zanzibar (10:40:35 PM): that's the danger
Buffy Zanzibar (10:40:48 PM): you could put up kyle/jason
Buffy Zanzibar (10:40:58 PM): she can't save them both
Will (10:41:22 PM): yeah but she could still save one, and then I'd be in the same boat
Will (10:41:35 PM): at least if I put up alex/josh, I can pretend like I did it cause they're outcasts
Buffy Zanzibar (10:41:40 PM): true
Will (10:41:58 PM): that's what I'll do. I told eddie and jun already
Will (10:42:08 PM): and explained to them that I had a plan
Buffy Zanzibar (10:42:17 PM): what'd they say?
Buffy Zanzibar (10:42:21 PM): i bet jun was annoying
Will (10:42:24 PM): yeah
Buffy Zanzibar (10:42:33 PM): he likes to kind of "order" you to do stuff
Buffy Zanzibar (10:42:34 PM): lol
Buffy Zanzibar (10:42:43 PM): or just make it sound like you"have" to
Buffy Zanzibar (10:42:50 PM): or you are an idiot
Will (10:42:51 PM): yeah and it's easy for everyone else to say that I should put jason/sheila up
Buffy Zanzibar (10:42:55 PM): exactly
Buffy Zanzibar (10:42:57 PM): i totally get it
Will (10:43:07 PM): I need to play smart and safe
Will (10:43:21 PM): and josh/alex are the best bet
Will (10:43:43 PM): honestly, so long as alex/josh/sheila leaves this week, I'm fine
Will (10:43:52 PM): I just want to take out one of their numbers
Buffy Zanzibar (10:44:57 PM): hopefully if you can't get sheila you can get alex
Buffy Zanzibar (10:45:09 PM): cause alex is close with her and really good at comps
Will (10:46:15 PM): yeah that's my goal. and if I can do it without showing where my loyalties are, it's better
Buffy Zanzibar (10:47:49 PM): yep
Will (10:48:25 PM): just two more rounds until jury
Buffy Zanzibar (10:48:35 PM): yeah that's cool
Buffy Zanzibar (10:48:41 PM): i don't want alex or josh to make jury lol
Will (10:48:41 PM): yeah I really want to make jury
Will (10:48:46 PM): no same here
Buffy Zanzibar (10:48:52 PM): i don't thnk it's fair
Will (10:48:54 PM): they don't deserve to be here
Buffy Zanzibar (10:48:56 PM): nope
Will (10:49:04 PM): you should see the DR conf i wrote
Will (10:49:05 PM): haha
Will (10:49:11 PM): about them coming back
Buffy Zanzibar (10:49:14 PM): lol
Buffy Zanzibar (10:49:32 PM): i voiced my opinion but not like too much - just mentioned i hated the twist
Will (10:49:55 PM): I just talked about how they don't deserve it
Will (10:50:32 PM): Wow…. What a week. Twist after twist after twist. My initial reaction to this crazy set of shenanigans was… I HATE Big Brother. I mean, I thought this was “Warzone: All Stars”. Not “Warzone: I got voted out first because I suck stars”.
I’m sure Josh and Alex are very nice people, but let’s be real for a sec. They do not deserve to be here. Josh was voted out FIRST in his season. Fucking first! How that shitty showing merits anything other than a kick in the ass, I have no idea. And Alex was out the door second in season three. Come on guys. This game is for the big boys. The fact that they’ve already beat some very great players is one thing, and the fact that I might actually go home before one of these morons just makes me want to vomit on their faces.
Buffy Zanzibar (10:50:45 PM): lmao
Will (10:51:09 PM): I wasn't happy
Will (10:51:10 PM): hehe
Will (10:53:02 PM): ok I have to go to bed soon
Buffy Zanzibar (10:53:14 PM): ok
Buffy Zanzibar (10:53:27 PM): well i'm going to keep working on it - if i get anything i'll PM you
Will (10:53:54 PM): ok good luck
Will (10:54:06 PM): I'll work on it more tomorrow when my head is more clear
Will (10:54:13 PM): thanks for your help
Buffy Zanzibar (10:54:26 PM): okay yw
Buffy Zanzibar (10:54:30 PM): congrats on your power
Buffy Zanzibar (10:54:37 PM): can't wait till you get it lol
Will (10:55:42 PM): haha well we'll see if we even want it
Will (10:55:44 PM): it might be bad
Will (10:55:44 PM): haha
Buffy Zanzibar (10:55:52 PM): lol you will want it
Buffy Zanzibar (10:55:58 PM): the power is never anything bad for you
Buffy Zanzibar (10:56:01 PM): just bad for others lol
Buffy Zanzibar (10:56:13 PM): i bet they are good ones
Buffy Zanzibar (10:56:17 PM): since it's allstars
Will (10:56:34 PM): well we'll just hope for the best
Will (10:56:38 PM): and know we're at least safe this round
Buffy Zanzibar (10:56:47 PM): really?
Buffy Zanzibar (10:56:50 PM): thank you :-)
Buffy Zanzibar (10:56:52 PM): I appreciate it
Will (10:56:57 PM): haha you know that
Buffy Zanzibar (10:57:02 PM): i know lol
Will (10:57:03 PM): I would never put you up
Buffy Zanzibar (10:57:08 PM): but it would be rude to take it for granted :-P
Will (10:57:26 PM): haha yeah, but you can take it for granted with me
Buffy Zanzibar (10:57:28 PM): so btw
Buffy Zanzibar (10:57:36 PM): lydia started talking to me
Buffy Zanzibar (10:57:44 PM): about how we should watch each other's backs
Buffy Zanzibar (10:57:49 PM): and i was like yeah i agree
Will (10:57:50 PM): oh really?
Buffy Zanzibar (10:57:52 PM): yeah
Will (10:58:06 PM): she and roddy are going to slide by I think
Will (10:58:13 PM): they're playing very similar to how we are
Buffy Zanzibar (10:58:18 PM): and i was thinking maybe lydia and roddy would be a good pair to be aligned with
Buffy Zanzibar (10:58:20 PM): lol true
Will (10:58:27 PM): yeah they would for sure
Buffy Zanzibar (10:58:33 PM): like a f4 or something
Buffy Zanzibar (10:58:34 PM): idk
Buffy Zanzibar (10:58:37 PM): if they could be trusted
Will (10:58:40 PM): yeah I agree
Will (10:58:44 PM): i think they could
Buffy Zanzibar (10:58:45 PM): but i like lydia
Buffy Zanzibar (10:58:47 PM): and roddy
Will (10:58:52 PM): and the four of us are kind of not targets
Buffy Zanzibar (10:58:55 PM): yeah
Buffy Zanzibar (10:59:05 PM): but then we need to win more stuff lol
Will (10:59:19 PM): but so far no one knows that we're together
Will (10:59:22 PM): and everyone knows that they are
Will (10:59:31 PM): so we need to be careful with who we trust with that
Buffy Zanzibar (10:59:38 PM): i know
Buffy Zanzibar (10:59:40 PM): some suspect though
Buffy Zanzibar (10:59:45 PM): jun keeps asking me what you would do
Buffy Zanzibar (10:59:48 PM): what you're going to do
Buffy Zanzibar (10:59:53 PM): like she expectes me to know
Buffy Zanzibar (10:59:57 PM): when i asked if she got a clue
Buffy Zanzibar (11:00:02 PM): she asked me if you did lol
Buffy Zanzibar (11:00:04 PM): and i'm like idk
Buffy Zanzibar (11:00:21 PM): what's your aim?
Buffy Zanzibar (11:00:25 PM): i have it on your nick
Buffy Zanzibar (11:00:32 PM): oh nm
Buffy Zanzibar (11:00:32 PM): lol
Will (11:00:33 PM): haha well she and I were in the same spot
Buffy Zanzibar (11:00:34 PM): i see it
Will (11:00:40 PM): so she must know I did
Buffy Zanzibar (11:01:00 PM): no she doesn't
Buffy Zanzibar (11:01:06 PM): because she hasn't won 2 things
Buffy Zanzibar (11:01:11 PM): or done 2 things
Buffy Zanzibar (11:01:20 PM): you are the only one since we merged
Will (11:01:35 PM): but I think she got one
Buffy Zanzibar (11:01:38 PM): no
Buffy Zanzibar (11:01:41 PM): lol
Buffy Zanzibar (11:01:43 PM): how?
Will (11:01:45 PM): I think I got 2
Buffy Zanzibar (11:01:51 PM): ?
Will (11:01:56 PM): cause I could ask chels for the answer to the safe
Buffy Zanzibar (11:01:58 PM): then did you ask for 2 passwrds?
Will (11:02:01 PM): that was my 2nd one
Buffy Zanzibar (11:02:05 PM): what?
Will (11:02:07 PM): oh
Will (11:02:11 PM): maybe I read it wrong
Buffy Zanzibar (11:02:23 PM): yeah i think you only get it when you win two things
Buffy Zanzibar (11:02:31 PM): including being saved from eviction or veto
Will (11:02:40 PM): I thought I got the key for doing one, and the right to ask for an answer for doing two things
Buffy Zanzibar (11:02:50 PM): i don't think so
Will (11:03:08 PM): well does that mean I can ask for another?
Buffy Zanzibar (11:03:17 PM): you have two achievements
Buffy Zanzibar (11:03:21 PM): idk ask lol
Will (11:03:28 PM): haha am I totally confused here?
Buffy Zanzibar (11:03:30 PM): i mean you should clarify with her anyway
Will (11:03:31 PM): I must be
Buffy Zanzibar (11:03:39 PM): because then you'll know for sure if someone else got one or not
Buffy Zanzibar (11:03:44 PM): but I bet they didn't
Buffy Zanzibar (11:03:49 PM): because i just scrolled up and read it again
Buffy Zanzibar (11:04:00 PM): it says you have 2 achievements so you get a key
Will (11:04:04 PM): oh you're right
Buffy Zanzibar (11:04:10 PM): so she just makes you work to get into the basement
Buffy Zanzibar (11:04:14 PM): and then once you're there you get a pw
Will (11:04:15 PM): Once you enter the box, you will find a locked door. Once you open it, you will walk down the steps and into a basement containing 3 safes. For every 2 achievements you accomplish, you will be able to ask for the password to a safe. So for now, you may receive the code to a safe of your choice.
Buffy Zanzibar (11:04:28 PM): yeah
Will (11:04:32 PM): ok
Buffy Zanzibar (11:04:33 PM): so no one else has this
Buffy Zanzibar (11:04:35 PM): :-)
Buffy Zanzibar (11:04:46 PM): so unless sheila wins veto...
Buffy Zanzibar (11:04:50 PM): and even if she does
Buffy Zanzibar (11:04:55 PM): or renny does
Will (11:04:58 PM): well then she'll know I have one
Buffy Zanzibar (11:05:01 PM): they don't know which safe you picked
Will (11:05:05 PM): and maybe she'll ask for another safe
Will (11:05:08 PM): yeah
Will (11:05:19 PM): ok well let's work on it more tomorrow
Buffy Zanzibar (11:05:25 PM): yeah well i can bet if she gets it she will ask you
Buffy Zanzibar (11:05:35 PM): to try to find out which safe you chose
Will (11:05:41 PM): yeah I'm sure she will
Buffy Zanzibar (11:05:44 PM): lol now more than ever she needs to go
Will (11:05:52 PM): yeah I really want to backdoor her
Buffy Zanzibar (11:05:57 PM): yeah
Will (11:05:59 PM): she's just too dangerous
Will (11:06:05 PM): as long as she doesn't win veto
Buffy Zanzibar (11:06:11 PM): okay i'm still going to work on this
Will (11:06:30 PM): ok well good luck. I didn't get any sleep last night, so I have to get to bed
Buffy Zanzibar (11:06:34 PM): ok
Buffy Zanzibar (11:06:41 PM): i'll send you any pwds i come up with
Buffy Zanzibar (11:06:42 PM): if any
Buffy Zanzibar (11:06:43 PM): lol
Will (11:06:52 PM): ok
Will (11:06:55 PM): night
Will (11:06:57 PM): :-)
Buffy Zanzibar (11:06:59 PM): night
Sheila, if and when you read this - sorry. I don't necessarily want to go after you but if you happen to be up there I don't think I could resist voting you out. You just win too much.
At the very least I would want Jason and Kyle out since you would protect them above everyone else probably. I still love you.