Post by Jason Guy on Feb 18, 2010 21:10:23 GMT -5
Natalie's eviction is the perfect way to start of crazy Britney week. Let's hope this week goes in my favor, I have a feeling that it is going to be intense. Thank God I am immune.
Post by Jason Guy on Feb 18, 2010 21:25:20 GMT -5
Post by Jason Guy on Feb 20, 2010 10:14:18 GMT -5
HOH? LOLWTF? I am now apart of an elite group of people who have won HOH back-to-back. Only myself, Jeff, Sheila and Rachel have done it. Well, Sheila won it back-to-back-to-back-to-back and so on, but that doesn't count.
I am quite surprised that I won, seeing as I suck at those puzzles but that is usually when there are more than eight pieces, anything under eight I can deal with, anything over I can't and it takes me about an hour. The competition only really hit one snag and that was when Sheila was eliminated, in a shocking turn of events. I guess Tinypic just wasn't loading for him.
The race between Renny and I was pretty epic as well, if Tinypic had been one millasecond faster, I woulda won it, I don't think that it would have mattered. Renny and I are both nominating different people so I don't mind going first, just gives me more bitches to choose from. >=)
In all reality, there is really only one person that I want gone this week and that is Rachel. She had a such a piss-poor attitude during the challenge and the house needs to be terminated of her negative attitude. I really don't care that she is going after me, but she seems to be taking it personal that I am going after her. It wasn't personal at first, but she is making it personal. God it is a game, you're supposed to get out the threats. Plus she didn't even want to play in the first place so I don't know why she is bitching so much.
As soon as Renny won HOH I started talking to her to see if there was some kind of deal that we could work out to see if he would not nominate Sheila. I didn't think there was any chance of it, but I wanted to try and see if there was ANYTHING that I could do.
I knew it was a long shot and I knew it wouldn't work but I had to at least try. There is always the .01% chance that he might have taken us up on a deal, so I had to roll with it. But I am going to be honest, I think that the people that want us out are not large in numbers they are just loud. Like I think that they are just talking about it more and more and more so it seems like there are numbers. I mean Will is coming to me telling me all about it, so I don't think that their basis is really that strong and while there are people that want me and She out, their following is just not as strong as they think it is. =/
Post by Jason Guy on Feb 20, 2010 15:53:44 GMT -5
I hate saying this, but I actually might want Rachel to stay if she is nominated next to Jun. If Rachel really isn't as into the game as she makes it seem, then I would want her to stay over Jun. Jun is more likely to bust her ass on an HOH and try to win and slap up Sheila and I. Soo the plan has changed. Jun went from being the pawn up with her master to being the target up next to Rachel. I just don't want to deal with Jun and her bullshit.
Post by Jason Guy on Feb 20, 2010 17:10:08 GMT -5
Below is a fun conversation that Sheila and I had. I do love me some Sheila. =)
Post by Jason Guy on Feb 21, 2010 0:58:55 GMT -5
SHEILA WON THE VETO! YES! It was too intense. This means that we are both guaranteed to be in the final 12 when we have to win HOH again to make sure that we are safe! Woo! Go us being hated! I will probably strategize tomorrow, I have a few dangling votes that I need to grab to make sure that Rachel leaves. I really don't care about Jun, she doesn't scare me. Her social game is complete shit and her delusion will be her undoing while Rachel is a much smarter player and needs to leave. The main swing vote is probably Roddy. He needs to understand that Rachel is his Jeff, she knows how to play the game and will cut him down as soon as possible. I think I could get Eddie as well, but who knows. I confronted him about trying to get me out and he just told me that he was telling people what they wanted to hear. Sure, kid. This will be his way of proving to me that he doesn't want to side with Rachel. Will is in the same situation, he can prove his loyalty now. ALSO something exciting that I noticed. In the header, Sheila and I are right next to one another <33. This will probably be the one and only time (Also all three winners are right next to each other. And the runner-ups are touching, lolol). So I screen capped it and saved it: i47.tinypic.com/eretk9.png<3
Post by Jason Guy on Feb 23, 2010 20:08:21 GMT -5
And we have the final nominees. On my block, nothing changed, Jun and Rachel are both still nominated and one of them will be leaving. I know that earlier I talked about how I kind of would rather have Jun leave but I just want to beat Rachel. It might be personal and not strategic, but I just don't care. Jun is more likely to alienate people and not win a challenge. Rachel is quite good with competitions and while she has not won yet, I know she has it in her.
At this point in time, I think we are pretty close with the votes. I know that I have Sheila, Nathan, Renny, Josh and Alex and I would just need one more and that other one being Roddy. Lydia also told me she'd vote for Rachel (since Lydia is perfect in every way) so the votes are there, it is just a matter of follow through and I will check on that tomorrow.
I do, however, get to vote in the Will vs James block and as much as it hurts, I am probably going to evict James since the votes are just not there for him to stay. However, that was last night this is now.
I really don't care if he is lying, but he doesn't seem to realize that Nathan is a close ally of ours, sooo I doubt he was lying. That is what changed my vote at the end. I don't think that James would have helped our game very much in the end.