So I've caught up in the game somewhat. I was on the block, nominated by Sheila along with my fellow benchwarmer Roddy. Jason nominated Natalie to sit along with us. Apparently I also missed a veto competition where a bunh of people won prizes like immunity (Jason), HoH advantages (Sheila, Will) and vote nullifiers and double voting (Nathan). Lydia and Jun also won veto amidst all the prizes. Why Sheila needs an HoH advantage I don't know, she needs it as much as I need kitty, and that means NONE
At first when I found out how the veto broke down, I thought shit!!! But I did have an ally in Jun so I spoke to her. She indicated she intended to use the veto on myself which was fine by me. Throughout the day I spoke to various people and a few peculiar things happened...
1) I spoke to Eddie who came up with this ridiculous plan that Jun should remove Nat from the block instead of me and that Jason would then nominate James in her place. I found this suspicious for a few reasons, #1 why would Jason even honour that? Obviously Eddie has something going on with Jason that I don't know about. #2, am I dumb enough to keep myself on the block on the off chance that Jason is telling the truth? HELL NO! #3, I am not stupid enough to not realize that Eddie was trying to save himself first and foremost.
2) After speaking with Jun, she indicated to me that Nat pasted some of her conversations to Sheila. I told 2 people about this, Will and Roddy. Nat then came on attacking me about "spreading her name" in regards to her sharing conversations. So one of these two is spreading info about what I say and my money is on Will. I just feel like I am closer to Roddy at this point and he would not do that to me, especially to Nat. I have to keep a close eye on Will from here on out and watch what I tell him.
Anyways, after all of that Jun did in fact use the veto on myself. Sheila then replaced me with Eddie and Lydia removed Roddy from the block. So we were left with Eddie and Nat on the block. From the getgo, my plan was to oust Nat. I don't trust her and at the moment I feel like Eddie would be a more solid ally. I tried rallying people like Nathan and Roddy and both seem to be ok with eliminating Nat. Hopefully this goes off without a stitch!
Now I kind of want to evaluate each remaining contestant and how I feel about them...
Nathan: I talked to him last night and tried to establish an alliance. I did extend my hand and he did agree therefore I will work with Nathan in this game and try to get us to the finals. I do know how much of a threat he is and will keep an eye out but I know he is loyal and I hope will genuinely work with me.
Jun: Jun and I have a final 2 alliance. We have had a bad past but our conversations in this game seem genuine and I can see myself working with her in the long run. I also think that she has less of a chance of winning over a jury then Nathan would, which is a plus for me. I do have some reversations about her cause she could be playing me. But you gotta trust someone and I guess at this point it'll be Nathan and Jun
Eddie: Eddie and I started this game real close and strategized frequently but now we barely talk. I think he has his own agenda that does somewhat include me but I am not the main man in his plan. I will continue working with him for the time being because I don't have much choice.
Roddy: Roddy and I talk almost everyday and just get along really well. I've tried making an alliance with him but he hasn't bit yet but I am hoping in time it'll come. His relationship with Lydia is key because if Roddy likes me, so does Lydia. I also find that he does divulge a lot to me (which I don't repeat) which makes me feel like he does trust me in some way.
Will: I thought Will and I had somewhat of a partnership going but I am not sure anymore. With Nat finding out what I said, I am weary of him at this point. I will not completely throw him away but I will be cautious when I speak to him.
Renny/Sarah/Lydia: All 3 ladies are nice and I enjoy my conversations with them, I do not have solid relationships or alliances with them at this point, but I do hope I can work with them in the future.
James: He is insane, I can't talk to him at all because we have nothing in coming and I always cringe when his mouth opens. I also think he is in cahoots with Sheila and Jason so no need to talk to him.
Sheila: Big fat WHORE! I just can't stand this bitch, all she does is win competitions. She has no social skills and holds a conversation as well as a wall. I can't wait until she leaves this game and if I do make the jury and she makes final 2, she will not be getting my vote. Even Jason plays better than her and that's saying jack shit.
Jason: I don't get him, instead of working with people who could've helped him get further in the game, he alienated them and basically got the whole house after him. He is basically dead to me, a walking ghost in the house. Bye Bye Jason!
As for myself, I am FAB-U-LOUS! GO ME!!!