CONVOSRoddyKatylady3209: hey
"Roddy": hey
"Roddy": hows it going?
Katylady3209: umm writing a DR, voting, then going to workout. It turns out that i might be able to make it tonight
"Roddy": thats awesome!
"Roddy": oh lol Seb sent me a message this morning
"Roddy": being like Sarah/Sheila/Jun and Jason were together
"Roddy": but he is just trying to save himself
"Roddy": I think
Katylady3209: I told her that I am voting the same as you.... which is NOT a lie
"Roddy": lol
"Roddy": no it isnt
"Roddy": although I lied
"Roddy": lol
Katylady3209: WHAT ARE THE TWISTS GOING TO BE! lol i can maybe think of one or two... but FOUR
"Roddy": I was maybe thinking
"Roddy": Team switchup
"Roddy": 1 HoH not two
"Roddy": 2 Noms not three
Katylady3209: i think there will be no teams anymore
"Roddy": and HoH from one team picks from nominee of the others
"Roddy": I dunno, I could see there being no teams anymore as well
"Roddy": but I really have no clue
Katylady3209: it has to be something big because there are FOUR game changing things going to happen
"Roddy": ugh I wish I was Jason right now
"Roddy": knowing I would be immune no matter what happens
Katylady3209: yeah exactly, i had to opportunity i think to get that but I was so focused on saving you, lol
"Roddy": well thanks I cant tell you enough how much I appreciate that
Katylady3209: i know you would do the same for me, plus i need you more than an extra vote or advantage lol
"Roddy": lol true enough
"Roddy": This game is about to get very intense I think
"Roddy": and I think a few differnt people are vying for us
"Roddy": Renny talked to me last night, she said that she thinks we are the swing votes... so clearly people dont really know what to think of us
Katylady3209: yeah im just afraid pple will start to fear our bond and want to break us up
Katylady3209: OR they think we are two extra votes for them, and want us on their side
Katylady3209: but honestly i think me and you are in a good spot right now. as long as we dont make many enemenies we are good, but we need to take control when the time is right
Katylady3209: its too early to reveal our cards
"Roddy": yeah we need to play this right
"Roddy": I am getting along well with a lot of people now... and it kinda came from no where
"Roddy": like people that had no interest in talking to me before are now like frequently messaging me
Katylady3209: haha yeah no kidding but i have to go for a bit, i will see you tonight
"Roddy": alright, cya
Katylady3209: ttyl
JunJun": i think
"Jun": we should talk
Katylady3209: really? haha ok. i have a few minutes
"Jun": k so
"Jun": you are using your veto on roddy right
Katylady3209: Yeah im pretty sure
Katylady3209: what are you going to do?
"Jun": i promised to use the veto
Katylady3209: on who? Natalie?
"Jun": and on Rachel
"Jun": lol
Katylady3209: LOL. so what are you going to do now?
"Jun": thats the thing
"Jun": whoever i decide to save
"Jun": the other has to leave
"Jun": can we do that?
Katylady3209: Yeah Im good with that, lol. Im not that close with either of them really.
"Jun": but
"Jun": would you vote out
"Jun": Natalie
"Jun": if i saved Rachel
"Jun": voer eddie or James?
Katylady3209: would they vote out natalie?
"Jun": no it would be
"Jun": Natalie vs James or Eddie
Katylady3209: Yeah and im sure Natalie would leave over anybody. Alot of pple would want her out anyways.
"Jun": yea they wanted that in season 2
"Jun": however
Katylady3209: she sneaked by
Katylady3209: lol
"Jun": cause she kept alligning with Sheila
Katylady3209: well im sure sheila wont now since she is with jason
"Jun": which could easily happen again
"Jun": uhm
"Jun": Sheila told my convo with her to Natalie
Katylady3209: well that means she has to leave now before that can happen
"Jun": copied it
"Jun": so wanna say that again?
Katylady3209: lol you never know
Katylady3209: im not suprised about anything in this game
Katylady3209: there are deals left and right that pple are willing to break in a second
Katylady3209: its cut throat lol
EddieKatylady3209: hey!
"Eddie": How's it going?!
Katylady3209: pretty good. just doing a DR and casting my vote before i leave
Katylady3209: you?
"Eddie": I just watched Lost
"Eddie": and really not too much
"Eddie": I have today off from work
"Eddie": for no reason
"Eddie": it wasn't my choice
"Eddie": lol
"Eddie": you know what I noticed?
"Eddie": Crazy James keeps saying he doesn't care about this game
"Eddie": Sheila said that to me too
"Eddie": but he has posted more
"Eddie": than I have
"Eddie": on the board
"Eddie": normally when people don't care, they don't post too
"Eddie": he's doing a lot of DRs
Katylady3209: yeah thats his strategy. he wants to appear non threatening. sucky at challenges and appear that he doesnt care
Katylady3209: so pple will keep him
Katylady3209: he just want to be the person with the "big mouth" who pple want around cuz they know they will beat him.
Katylady3209: but he is very sneaky behind the scenes, if you ever read Season 3, all season he appeared just like that but when it came to his confessionals, he knew what he was doing
"Eddie": yeah
Katylady3209: so what do you think the four game changing things are going to be tonight?
"Eddie": my prediction
"Eddie": is that its going to go to two nominees
"Eddie": the winning HOH
"Eddie": will put up people from the losing team
"Eddie": rather than that person's own team
"Eddie": and idk
"Eddie": that was my prediction for how the game would be before it started
Katylady3209: yeah thats what i thought aswell. i can maybe think of one or two changes but not FOUR
"Eddie": yeah
"Eddie": I can't either
"Eddie": tonight is going to be good
"Eddie": I get the rush of maybe getting evicted but probably not
"Eddie": four twists
"Eddie": and a live HOH
Katylady3209: i know live challenges are always intense
Katylady3209: so whos votes do you know you have?
Katylady3209: I think you need five to stay?
"Eddie": I like live challenges because I hate the wait especially when I'm sure who won
Katylady3209: yeah lol
"Eddie": well supposedly
"Eddie": I got you, Roddy, Rachel, Jun, Will, Sarah, Nathan
"Eddie": oh and Crazy James
"Eddie": because Sheila said that
"Eddie": Crazy James votes however she wants
"Eddie": and she wants me to stay
"Eddie": so I'm supposed to have everyone but Renny basically
"Eddie": and Nathan is supposed to nullify Renny
"Eddie": so really it should be everyone to 0
"Eddie": if I get evicted now I will be blindsided beyond belief
Katylady3209: Yeah you for sure have the votes to stay. Why is Renny keeping Natalie though? Renny/Nathan are together.
"Eddie": well maybe Renny is keeping me
"Eddie": but Renny is really really close to Nat too
"Eddie": maybe not more than Nathan
"Eddie": but since Nathan gets to nullify
"Eddie": they probably even talked about it
"Eddie": and that way Renny can come out clean
Katylady3209: yeah true. I am SO curious to what the twists will be. This could be in our favor, because at this rate, Jason/Sheila have been controlling alot by the way this has been set up so far.
"Eddie": yeah but it could be worse
"Eddie": lol