HELL'S ANGELS ALLIANCE (Dave, Eddie, Roddy and Myself)
Group Chat"Dave": hey hey ppl
"Dave": ok, i am just gonna be straight up
"Dave": lydia and roddy
Katylady3209: Me and three sexy boys? Have a been a good girl?
"Dave": we assume you guys are close
"Dave": and eddie and i are pretty close as well
Katylady3209: Roddy is ok
"Dave": and we wondered if you guys would be up for a 4 person alliance, bc we like you guys, lol
"Dave": and we think that we are all pretty good players
"Eddie": If you say no, I'll cry
"Dave": lol
"Roddy": one sec
"Dave": the dead silence cant be good
"Dave": haha
"Roddy": no it is a good thing because it means it is being taken seriously
Katylady3209: I am asking the magic eight ball
Katylady3209: we are talking this VERY serious
"Dave": haha, oh roddy
"Roddy": yeaa
Katylady3209: Well...
"Roddy": it is a go
"Roddy": !!!!
"Eddie": YAY!!!!
Katylady3209: me and Roddy made an agreement
"Dave": haha, i love quick and easy
Katylady3209: and we say.....
"Dave": *offers hand for shake*
Katylady3209: HELL TO THE YES
"Roddy": *shakes hand, and turns it into a broski hug*
"Dave": haha
Katylady3209: You all have my word that I have your backs *shakes hands*
"Dave": eddie, you dont have to cry now
Katylady3209: But you can if you want, just let it out.
"Eddie": crying tears of joy
Katylady3209: these season 2ers are taking control of the game, lol.
"Roddy": I know right?
"Dave": i just feel like everyone has so many connections and i like that our 4some has 2 sets of 2
Katylady3209: I dont think that anybody would suspect US FOUR
"Dave": and if we just dont make stupid moves, we can hopefully stay under the radar and take out the other power players
Katylady3209: they know that me and roddy are together.. and stuff
"Roddy": yeah for sure they know that
"Eddie": they probably don't suspect Dave and I
"Eddie": not yet at least
Katylady3209: Probably not. and then they wont connect you two with roddy and i
"Eddie": yep
"Dave": i dobut it
"Dave": i mean, we were "friends" in season one
"Dave": no real alliance or bad blood
"Eddie": Dave is the only remaining person I trust from the s1 crew
"Dave": yeah, same for eddie
"Eddie": the rest of s1 are a bunch of shady people
"Dave": agreed
"Roddy": I havent even met Chelsea yet
"Roddy": at all
"Eddie": she'll be nice to you
"Dave": haha, have fun with her
"Eddie": until she needs to have something
Katylady3209: LOL, oh chelsia.
"Eddie": then she'll try to kill you
Katylady3209: ROFL
"Roddy": lmao
"Dave": and spit venom on your bleeding wounds
"Roddy": I fully expect it
"Eddie": she's been pretty quiet
"Eddie": but already got into a huge fight with Seb
"Dave": haha and i missed it?
"Eddie": it was as soon as we won HOH
Katylady3209: What?!
"Dave": nice
"Roddy": lol yeah that was hilarious
"Eddie": Natalie gave Will the answer
"Eddie": and Sheila bitched at Natalie for it
"Eddie": then Chelsia took over and bitched at Natalie some more
"Dave": i missed that dumb challenge and all the fun i guess
Katylady3209: Was it a funny fight?
"Eddie": yes it was for me
"Roddy": Natalie tried to call Sheila a hypocrite
"Roddy": she clearly does not know what the word hypocrite means lol
"Eddie": yeah and then Chelsia jumped in to ride the dead horse
Katylady3209: LMAO
"Dave": typical chelsia
"Eddie": I think Chelsia's job is to take tension and explode it into more tension
"Dave": she is the fuel that keeps fires going
Katylady3209: Chelsia always loves a good fight, even when it doesnt evolve around her, she tries to make it evolve around her, lol
"Eddie": yeah
"Eddie": Rachel doesn't do that though
"Eddie": she's like Chelsia phase 1 but all the time
"Dave": rachel just plays a very good behind your back game
"Dave": as i witnessed
"Eddie": and will just lie to you to points even the most intense liar would not go to
"Eddie": like even when something is blatent and undeniable
"Eddie": she will still deny it
"Dave": anyways
"Dave": roddy and eddie, you guys need to stay safe this round
"Dave": lyd and i did our job week one, haha
"Roddy": lol, definitely aware of that
Katylady3209: We will try to win veto on this side
"Dave": we should work on it together
Katylady3209: David did it last week
"Eddie": I will one day win something
Katylady3209: LOL awwww
"Eddie": haha
"Roddy": lol, if James won something
"Dave": i mean, ideally eddie wins and takes off roddy to keep you both safe
"Dave": but then that would reveal the alliance
"Dave": who knows who sarah will nom tho
"Roddy": yeah it could be alright if Lyd gets it and uses it
Katylady3209: True, but thats better than Roddy getting voted out, haha.
"Dave": yes
"Dave": very true
Katylady3209: Yeah pple wouldnt be suprised if i saved Roddy
"Dave": good point
"Roddy": and also
Katylady3209: they would expect it
"Roddy": the saints will not be trying as hard
"Roddy": in this challenge
"Dave": good point
"Dave": so lyd can try hard and win it to take off roddy
"Eddie": I mean best case scenerio is if Sarah's nomination
"Eddie": is not Big She
"Eddie": that a sinner takes off her nomination
"Eddie": and hopefully she puts up Sheila
"Dave": and sarah backdoors her
"Eddie": and then a Saint erases Roddy
"Eddie": from the block
"Dave": yeah
Katylady3209: do you guys know who sarah will nominate?
Katylady3209: or have a guess?
"Roddy": no I have no clue
"Dave": eddie you just need to make sure you dont get replacement nommed either
"Dave": no, me either
"Eddie": Crazy James claims I'm one of the few people who tried talking to him
"Eddie": so I think I get social points or something
"Dave": maybe she would put up chelsia?
"Eddie": but maybe that's not enough
"Roddy": well do not mention that you know me
"Roddy": lol
"Eddie": lol yeah
"Eddie": Sarah could put up Jun
"Eddie": or Chelsia
"Eddie": maybe Natalie
"Dave": if you talk to james
"Dave": talk to him about music
"Dave": he just gave me a whole list of stuff to listen to
"Dave": he's so random
Katylady3209: Talk to him about shoving his pink mohawk up his ass. he likes that.
"Dave": hahahahaha
Katylady3209: sorry, im a little angry at the moment
"Roddy": yeah honestly he is the type of player I dispise
"Dave": it's ok
"Roddy": a lapdog
Katylady3209: because his nomination speech not only dissed roddy, but it was aimed at me too
"Dave": what do you mean by that roddy?
"Roddy": he is very insincere
"Roddy": and will do his best to follow the power each week
"Dave": gotcha
"Dave": so a floater, basically
"Roddy": but he barely ever wins anything though
"Roddy": this is like a total fluke
"Eddie": OMG JASON 2.0
"Dave": haha
"Roddy": lol
"Dave": i think jason has more of a strategy tho
"Roddy": James one time
"Roddy": got 3/20 questions correct on an HoH he was trying really hard for
"Dave": haha
"Roddy": Lyd got like 16 and won, I got like 15
"Roddy": other than James, everyone got above like 10
"Dave": he told me his -8 on the last challenge was bc he was drunk
Katylady3209: he was probably high too. but thats him at his best.
Katylady3209: -8? seriously, he is trying to act dumb so people dont think he is a threat. he is smarter than some thing
"Eddie": he threw it
"Dave": why wouldnt he
"Eddie": he sent in random words that weren't on the picture
"Dave": none of the sinners needed it
"Dave": lol
"Dave": and if he plays a game for himself
"Dave": no need for veto
"Eddie": Sheila is a HUGE Crazy James fan for some reason
"Eddie": as I've been told a lot and as I could see on the forum
"Dave": gah, that's annoying
"Eddie": on warzone 3
"Eddie": that's why I know Crazy James wouldn't backdoor Sheila like 90% of players would given a chance
Katylady3209: Crazy James's plan is just to be like Chima with Jeff.... playing as her puppet lap dog.
"Eddie": well he's safe this week at least
"Eddie": I somehow can't imagine him winning HOH again though
"Dave": yeah
Katylady3209: yeah this one was a fluke.
Katylady3209: when yours and james flag was left, i was trying so hard to get james
"Dave": i dunno about you lyd, but i was like freaking out in our chat for the challenge planning
Katylady3209: but somebody got to yours first
Katylady3209: Same here
"Dave": sorry eddie, that was me
Katylady3209: hahaha
"Dave": but i didnt know james was such a crazy!
Katylady3209: I eliminated Roddy
"Dave": lol lyd, i figured that was just for show
Katylady3209: his name is CRAZY james
"Dave": but that's funny
"Dave": bc i took out eddie
"Dave": and lyd took out roddy
Katylady3209: LMAO
Katylady3209: opps
"Dave": and now we are all together
"Eddie": haha
"Roddy": lol sorry I am not so responsive
"Roddy": James and I are getting into it again
"Dave": yeah
"Eddie": I think if I won I would have put up Sheila and Jun
"Dave": he just copied me your convo roddy
"Eddie": maybe it's a good thing I didn't win
"Dave": he must htink i like him
"Eddie": LOL
"Dave": King Jamesth: how would YOU respond when someone says you are fake as fuck?
PennerFan44: id go IM NOT
PennerFan44: cuz look
PennerFan44: i say whats im my MIND bitch
King Jamesth: Im sure tahts what would happen
PennerFan44: right now i think ur being a PRICK
PennerFan44: like that kind of stuff
"Dave": lol
"Dave": well, eddie and i can stay on his good side for now
"Dave": since he already hates you 2 it seems
Katylady3209: He is just a jealous little bitch
"Eddie": we bonded over banging imaginary chicks
"Eddie": it was a good day
"Dave": hahahaha
"Dave": classic
Katylady3209: I really want to go at him right now
"Dave": lyd has a little tiger in her
"Dave": haha
"Eddie": was any of this a surprise?
"Eddie": or was it like "yeah he won, Roddy is up"
Katylady3209: I automatically knew kinda, because if i was a sinner, i would be up with roddy too.
Katylady3209: James is such a bitter person
Katylady3209: but its his own grave, whatever.
"Eddie": "I'm going to be this season's Jeff!! Don't fuck with me "
"Eddie": that's his signiture
"Roddy": lolol its so funny he is such a douche
"Dave": and hes still giving me a play by play, haha
"Dave": haha
Convo with RoddyKatylady3209 : hey Roddy
"Roddy": hey Lyd
"Roddy": so it might has well be official that I am gonna see the block this week
Katylady3209: Did james say that you are going up?
"Roddy" : yeah
Katylady3209: did he say why?
"Roddy": lol because I nominated him in our season and then I voted him out
"Roddy" : Im like
"Roddy": your STILL bitter about last season?
Katylady3209 : WTF, get over it dude.
Katylady3209: ITS a NEW season
Katylady3209: get over your grudges
Katylady3209 : God, I want to freak out on him.
Katylady3209: He wins HoH by DEFAULT
Katylady3209 : I was trying so hard to get his flag before they got eddies
Katylady3209: who is he putting up beside you?
"Roddy": ummm, well I have been telling people I do not know the answer to this
"Roddy": but I think it is Rachel
"Roddy": which REALLY sucks
Katylady3209: I dont care, I want to win veto and shoove it in his face, and save you.
Katylady3209: i know alot of people who would save you
Katylady3209: so what did you say when he said that?
"Roddy": lol there was a long talk
"Roddy": and it was not the nicest
Katylady3209: If he talks to me, im going to freak, so he better keep his distance.
Katylady3209: I hope one of you is saved and he has to nomiante ANOTHER person
Katylady3209: hehe
"Roddy" : yeah, well Sarah has to nominate someone too
Katylady3209 : i wonder who she is going to nominate?
Katylady3209: My guess someone from season 1
Katylady3209: Season 2 is dominating
"Roddy": yeah I think so too
"Roddy": ugh I am so pissed
"Roddy": this is so goddamn rediculous
Katylady3209 : I know. he KNEW he would win as a fluke. thats the only way he can win, GRRRRRRRRRR
Katylady3209: his nomination speech is going to be sooo cocky
Katylady3209 : you need to say something to put him in his place if he is a smart ass
Katylady3209: about it
Katylady3209 : say something about being bitter, and he won by a fluke, HEHE
"Roddy": lol I definitely will say something
"Roddy": I dont know what though
Katylady3209: dont worry, he will say something retarted that it will be easy to say something
Katylady3209: i will probably join in
Katylady3209: You are not going anywhere though, I wont let it.
"Roddy: yeah I think I would have a decent shot at staying
Katylady3209: noms are up
Katylady3209: im pissed, you didnt derserve that. -_-
"Roddy": yeah I am pissed as well
"Roddy" : I dont know what I am going to write yet
Katylady3209: just let it all out, seriously, this is all stars, no holding back. he declared war, he has to feel the circumstances of that
"Roddy": I posted something kinda brief
"Roddy": but it summarized what I thought
Katylady3209: love your post, it was classy. you spoke the truth and didnt have to get direspectful
Katylady3209 : LOVE IT
"Roddy": thanks <3
"Roddy": I was gonna get into it more with him
"Roddy": but I figured that explained it well enough
"Roddy": the unanimous decision part
Katylady3209: sometimes lesser words say the most
"Roddy": yeah thats what I was going for
"Roddy": I also felt it was stupid to be like: you still care about that?
"Roddy": because this is allstars
Katylady3209: its a new game man, you cant bass your game off vendettas
Katylady3209: whatever, its his grave
Convo with Dave"Dave": i have some to fill you in on
Katylady3209: ok
"Dave": ok, rachel approached me with the idea of backdooring sheila
"Dave": there are a lot of what ifs
"Dave": but heres the "plan"
Katylady3209: haha alright
"Dave": assume sarah DOESNT nom she
"Dave": lets say she puts up jun
"Dave": just for the heck of it
"Dave" : we need eddie, rachel, chelsia, or jun (or roddy if he is willing) to win
"Dave": and then take off Jun
"Dave": sarah then replaces with Big She
"Dave": then, you or I or will
"Dave": or anyone on board
"Dave": takes down rachel or roddy
"Dave": and then we vote out big she
"Dave": a lot of what ifs
"Dave": but that's the plan that ppl are throwing around
"Dave": bc i guess here are the ppl that want sheila out: you, me, roddy, eddie, rachel, chelsia, will, jun
"Dave": and sarah would have to be on board
"Dave": bc she would hve to be the one to nom big she
Katylady3209: Well something gotta happen, because if we dont take out big she now, she will go far, this might be our only opportunity
"Dave" : which means she would prob want her out
"Dave" : yeah
"Dave" : so, we'll see what happens
"Dave" : sarah is key
"Dave" : and the right ppl winning veto is key
Katylady3209 : Yeah cuz Crazy James wont nominate big she
"Dave": otherwise, i think the votes are def there
"Dave": right
Katylady3209: he is hiding behind her
"Dave": exactly
Katylady3209: thats kinda why i didnt freak out on james on the board
"Dave": gotcha
Katylady3209: because i dont want big she after me because of that
"Dave": yeah
Katylady3209: thats the only reason, he was lucky lol
"Dave": i dont blame oyu
"Dave": so yeah, you and i gotta keep veto with me, you, or will
"Dave": and then the sinners just need to keep it from sheila and james
"Dave": not sure where natalie, renny, jason stand on this
Katylady3209 : Well if history repeats itselft it probably those hyptgrams or whatever with the symbols. and those are a bitch
Katylady3209 (1:13:20 PM): jason and big she are close... but idk what he would do.
"Dave": yeah
"Dave" : btw
"Dave": it was rachel who came to me
"Dave": will and eddie have yet to tell me
"Dave": so if they come to you
"Dave": pretend like you dont know
"Dave" : just let them tell you the plan
Katylady3209: haha alright, i guess i have to play dumb alot and pretend like this is the first time i am hearing anything haha
"Dave": yeah
Katylady3209: Rachel, Roddy and Eddie CANT leave this week, even if we dont get big she out... we need them in this game.
"Dave": agreed
"Dave": i dont thik eddie will
"Dave": i think we have to worry more about roddy and rachel leaving
Katylady3209 : so if one of them comes down... eddie wont be the replacement?
"Dave" : he doesnt think so
Katylady3209: thats good
"Dave": but who knows
"Dave": eddie might be sarah's nom
"Dave": for all we know
"Dave": ugh... i wanna know who she is nomming
Katylady3209: i know, they are due soon so we shall find out.
Katylady3209: i keep forgetting there needs to be a third nominee
"Dave": yeah
Katylady3209: after all that drama
Katylady3209: there is more to come
"Dave": yup
"Dave": my prediction is jun or chelsia
Katylady3209 : even though its good that we have natalie.. it just bugs me how people are not targeting her. And she trys to control everything
"Dave": trust me
"Dave" : i dont trust nat all that much
"Dave" : for now, i feel safe
"Dave" : but when we are no longer useful
"Dave" : she will drop us
Katylady3209: who is she after now? do you know?
"Dave": um, well i think jason
"Dave": but i dunno
"Dave" : which is good
Katylady3209: well is she good with big she?
"Dave": i really dont know
Katylady3209: because big she and jason are good friends
"Dave" : that whole group confuses me
Katylady3209: that doesnt make sense
Katylady3209: SAME HERE
"Dave": they love/hate each other
Katylady3209: i honestly think they are all confused about everything
"Dave": yeah
"Dave": their lines change daily
Katylady3209 : they dont know which direction they are going
"Dave": who they love/hate
Katylady3209: haha yeah
Katylady3209 : it would be funny if they are all alligned, LOL
"Dave" : they might be
"Dave" : but see
"Dave" : jess was with sheila
"Dave" : and nat was against jess
"Dave" : like hardcore
"Dave" : and will listened to nat
"Dave" : but will wants sheila out
"Dave" : nat is the fucking center of all this, lol
Katylady3209: SEE! she is like the instigated in all of this, lol
"Dave" : yeah
"Dave" : i hope sarah noms her
"Dave" : bc i would love to see sheila/nat go
"Dave" : sheila more than nat
"Dave" : but if its nat, at least things are more understandable as far as where the lines are drawn
Katylady3209: yeah if we cant get out sheila, nat needs to go. They seem to be the center of alot of stuff going around
Katylady3209: it seems to focus on those two
Katylady3209: if we eliminate the center, the sides will break off
"Dave" : yeah
"Dave" : and then we know what we need to do
"Dave" : and we do it
"Dave" : so much easier, haha
"Dave" : actually, if we take out sheila/nat
"Dave" : i feel like, in a way
"Dave" : you and i become the center, hehe
Katylady3209: LMAO, i agree. besides them, we have the most connections i feel
"Dave" : yup, we got roddy, eddie, rachel, kinda chelsia, will
"Dave" : maybe that's it, haha
Katylady3209: Sarah likes us, and I am kinda with Nathan (sorta)
"Dave" : cool thats good