Feb 8, 2010 15:10:36 GMT -5
Post by David Lane on Feb 8, 2010 15:10:36 GMT -5
adam adria alex alison allison amanda amber amy angie april ashlea autumn beau braden brandon brian brittany bunky carol casey cassandra chelsia chiara chima curtis dan dana daniele danielle david diane dick drew dustin eddie eric erika george gerry hardy holly howie ivette jack jacob jameka james jamie janelle jase jason jee jeff jen jennifer jerry jessica jessie joe jordan josh joshuah jun justin kail karen kaysar keesha kent kevin krista laura libra lisa lori lydia maggie marcellas marvin matthew memphis michael michele michelle mike monica nakomis natalie nathan neil nick nicole ollie parker rachel renny robert roddy ronnie russell ryan sarah scott shannon sharon sheila sheryl steven tonya will william zach
Feb 8, 2010 15:11:15 GMT -5
Post by David Lane on Feb 8, 2010 15:11:15 GMT -5
zach william will tonya steven sheryl sheila sharon shannon scott sarah ryan russell ronnie roddy robert renny rachel parker ollie nicole nick neil nathan natalie nakomis monica mike michelle michele michael memphis matthew marvin marcellas maggie lydia lori lisa libra laura krista kevin kent keesha kaysar karen kail justin jun joshuah josh jordan joe jessie jessica jerry jennifer jen jeff jee jason jase janelle jamie james jameka jacob jack ivette howie holly hardy gerry george erika eric eddie dustin drew dick diane david danielle daniele dana dan curtis chima chiara chelsia cassandra casey carol bunky brittany brian brandon braden beau autumn ashlea april angie amy amber amanda allison alison alex adria adam
Feb 8, 2010 15:13:46 GMT -5
Post by David Lane on Feb 8, 2010 15:13:46 GMT -5
Dave (start with A) & Jason (start with Z) are going after Natalie & Sheila
Lydia (start with A) & Nathan (start with Z) are going after Jun & Roddy
Sarah (start with A) & Will (start with Z) are going after Eddie & Chelsia
The first pair done with then go after James & Rachel [/color][/center] (I forgot who the other pairs rolled for their targets, so someone should remind me so I can edit it in here. )
Feb 8, 2010 16:09:58 GMT -5
Post by Jason Guy on Feb 8, 2010 16:09:58 GMT -5
Ahh Dave you're awesome, this will make it so much easier.
Lydia and Nathan are Jun and Roddy, which makes Sarah and Will going after Eddie and Chelsia.
Feb 8, 2010 16:31:19 GMT -5
Post by Sarah Hrejsa on Feb 8, 2010 16:31:19 GMT -5
Thanks Dave! It doesn't even look that hard now, lol.
Feb 8, 2010 18:03:43 GMT -5
Post by Lydia Tavera on Feb 8, 2010 18:03:43 GMT -5
This list is awesome. Good work Dave! And also remember guys if you are starting with the top or the bottoms list... Like I am going to start with A and work my way down, and Nathan will start with Z, and work his way up the list. Saints FTW. Jesus is on our side, no matter what Natalie says See you all tonight
Feb 8, 2010 18:20:07 GMT -5
Post by Jason Guy on Feb 8, 2010 18:20:07 GMT -5
Feb 8, 2010 20:35:37 GMT -5
Post by Renny Martyn on Feb 8, 2010 20:35:37 GMT -5
Hey y'all I'll actually be around I believe, I can help for a little while since I am staying in tonight to work on a paper instead of go to the bar. -_-
So I shall work on James & Rachel starting with A. =)
Feb 8, 2010 20:41:50 GMT -5
Post by Sarah Hrejsa on Feb 8, 2010 20:41:50 GMT -5
YAY Renny! We can do this!!
Feb 8, 2010 21:28:55 GMT -5
Post by Nathan Marlow on Feb 8, 2010 21:28:55 GMT -5
I looked over the list and unfortunately the CBS site isn't up... so just everyone be careful with a few ambiguous ones:
Matt/Matty/Matthew? Says Matt on wiki David/Dave? I think David is correct, but Dave is common
So yeah, just keep that in mind if you have any troubles!